Thread: Kite up?
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Old 05-21-2007, 09:56 AM
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Erick Erick is offline
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Default Kite up?

I would like to have a collective opinion on this subject, I have my own. However, very occasionally for me, is still a dilemma. If you’d been riding for a while, I’m sure you’ve been asked by an unknown rider to assist him/her launching a kite. All of us agree to do it at least the first time. However, from my experience since I’ve been a kiteboarder, amazingly over a year now, I’ve noticed that sometimes when assisting another rider, the kite is not at the edge of the wind window or the rider is not positioned at the correct angle for a successful launch. I know that I’m there just to assist that specific rider launch the kite, so usually, I follow his instructions since is his life and equipment at stake so when the rider gives me the thumbs up I just take my hands out and the kite and most of the times go up. When I assist launching riders that I know or I’ve seen riding then I feel more comfortable with the whole launching process but when is a rider that I don’t know ask me to, then that’s when the dilemma sometimes arises. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I'm not willing to assist unknown riders!!!

So the question is, what do you do when an unknown rider ask you and he is not positioned correctly?

Do you provide some instructions to the rider?? but what if something goes wrong? or do you just follow his/her instructions??

Sorry, I just realized that I should have posted this on the "What's going on?" section

Last edited by Erick; 05-21-2007 at 03:24 PM.
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