Thread: Great video
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Old 04-25-2007, 12:12 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

The biggest difference is that I just go up and come back down.
Billy and Jayson do about 52 tricks while up there.

I am still happy just to go high and land, maybe throw a trick every once in a while. That's good enough for me.

I remember when I started (windsurfing background), my goal was to to a double backroll, double front, some transitions etc. I thought it would take forever, and remember thinking "when I can do that, I will be happy".

Well, all those things were accomplised pretty quickly and I am still pretty happy. Billy and Jay are always getting better, pretty great to see.

I too would rather watch those two all day long than most PKRA stuff.
But, I bet those riders would be more entertaining if the PKRA had different "rules" on how to get high scores during an event.
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