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Old 04-18-2007, 02:27 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

To each his own, but I would never ask a non-kiter to land my kite in 30 knots. We couldn't talk (hear) one another from 20 feet away that day at TI. No way to communicate with the guy if the process went just a tad wrong.
Also, they can't understand what not to do, by being given some brief instruction on what to do.
Might sound odd, but trust me on that. I've seen people do what they were told, and then "improvise".

Some of the worst kitemares I have witnessed have been associated with inexperienced people "landing" (more like hot launching) a kiter in high winds. Even Billy almost got whacked that way once. That was the most mad I have ever seen Billy was on that bad landing (turned into a hot-launch) in about 40.
(Probably because for one brief moment, he was at another's mercy, not in completely in control himself)
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