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Old 04-07-2007, 02:19 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

Well, anything is possible. I never meant to imply that we have free reign over the beach or that they can't kick us out, obviously the City can.
I just hope the day never comes that I need a boat to kite. My days riding will be cut by about 75 days a year (weekdays... toast) due to time constraints. It takes me 5 minutes to get to the 'tow and a lot longer to trailer a boat, rig, get to a spot... you get the picture.
I had an awesome boat for kiting for three years (22 foot Dauntless Whaler). I could easily fit five kiters and all their gear on it.
But, given time issues, it really wasn't an option on weekdays.
I agree with a lot of what you said Eric.
I also understand that it was just an opening line to a positive post. And it was a great post.
But it would be sad to actually be limited to truly needing a boat to kite. I see both sides of it, and the reality is (for me) that pulling up to the beach and "just ripping it" is the ultimate since of freedom for me, and I would hate to lose it. I did it both ways (in boat, arrive at beach) and the beach deal was what I liked best.

You know, when it is really blowing, the boat ride (in chop) is a bitch.

Last edited by Skyway Scott; 04-07-2007 at 03:05 PM.
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