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Old 03-06-2007, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by toby wilson View Post
Name one 7 Meter (BEST retails at $494 kite only) kite that retails at $1,482 (3x Waroo Retail) or $2,470 (5x Waroo Retail) for that matter...kite only no doubt!!!
I don't recall saying anything about full retail (from Best's website no less). None of my Best kites cost me more than $450. A kite that retails at $1,500?? EASY! Just visit your local shop. It's a 7M and it is over $1500.00. The 12M is 1800.00. 5 x $350 (used waroo) is $1750.00. So there, 3 to 5 times as much as a waroo depending on condition and price.

Good luck finding one in new condition for $450.

Originally Posted by toby wilson View Post
Okay, okay, so let's talk used. $300 at Real used.
No. I got both mine for around $400-$450, BRAND NEW. You are right they don't come with a bar. Why in the world would you want to buy a bar for each kite? I don't need 3 bars.

The reason I mentioned the waroo is because you can find them ALL DAY LONG under $450 in new or like new condition, sometimes from Best themselves.

My 12M was $449 (brand new) and my 16M was $400 (directly from best, new but listed as used because someone opened it).

Just because you buy and sell at a loss doesn't mean the rest of the world has to!

Last edited by invisible; 03-06-2007 at 02:15 PM.
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