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Old 02-12-2007, 08:41 AM
PHENN PHENN is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nassau, Bahamas
Posts: 34
Default It's just a game!

Wow... been a while since I checked in... this has the feel of the whole "leave-a-note-on-the-dash-for-downwinders" drama. Did all of this really start because someone said a bad word?

On the other hand it also carries the intrigue you get from surftowns... a few healthy rivalries always adds to a legend doesn't it? Either way though... I hope we don't start acting like Nassau is Venice Beach Ca. From outside looking in, AJ and Shu are both great guys to have on the beach for tips and laughs... It's KITING isn't it? We don't have to live in the same house.. we just have to enjoy the same sport.

And good call on Pedro... i think the US Navy Seals are going to look at kiting as a reconnaisance tool once they see how much gear Pete's able to carry on him...
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