Thread: sunday
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Old 01-28-2007, 05:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Rode Backside today, it was up and down there all day but much better across the channel. Rode my 12m and jumped so big at one point that I was afraid it would get dark before I landed. Foxy Jr. showed up wearing his new kite girlie-pants. On another note--and I am dead serious--someone went to take a piss in the mangroves and found a stack of gay sex magazines and what appeared to be an unopened Moutain Dew. No one had the ballz to Do the Dew.

Props to Hauss for letting me chow down on all his junk food during a break. Props to Josh for the best wipeout of the day. Props to myself for treating everyone to some death metal at ear-deafening levels.

Note: newbies were getting worked all over Backside today and some others were tempting fate. If you are old school and ever ride there, be careful because the launch itself is mad sketcky with all the kookery going on.
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