Thread: Thursday?
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Old 12-21-2006, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
I just got back. It was blowing 4. It says 17.

last summer just before alberto came through I was planning a trip to OBX. Had hotel lined up.. everything..

i called one of the kite shops to talk about the wind meters on ikitesurf and get a feeling for how accurate they are. I just asked him "Are the wind meters that are on ikite pretty close to actual wind speeds" and the guy was confused on why I would be asking such a dumb question..

I had to give him the 20 second explanation that I live in a town where the wind meters suck donkey ass.

After that, he understood why I would ask and told me that they were pretty much dead on.

ahhh.. to live in such a place.

magical it would be.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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