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Old 12-13-2006, 07:29 PM
Posts: n/a

LOL. Well, anything is possible, but kites have continued to get stiffer and thinner... more and more aerodynamic and faster.... following this track kites can only get thinner and flatter (a close to an airplane wing as possible).

If you follow sailboat racing you will see thet the fastest cutting edge sail is actually a solid structure... a vertical airplane wing made of carbon fiber.

My guess is that kites will become stiffer and thinner, and become high pressure inflatables or solid ultra-light composite structures quickly assembled from 3 pieces (center and tips).

Sucks though because I hate change. I avoided flat kites until I just couldn't stand it any longer. Now I wish I'd switched a long time ago.

Seriously though it doesnt matter in the end. Billy or Jayson could ride a C kite from 2002 better and in more wind than I could ever ride my waroo.
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