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E-Bone 10-23-2006 06:11 AM

Monday, 10.23.06
Big R just called me and woke my ass up. Apparently, the wind line just came through and it's going off. It appears that low tide today is around 8:30 a.m., so Big R is heading to South Skyway. He's sending a call out to anyone whose interested to go out to South Skyway and join him.

A word of warning to anyone who charges South Skyway for the first time: there is a LOT of sharp stuff out there. Booties are mandatory unless you want your feet sliced and diced. Park at the rest stop and set up in the mud a ways out. If the tide is high, there is a little island out there you have to hike to for rigging.

inferno 10-23-2006 06:34 AM

i was on my way out there but changed my mind when i saw all the dark clouds, looks like it could pour at any moment,
ill be leaving work early around 4 to either SW NB or IRB depending on the direction

Optionryder420 10-23-2006 09:12 AM

I'll be at IRB most of the day.

skempthepimp 10-23-2006 09:56 AM

It looks to be sideshore at Sand Key and Bellair for most of the day. Sounds nice for a short downwinder with some nice wave action. Also there has been a lot of beach renourishment in the area so there's a lot of room to launch and land over there(the kite that is).

toby wilson 10-23-2006 11:05 AM

NP for me...

Jake 10-23-2006 06:20 PM

20kts with gusts to 26kts Northern Pinellas at 5pm. Too much for my smallest kite (15.5m). Can't wait to get my 12m Waroo!!

E-Bone 10-23-2006 06:42 PM

Backside was good, but some riders, including the Bone, took some lacerations. Backside was feasting on our flesh.

inferno 10-23-2006 06:51 PM

IRB was solid 25knots, litt outta the mind on the 14m waroo, biggest jumps ever, and five foot faces barreling in just asking me to tear them up, best wave carving ive ever done...

bryanleighty 10-24-2006 06:50 AM

HUGE thanks to Danny for calling me to give me the scoop on IRB.. never been there before.. wasnt with all my gear and he hooked me up with a board to ride.

everyone was going off and having a blast..

for a while there it was the Waroo Crew w/ myself, Danny and Bayflight tearing it up. Swells were much larger than anything i had been dealt previously.. coming off a lip and realizing i am 8 feet up without doing anything was a good shock to the system a few times.. :)

and I was thinking we were all that and a bag of chips until the Flexi Crew came riding through. Billy and friends bust through the beach on a downwinder and proceeded to school us on how to get 30+ feet off a lip w/ style.


i was on my 12waroo and by the time 630 rolled around I was completely overpowered and had to set down..

Again.. thanks Danny!!

Unimog Bob 10-24-2006 06:53 AM

Jeez Danny if you are riding your 14M in 25kts solid when are you going to pump up your 9M roo? That was supposed top be the magic size for the 06 waroos.

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