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ricki 02-06-2008 09:01 AM

AJ in National Geographic!

True story, AJ and Cross Shore are in the latest issue of National Geographic Adventure. Thanks for the heads up on this JP!

More at:

Way to go AJ!

mocean 02-06-2008 06:25 PM

mad skills
thanks man.I picked up my pimping skills form a master pimp.haha
I love that place Spanish wells and Eluthera, feels like your in the real Bahamas.(and it's a wicked adventure.)
your welcome to come for the next kite camp in November rick.
the price for the November trip has gone up to $2500.00 if you book before june 1st you will get 15% off.
6 nights 7 days all inclusive.
the pro rider for this years camp has not been sorted out yet.
so I'm also looking for a pro with a ego friendly attitude to come and teach the advanced riders.
so it is all levels from beginner to advanced riders space is limited to 6 students/ riders per 7 days .
anyways November is far away but worth thinking about now.
I hope all is good for you guys in FL and your having a great season.

Aj Watson

ricki 02-08-2008 08:49 AM

Hey AJ,

Sounds like a great trip! Thank you for the invite, it would be a blast. Really love hanging out in the Out Islands. Have a great winter season in the meantime.

mocean 02-20-2008 10:25 AM

arial shot of Spansh wells
the house I rent is right behind the sand bar on the right side faceing the water.
sorry about the music..

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