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ricki 05-21-2010 05:50 PM

Matheson Meeting Announcement & Rules
This just in from Kent of ASM:

"Matheson Kiteboard Meeting
Wednesday, May 26th at 6:00 P.M.
Matheson Hammock Park – First Pavilion (next to lake and before park toll both)

Hello Kitersurfers,

Please take a look at the proposed new guidelines for kiteboarding at Matheson Hammock Park. Your input is greatly appreciated so feel free to send comments and suggestions to:

Together with Miami-Dade County's Service Area Manager for Black Point, Homestead, and Matheson Hammock, Jeff West, and in the Matheson Hammock Manager, Deallo Johnson, ASM will be hosting a Matheson Hammock kiteboarding riders meeting at the Park on Wednesday, May 26th at 6 P.M. The meeting will be located at the first pavilion on the right after entering the park. We will be discussing the timeline for transition, proposed rules and enforcement, certification process, the “ticket to ride” program, and will be available to answer any questions pertaining to recreational riding at Matheson and rider’s future needs “wish list”.

Local shops, industry members, and instructors are encouraged to attend, however for discussions pertaining to future commercial watersports activities at Matheson, please schedule an appointment with Adventure Sports Miami by emailing Instructors wishing to teach in the park are also invited to apply.

Let’s please put our best foot forward to thank the Mr. West for his support of kiteboarding, and introduce ourselves to Mr. Deallo Johnson. A large showing of local riders would be an excellent way to thank the Miami-Dade County Parks. With out their vision and support, access at this scenic venue would surely be in jeopardy. See you there."


"Matheson Kiteboarding Rules - May 21, 2010


1. Beginning Kitesurfers must obtain adequate instruction by professionally accredited kite instructors; and
2. All individuals intending to launch and/or land a kite at Matheson Hammock Park must obtain appropriate certification, provide acceptable proof of same and display corresponding streamer. Streamers are issued at the Matheson Watersports concession.
3. No kiteboarding instruction is allowed except those authorized by and designated to do so by the Matheson Hammock Concession without exception.

Certification / Streamer guidelines:

1. Orange Streamer: Signifies beginner taking lessons who must be accompanied by authorized and certified kite surfing instructor. Also riders that are post lesson, i.e. practicing body dragging / kite skills after receiving certified instruction. All orange streamers are only allowed in the official instructional area identified on the Matheson Riding Map. All riders shall extend right of way to kites displaying orange streamers.
2. Blue Streamer: Signifies experienced Local rider with Level 3 IKO or PASA certification.
3. Green Streamer: Signifies experienced Visiting Rider with Level 3 IKO or PASA certification.

4. Kite responsibly and at your own risk. You are solely responsible for the welfare and safety of others who may be impacted by your kiting. NEVER ride with inappropriate gear or beyond your abilities, launch in storms or excessively gusty conditions. Be aware of changing conditions, land early before hazardous weather arrives and remember “distance is your friend”.
5. It is the responsibility of all Matheson riders to inform others of the riding rules at Matheson and help to encourage all kiters to obey them.

Launching and Landing:

6. Launching or landing is only permitted in “launch and land zone” as identified on Matheson Riding Map.
1. Launching: When launching riders must maintain a “safety buffer” between themselves and land of at least 50 ft. and more as dictated by conditions.
2. Landing: Riders must dis-board when entering the “Launching and Landing Zone”. Upon dis-boarding communicate with a landing assistant and proceed toward the landing zone with the kite low. Be prepared to safely depower your kite at all times while launching and landing. All Matheson riders are encouraged to competently assist other riders with launching and landing without delay.
7. Incoming kiters wishing to land kites must allow launching kites to proceed first.
8. The use of a kite leash is mandatory.
9. Grounded kites must weighted sufficiently. If left unattended, lines must be wound on bar to avoid entanglement.

On the Water:
10. Riders choosing to either walk offshore to launch kites or that are walking in with kite in hand MUST wind lines on the bar. Bars cannot be left trailing behind a kite as entanglement can occur with other riders resulting in injury to one or both parties.
11. Riders on Starboard tack (right hand forward) have right of way over Port tack riders (left hand forward).
12. Riders that are jumping must keep clear of all others and have no rights regardless of their tack.
13. Riders must not pass with in 2 kite line lengths of any other individuals in the water including but not limited to kayakers, windsurfers, swimmers, boaters, and fishermen.

Kent Marinkovic
Adventure Sports, Inc."

MORE about the new kiting concession at:

Steve-O 05-23-2010 02:08 PM


I think it is great that kiteboarding in Miami is finding ways to insure access for many years to come.

On that note it amazes me that there have been no responses to this thread positive or negative.

ricki 05-23-2010 06:25 PM

Considering past events at the launch, accidents, guys getting stuff out of cars with kites flying, congestion, lessons mixed with riders, it should be a great improvement on things. Many thanks to Kent and all the folks at ASM for doing this.

A thought about the lack of comment. It may be related to why these new procedures are necessary in the first place, rider apathy. Apathy can be at the root of access problems in many areas. Let someone else deal with it, well fortunately it looks like someone will and they are putting a lot of thought and effort into it as well.

troubleshooter 05-23-2010 08:30 PM

A weekday meeting at that time in Miami traffic is impossible. Are there other options?

ricki 05-23-2010 09:21 PM

I hear you, I am still planning on coming down from two counties away, baby willing. Miami traffic is tough! A summary of the meeting will be posted for those that can't make it. Comments, concerns, ideas can be posted here or sent directly to ASM.

Kiteboarding Tampa Bay 05-24-2010 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by RickI (Post 45468)
Considering past events at the launch, accidents, guys getting stuff out of cars with kites flying, congestion, lessons mixed with riders, it should be a great improvement on things. Many thanks to Kent and all the folks at ASM for doing this.

A thought about the lack of comment. It may be related to why these new procedures are necessary in the first place, rider apathy. Apathy can be at the root of access problems in many areas. Let someone else deal with it, well fortunately it looks like someone will and they are putting a lot of thought and effort into it as well.

Not sure why you guys are so surprised with the silence around here....
The "apathy monster" has been running wild around here for what, 4 years now?
Our launches in Tampa Bay definitely show the overall lack of care or concern by anybody to do anything the past few years. The only rule established here is to protect your own image and don't say nothin' about nothin'. In that regard, we've had massive success.

My thought on the new concession:
Personally, I think its the best option for that area, and once again proves the need for standards and instructor training, such as IKO or PASA. I would have preferred to see a more industry neutral, collaborative solution myself, but remain hopeful the respect for quality instruction grows as a result of this.
I can also see the other side of the coin, where some people might view this as a silent backdoor takeover of a riding spot by a retailer, and if you're not in the ASM fan club, you're outta luck (and/ or out of a job), but once again, I am in support of regulation down there and wish them the best.

One might also logically forsee a run by other retailers to stake their claim at other spots, which raises this question in the back of my mind:
Had I done this at Ft. Desoto several years ago when things clearly started going downhill in our area, would you guys be as congratulatory?
No response necessary because I'm 100% certain of your answer, and yes, I did look into it, decided I wasn't going to be "that guy", and subsequently chose to focus my efforts on other ways to help the sport.

In closing, I would like to again give props to Kent for stepping up to help restore access, and to say to those who are "too reserved or refined" to call out a kook, unqualified instructors, or stand up for your spots:
"Look on the bright side, at least you didn't damage that squeaky clean, alias internet forum public image of yours...Nice streamer, BTW, it matches your dress.";)
I look forward to seeing how this plays out.
Un-apathetically and always truthfully yours,

kent 05-24-2010 12:58 PM

Thanks for the comments. Regarding the meeting time, in an effort to insure that all feel welcome, we made the decision to hold the meeting in a public area as apposed to ASM. Additionally, we were also trying to make the meeting convenient for Park staff as well and therefore 6 P.M. was as late as we could start. I agree that traffic at this time is horrible, but this is the best that we can do for now.

While we hope to have a large group on hand to show our appreciation to the Matheson officials, anyone that’s not able to attend will easily find all pertinent information online and at the concession trailer.

Regarding the management of this venue, I highly doubt that any non-interested party would have volunteered to manage the venue with little potential to re-coup costs, etc. Additionally, as the trailer must be there 7 days per week (windy or not) this might not have been too attractive to many groups. As only a small handful of instructors have even bothered with getting certified to teach, it's a stretch to expect that they would have obtained the proper insurance, captains licenses, permits, etc. to become a long-term and successful management entity with in the park. Aside from the organization required to do this properly, the implementation of management at this venture required a significant start up cost. Computers, generators, compressors, trailers, automobiles, and boats all needed to be purchased in order to accomplish our mission. There is a financial risk involved, but to our organization it's worth it. We have more invested in the industry than any other entity in Florida (and likely the United States). Preserving access is vital to all that we do and it's a responsibility that we take very seriously. All recreational riders that want to continue to ride great spots like Crandon Beach Park and Matheson Hammock will benefit by these efforts.

In short, the issue remains that "self policing" of the venue has never worked. Just in the last week, 1 kite flew into the kiddy pool (this was a beginner taking a $39 lesson that ended up getting away from his “instructor” and had to emergency release his kite), and 1 rider that found himself down wind of the normal riding venue decided to climb the rocks with his kite in the air and walk though the kiddy pool exiting to the north (this can NEVER happen). Saturday was the final straw that could have (or may have) broken the camels back. A rider that clearly wasn't ready to be riding on his own kited through the no kite zone and then fell resulting in dragging over the rocks directly to the east of the launch zone. He landed in the parking lot, hit the side of Francisco’s truck (resulting in a dent), and then hit another car resulting in a larger dent. This necessitated 2 police cars and an emergency trip via ambulance for the rider. No word on his status yet, but broken arm and foot are likely according to those that were closest. A similar accident resulted in a fatality at this park not long ago. The guidelines presented would have prevented all of these incidents.

After learning of Saturday's accident, I made the decision to move the trailer to Matheson to allow riders to get used to the idea and to check the spacing required for the operation for a final time. I sat and watched riders the entire day. While some meager attempts were made to inform people of the "no ride" zone directly to the east of the launching area, people didn't have any real authority to enforce it. Riders were walking with their kites high above their heads only 2-3 feet from parking lot and curbs. The same girl rode back and fourth though the zone as did many other riders. The Park has repeatedly asked that this no be done. They not only wish to avoid getting riders hurt, but also those that are walking on the path around the kiddy pool (keep in mind that the Park is for ALL, not only kiters). While watching on Saturday, I witnessed 4 separate kite wraps, 2 of which happened in the "no ride" zone. One kite wrap happened only half a kite lines lengths from the parking lot. With our management of this venue, potentially disastrous incidents like these will not happen. Reasonable riders that are simply looking to enjoy riding at Matheson will have no problems with the new guidelines or the enforcement of them. Those that are only interest in showboating meters from the parking lot or those that are unwilling to abide by the reasonable guidelines presented should probably ride elsewhere. We can not allow the actions of a few to endanger any individual or threaten our riding access in Miami or any other location for that matter.

Lastly, while no one wants to be “that guy” (just ask Tim or Lock, who thanklessly undertook the task for several seasons resulting in continued access, when closing the venue was probably easier for the County), clearly someone has to be as our riding access depends on it. We have come a long way with respect to equipment, etc., but we have never been able to jump the "self police" hurdle. The new management of the venue will be better for all recreational riders regardless of which shop they like or which brand they choose to ride. Give us some time to work through the initial implementation as there are sure to be a few bugs. After things are running along, let us know about the things you like and please inform us of those that you don’t. Matheson is YOUR beach so let’s all help to protect it. Hope to see you Wednesday night.

Steve-O 05-24-2010 01:06 PM

To all that read this.

All I am saying about the silence is this.....

People make announcements/suggestions on here and the next thing I know there are 10000 views and a stream of threads with all kinds of opinions. In the end, more lines get drawn, and no progress is made.

There have been many suggestions on this forum in the past regarding signs, streamers, associations, rules.....the list goes on.

Clearly, by using the forum as a tool to try and regulate has its limitations and personally I haven't seen much progress over the years in any type of organized front. The Tampa Bay mentality has been very much defensive and not offensive.

I think the folks in Miami have finally realized that if they are going to ride for the long haul, that they must get on the offensive and make it happen.

Props to Miami Kiteboarding and ASM for taking the leadership role that is required to maintain access is S. Florida. With that said, it should be a reminder that this is no guarantee. If there is any question about that, I am sure Neil of Tiki Beach can elaborate on that subject.

I look at it this way. If I have to pay a yearly fee to be able to ride, that is a small price to pay. With that fee I am guaranteed access, someone is going to police the place for bad riding practice and insure quality certified instruction....then sign me up. Considering it cost an average of $75 per day to fly down a snowy mountain, "a ticket to ride" is such a small price to pay.

My only real complaint about this entire process is the certification process that will be required to ride spots. I say this because I have a friend that I taught to kiteboard that lives in Ft. Lauderdale. He wanted to ride so I sent him to Crandon Park knowing he needed to get a card. Long story short, he set up his kite, did one tack, and got his level 3 IKO card. He did not have to demonstrate much of anything to get certified. I sincerely hope that is not the norm and only the exception. I lost alot of respect that day to the adminstration at Crandon Park and their list of rules and regs. I hope that ASM can stick to their guns and not just give out cards and charge $$$ for access.

greg meintjes 05-24-2010 02:45 PM

I would happily pay $75 a year to not have to be the guy who goes up to and talks to the kiters who are acting like jerks or riding in an unsafe manner. As for the certification, process I have found out that it generally does not take too much time talking and interacting with someone to determine if that person is a competent rider and able to be self sufficient when kiting or someone who is not. There are thousands of kiters out there that have no cards or certificates but are good competent kiters and I am sure that Kent and the guys will have a way to distinguish who is capable or not.

I wish them all the best with this as with all the problems they have up there this is a good thing for kiting. I just hope and do not think this will ever be necessary in Key West.


mbs 05-24-2010 03:43 PM

Great work Kent and ASM! I'm fully in support of the plan. I mostly ride at Crandon and what Cristoph and his crew have implemented over there has been working great. The "rules" are nothing new, just common sense things that everybody should be doing anyways. The only difference is that now there will be some means of official enforcement. I have seen many times at Crandon employees of Cristoph roaming the beach to make sure that kiters have their streamers, and calling people out if they do things that are idiotic. Self policing doesn't work b/c during during my precious riding time when time off from work actually corresponds to wind, I want to be on the water riding, not confronting riders acting unsafe. Matheson's launch is way smaller / more congested than Crandon's and there is much more potential for rider and bystanders to get hurt. Some semblance of official enforcement has worked well at Crandon and should stand to improve the situation at Matheson as well. I will be happy to pay a yearly fee to Kent and ASM for this service - not only to preserve the access, but also to help keep people safe. Now all we need is to get all the rocks off the beach and to truck in some sand. Matt.

troubleshooter 05-24-2010 06:15 PM

This is my beach. I lived here all my life. I windsurfed the south side of Matheson and this launch long before many of the kiters were even in existance.

Everyone has a right to say this is my beach. You have a big job ahead of you. I know you will represent us and make us proud. We are down to 3 launches and 2 of them are now under formal regulation.

Any plans to get permanent mats down on the rock beach? I would gladly join a club with dues to make that work.

Second. I cant find matching socks in the morning let alone my IKO level 3 card. Can we just show you our Crandon streamer?

kent 05-24-2010 07:18 PM

I hear you trouble shooter. Being a long time windsurfer myself, I fully understand your concerns. It's a big job, but it has to be done as our access can not sustain any more "parking lot rides". Two of three launches being controlled is better that zero of zero launches being available to ride in my opinion.

Regarding your IKO card. It would be best if you can find it or ask your certifier for another one. We will not simply be able to accept the Crandon streamer given current concerns over actual certification examinations at that venue. I'm sure that it's being done correctly, however our staff's name will be on the card and they respect what it is intended to represent. I need to take my check out as well and will gladly pay the $15 for it. In truth, I think I self rescue about 50% of the time I ride, but I couldn't tell you if I'm doing it properly. I hope I pass!!!

Improvements will be great and we will undertake projects as they are authorized by Park management. I'm sure Mr. West can provide more info on this at the meeting.

PS. In posts above there were some comments with respect to fees, etc. Please read the original post regarding this. There are no mandatory fees for riders that are already level 3 certified. If you choose to opt into the "ticket to ride" program, you may do so at your own discretion.

ricki 05-25-2010 08:58 AM

Looking forward to the meeting and working to secure access at this launch. The incidents and accidents that Kent witnessed and described have to fade into the past and soon. No launch will persist with that sort of thing going on. The folks at ASM have a plan, it will take time to get it going, but a logical approach is far better than what we have at present. It will take assistance from riders in general and patience. Keep in mind, the current practices about closed the door on kiting here. Lots tried self-enforcement and it should have worked but enough folks ignored this reasonable approach resulting in continued problems. It will take some changes to keep it going, have no doubt about that. The good news is that the changes are focused on keeping kiters here and riding.

Lots of folks have expressed willingness to pay an annual access fee, makes sense to me as well. Despite that ASM isn't proposing access fees currently while investing a ton of cash and effort in getting things set up. So, thanks again to ASM for stepping up to the challenge! I think they deserve both our thanks and help to make this work.

bayflite 05-25-2010 09:36 PM

less is more

mathesom park 05-26-2010 06:42 AM

Iko certification for mathesom hamocks park and crandon park
All riders that need iko level 3 certification can contact me to get it, i have teach many of the local riders .

Iko cards are issued for riders that can go up wind and have knowledge of safety rules.

Price :u$ 15

contact me and if you dont have your IKO card

phone :786-597-262
Camilo Marmol: IKO instructor

ricki 05-26-2010 08:04 AM

Hey Camilo,

IKO Level III also requires:

Respect right of way rules
Self-rescue and full pack-down in the water
Risk assessment and awareness of the riding area
Self launch
Among other skills and knowledge

Not sure it is necessary that candidates physically demonstrate all of this but at a minimum should be able to prove they know how to do it. A well written illustrated written exam could cover aspects.

Thanks for jumping in to help raise the bar on quality of instruction and working to keep Matheson open!

mathesom park 05-26-2010 08:35 AM


look the new guide lines.


mathesom park 05-26-2010 09:10 AM

Iko certification for mathesom hamocks park and crandon park

Safety rules means all does you mention plus physicali demonstrate that you can go upwind and be in control all the time.


u$35 - 30 min to be Certify for hammocks riders $ 15

IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) is the leading global organization that promotes and develops our sport worldwide.

Present in 40 countries, IKO set an International Quality Label that recognizes proper learning Standards for Kiteboarders, as well professional teaching skills and logistic for Instructors and Schools.

We have been certifying students and riders with the IKO card Level for the last 2 years, which allows you to purchase a kitesurfing liability insurance via IKO website.
( for now insurance is now unavaillble for riders)

Chris.Quinn 05-29-2010 05:27 PM

In order to certify Kiteboarders you must be a Level 2 certified Instructor... You must also hold valid insurance for public liability.

Carlos Sandoval is a fantastic Instructor, he is fully insured by the International Kiteboarding Association and he is a Level 2 Kiteboard Instructor. This means that he can certify students. For a Kiteschool to be advertising as an IKO School and offering IKO standard training and certifications must employ at a Minimum one lead instructor who is level 2 certified.

Adventure Sports Miami and Crandon Park are the only 2 schools that currently offer this.

If you go to you will find a complete list that gives upto date information on Instructor Profiles who are insured and qualified at level 1, 2 or assistant.

If people that are operating as an IKO School and offering certifications then they will be reported to the IKO if they are not using certified Instructor or insurance. This may result in a loss of qualification/recognition.... You guys are the ones that give our sport a bad name and people like me who live this sport will not stand for it!

troubleshooter 05-29-2010 10:19 PM

I dont know either of you but just googled out of curiousity. It kicked back that Level 1 can teach and certify but limited the number of students and kites to work with. It did say liability insurance was required. I cant confirm this since it was only a google search.

Anybody know where the official rule on this is posted. I searched IKO but got lost.

bayflite 05-30-2010 06:23 AM

IKO and PASA (last time i checked) don't even test to make sure a prospective instructor is a proficient swimmer.<<<<WTF
same thing with all the newbs being taught by these "certified" instructors<<<WWWTTTFFF!!!
so you guys in the inner circle, ready to over-regulate the rest of us until there is ZERO stoke left, can blame yourselves as much as you blame anyone else....but hey...your phone is a ringin' better get that student on the got bills to pay and after all you have so much invested...lets grow this sport!!! more comps more riders more demo's. grow baby grow.

Chris.Quinn 05-30-2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by troubleshooter (Post 45557)
I dont know either of you but just googled out of curiousity. It kicked back that Level 1 can teach and certify but limited the number of students and kites to work with. It did say liability insurance was required. I cant confirm this since it was only a google search.

Anybody know where the official rule on this is posted. I searched IKO but got lost.

lol yes the IKO is an interesting website and your not on your own getting lost on there.

IKO Level one Instructor can certify students but only under the supervision of an IKO level 2 Instructor, this means that a legally operating business must employ a Level 2 Instructor at all times.

If any people want to get certified then go to a school that employs an experienced Level 2 Instructor.

ricki 05-31-2010 05:59 AM

Here's news apparently, there's access been issues for many years in some of the more populated parts of the State. They started around 2000 or so. Little of this is new, what IS new is what looks like a viable solution thanks to what the folks are working on at Matheson. It is geared to make kiting sustainable in one area of an extremely populated metropolitan area with a large kiter population, tons of visiting kiters and very few shoreside launches. It may even lead to some reform in certification over time if we're lucky, wouldn't that be nice?

Complaining can be a start and it is fairly easy to do but it rarely provides a useful finish. Take it to the beaches and make it work, would be a lot easier for everyone in the long run. Otherwise, there is always something like this for those rare, more extreme cases. If we keep things responsible there is no reason for something like this to ever be needed, it's on us to do this. We had years of chances at self-policing here but didn't pull it off successfully.

Change is a mixed bag, lots of us don't like aspects of it and still expect things from change regardless. Those who don't agree show your commitment by ditching all your gear and going back to a two line Wipika kite, permanently.
Flash models your next kite?

gonzo 06-01-2010 09:39 AM

I am really happy for ASM on this deal, however, I have mixed feelings with the new rules, and please understand I am a beginner and I am just expressing my opinion including other beginners I have talk to. It is great that things get organized and we don’t lose access to the park, it is even more great to have the peace of mind if I get drifted to the channel and if I can’t comeback somebody will be there to help me; for experienced riders I see no big issues, they can get certified at any time (and they should) which will protect them and everybody else; for newbie’s, no questions, they have to pay for professional training classes. Now, what about a guy like me? I have paid for 7 hours of professional training and one hour of supervision, I am to the point sometimes I can get to water start and ride a short distance (not always), to be honest I am not the faster learner when it come to kite boarding, but what are my choices? I spend money on training (money well spend), I bought my own gear (I choose to buy it from ASM) and how much money I have to keep spending so I can practice? I may be wrong, but I believe the only way I can get to be a better rider is, if I practice, practice and practice, but I can’t afford to pay for somebody to supervise me every time I want to do that for a couple of hours. I think is only fair after paying for professional training we should be able to have an area where we can practice without having to pay more money as long as we follow the rules and have good kite control, may be getting certify level 2 if such of thing is possible?.

kent 06-01-2010 11:25 AM

Dear Gonzo,

You have very good points. When drafting the guidelines we wanted to be very careful to insure that riders would have a place to work on their skills. I understand your frustration regarding the additional costs. On the other hand, we do have to pay the individuals that will actually be on the water supervising beginners riding. We will have a very reasonable rate to avoid having people like you looking for a new location to ride. Our goal is to have a safe place for you to practice so that you don't try to do it at Miami Beach, Hobie, or other areas that could cause larger problems.

In short, this is a work in progress and we are very sympathetic to new riders needs. Let's get you up and feeling comfortable so that you quickly bring your knowledge and skills up to being an independent rider. After 7 hrs. of instruction and a few more hours of supervised instruction I’d guess that you would be getting pretty close.

ricki 06-01-2010 11:48 AM

Matheson and really Miami have had a lot of issues for a long time. As a result, opportunities for new kiters to practice without worry of problems have diminished over time. Out of SE Florida or down in the Keys this can be far less of an issue. More people + more kiters over long period of time = more access issues.

Kent and ASM are still developing the concept but if things go as they would like there should be new kiter provisions not only at Matheson but also out on the Flats. Before now, just enter the fray and hope you don't run into someone, witness access being lost by a bad accident or travel out of the area. Hopefully in the future there will be some new good and affordable options here for folks in your position Gonzo.

miamikiteboarding 06-01-2010 05:11 PM

Great for ASM, they have been the most pro-active in keeping the site , so they deserve it.
Great mostly for the overal safety and the long run of Matheson as one of the major kite spot in MIami.
we can;t loose this venue, that is sure.

Finally it's even greater for futur students in Matheson, bc as long as quality of instruction is maintained and done professionnally , with integrity AND commitment, the sport will grow safer and longer.
The newbies we train today are the kiters we ride with tomorrow... better make sure we are all on the same page on Safety, rules, Right of way and proper skills.
Thats is not too much asking to a certified instructor who is trained for it.
whereas it is impossible for the ones serving approximative instruction with no lesson plan, no teaching skills , no training, no business license, no linsurance, and just release a load of un-prepared and incompetent students on the water , when we are trying to keep our spots safe.

So we should expect Matheson safer and more under control, for the sake of students themselves, riders, and spectators!

IKO Certification? quick answers:

an IKO SCHOOL must : be ran by an Level 2 instructor and only hire IKO instructors; carry a kiteboarding liability insurance, certifiy ALL students, and follow the Teaching standards!
this to avoid mis-use of the IKO school definition and label !

An IKO iNstructor Level 1 is completely able to certify Riders ( at least :)), but can only teach with 2 kites at a time with a maximum of 4 students .

ricki 06-02-2010 01:43 PM

There is still a lot to do in organizing things at this launch, lots of work, communication and development. It would be good to focus on the information side of things in threads like this. This program is in its infancy but it has some strong promise to secure access at this launch.

Created another thread to grapple with instruction and come up with ideas on how to try to improve it at the following link. Looking forward to constructive input and ideas to bring quality kiting instruction forward there.

ricki 06-22-2010 01:21 PM

Looks like we have some somewhat unseasonal breeze on tap for the next several days. Just spoke with Kent and he tells me the van is at Matheson seven days a week (off Mondays unless there is wind), from 9 am to as late as 7 pm IF there is wind. Otherwise they close a bit earlier. They have streamers and are giving exams as detailed earlier in this thread. So, review the rules above and if you're ready,head on down to grab some wind time.

troubleshooter 06-22-2010 06:48 PM

check ur PM Rick

ricki 06-22-2010 09:36 PM

We've heard it from the folks that run the place, that we were on our way to being booted out of Matheson until Kent and ASM came up with this concept. A big problem at many other launches not just here is lack of support for the few simple things needed to keep us flying. ASM is spending a lot of time and money to put things together to keep us flying well into the future here. The program is new and is only getting started. Lets give them what help we can getting things going. Extra patience would be a big help and please remember the probable alternative to things would be driving somewhere else if Matheson were to be closed to kiting.


ricki 06-23-2010 02:34 PM

Just spoke to Paula. She reminded me that there is no reason necessarily to wait until the wind is on, wind lust is peaked to visit Matheson to take the exam. They have an instructor present during normal business hours at the concession, ready to administer the written exam. It doesn't take that much time. Then when the wind is on, you can focus on picking up your streamer and getting on the water without delay.

troubleshooter 06-27-2010 04:01 PM

So? How did it go last week with the first wind of the new regs at Matheson?

Would be good to here from from both riders and ASM.

cabdriver 06-28-2010 10:23 AM

I was there riding a lot this week. It seemed to be fine. I don't think there has been any issue with the riders at all. Everyone seems pretty stoked, including myself, not to have to navigate around 7+ instructors and students. The new teaching rules make it way better for the riders.

There was one out of town instructor who was out teaching on Saturday, but I think he was told that he can't do that anymore. I'm pretty sure this ended in a verbal altercation from his end, but I think he understands the rules now and there shouldn't be any more instances.

All in all, I would say the riding experience is vastly improved already.

kent 06-28-2010 04:31 PM

Hi Trouble Shooter,

As I haven't been there personally due to travel obligations, it's hard to comment from first hand experience. I will say that thus far we have received generally good comments. Garry Menk commented that the venue already feels better and that everyone was abiding by the new guidelines.

The only thing I heard was that some inconsistent pricing was offered on kite instruction, but we will get to the bottom of this ASAP. We have a printed price list and I'm not sure what could have happened in this case. Our head instructor is out if town and this could have caused some confusion. On the other side, we need to print some more signs, etc. On one for example we have Kayaks $15, but doubles are $25. We were held to $15 on one double, but these are small issues that will work out over time.

We have offered exams and free training for those kiters on the edge of level 3. I haven't received the numbers of people that took advantage of this yet, but I'll let you know once I find out. We will no doubt go though some glitches, but I'm sure that we will be able to overcome most. On the bright side, we have had zero accidents and to my knowledge no kites in the parking lot. I can say from past experience that before the change we would have had 2-3 by this time.

I'm sure that there will be some friction after the July 1st deadline for streamers, but this is purely up to the riders. The team is available to exams, etc., so please plan accordingly. We are also hoping to get the ticket to ride program up and running by the 15th of July. I think that most are enjoying the compressor and shade so for though.

Thanks for checking in. If you personally see anything that needs to be addressed, please send an email to Thanks.

troubleshooter 06-28-2010 07:48 PM

Cool. It was just dead silent so I stoked up the discusiion. Glad to hear it is going well. We need it there and we have to make it work. Im sorry I couldnt make it to help out and enjoy the wind but I took advantage of the keys and a boat.

Hopefully we get to keep testing it out a few times over the summer with some more good wind. Now if we can just get a frozen lemonade stand that also sells chili dogs:)

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