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toby wilson 09-19-2006 02:27 PM

Non-sponsored riders and loyalty
I guess what I am posting here is just something that always goes through my mind but is one of those things you never state out loud because it really isn't important, it's just kind of 'funny'. Isn't it strange how some of us who have no reason at all to be loyal to a single company (myself included) get so loyal to them anyway? You could post a Slingshot/Underground stamp on my head, we have Shannon Stock and Danny Best, Skyway Aggression Scott, Pete Martinho, Randy Cabrinha and Raul Crossbow, Flexi-Bone and Chris MionooreSeveral other Slingshot, Cabrinha, Underground, Aggression and Flexifoil guys. Just a friendly observation, kinda think it's funny how we all get wrapped up with loyalty to one company with all of the great product out there... I am branching out, we have the Ion, I use a Liquid Force waist harness as opposed to my old trusty Dakine Pyro and now Amber picked up an 8M Globerider GK Sonic that I look forward to trying out when it is honking! I also am going with the Ocean Rodeo 150 Mako Surf, I think Ocean Rodeo is one of the real up and coming companies for top-notch gear! All on top of my Slingshot quiver of C kites and Shred Ready helmet...

Any thoughts while us office workers look out the window and miss this great wind???

inferno 09-19-2006 02:40 PM

you mean, miss great RAIN....

and im im not danny Best, im Danny DP,

and i buy any type of kites, as long as i can afford them, id love to have a 17m 07 contra, but i dont have 1600 bucks just lying around, but i can come up with 700 for a 20m waroo which will have the same low end, maybe more....

if i had the money id also have 1 or 2 octanes, and possibly a naish torch

2 cents

toby wilson 09-19-2006 02:46 PM

I seem to strike a nerve with you every time I post, Mr. DP Danny!!! :D

Chill man, I'm just striking up conversation as I am pretty bored at my new job. I started during their busy time of year so I just sit here all day staring at my computer screen and get paid to do it! Not such a bad deal but do wish I were doing something different that I might enjoy...Oh well, you can't have it all! 8)

Oh yeah Danny, congrats on your avatar being in SBC Kiteboarding, I hadn't seen it until I opened up my copy of Volume 7, Issue 4 and saw it there to show how great our spots are.

Also, I was wondering if you might be able to schmooze with your contacts at SBC to get my avatar picture put in their magazine as St. Pete's "Best looking kiteboarder"???

Skyway Scott 09-19-2006 03:35 PM


I get the jist of your point and agree to a large extent. It's probably best to stay open minded to function and not get attached to brand names.
Even I, the king of Best bashers, the day I saw the waroo, changed my take. I am pretty open minded, so I would prefer to not be lumped in there, thanks.

G.S. (at this point in time) absolutely makes one of the best stubby boards for medium/light winds, imo.
His other boards rock too! But, I also ride an underground 137, a SS Glide and now an RRD board.
For kites. I have a 12 Contra, 11m Ozone, 12m Flexi, 9m RRD. :D

I love the topic though.

How bout this one. How much weight does a sponsored rider's opinion hold?

Optionryder420 09-19-2006 04:55 PM

I got hooked up with my slingy's. And I'm only loyal to one-pump.

My Caution board kicks ass too.

E-Bone 09-19-2006 08:08 PM

Which is better, Coke or Pepsi? People prefer certain brands sometimes. I stick to Coke products, but Coke has never done anything for me. No worries there. I know I can rely on a product with their name on it.

I am loyal to kite companies who don't screw me with half-assed gear and who step up to the plate when stuff blows up before it is supposed to, in the sense that I will always recommend their stuff.

Whatever brand of kite I choose to ride from year to year, I plan to ride a matching quiver from now on because I want the quiver to be consistent from top to bottom. I want to be able to rig each kite the same way, without any confusion when switching kite sizes. Having a strong rigging routine equals less risk of making a rigging error and getting worked.

This year I have Flexis, last few years Norths, year before that Naish kites, but I've also had a 9m Best Waroo, a Cabrinha Black Tip back in the day, Flexi and Quadrifoil ram-air kites. I had one of the first Slingshot OnePumps out in Florida, as well, believe it or not. I've used Litewave, Wipika, Gaastra, RRD, Slingshot, Cabal, and Liquid Force boards. I've used Flexifoil, Wipika, Slingshot, and Cabrinha bars, with the Cabrinha Powerlocks being a long-time favorite, as well as a pulley bar Flexi used to make.

I bet a lot of riders who have been around for 5 years or so will have similar gear histories. It's easier now to stick with one brand because the stuff works now so much better across all sizes of a specific make and model of kite than it did just a few years ago.

Hell, maybe many of us are loyal to kite brands because some our happiest moments involve seeing that logo in the air.

Skyway Scott 09-19-2006 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by E-Bone
Hell, maybe many of us are loyal to kite brands because some our happiest moments involve seeing that logo in the air.

Didn't you fly the flying P# last season? :shock:
Now I know why you flew that same kite all the time. :wink:

Seriously, sounds pretty reasonable.

I stick with the combo number 7 because I figure I never get indigestion and haven't lost any hair or gotten sick yet, so it might be healthier than number 5. I don't know.

I hear you on the quality issue and sticking with it and the ease of sizing/rigging and getting in a routine ideas. That all sounds pretty reasonable. That's the main reason I try to use the same bar on everything. I would hate to grab the thinga ma jiggy thinking its my QR and not release in time. I really want MY bar on a kite, specifically for "oh sh#$ situations.

Perfect post E, as usual.

Optionryder420 09-19-2006 10:23 PM

I always ride with my 17" slingshot bar... used to only ride with my pulley though.

I got on that 17" one time though and just like the feeling better. It turns WAY different and is easier to jump.

toby wilson 09-19-2006 11:00 PM

What about MY post Scott? It wasn't PERFECT enough for your stamp of approval??? I see how it is!!!

inferno 09-20-2006 03:07 AM


E-Bone 09-20-2006 05:14 AM

Thanks, Scott.

Toby, console yourself. Once one becomes perfect, it is all downhill from there. At least you still have a goal of perfection to which to aspire.

bryanleighty 09-20-2006 08:38 AM

for the money, BEST kites have treated me and my wallet very very well. I'd like to try/buy more equipment but its just not an option at this point.

3 used yargas as my first quiver for less than the cost of a single new one..

3 new waroos for not much more than the cost of a similar hybrid kite by other companies.

and most importantly, i dont feel like i am riding an inferior product at all. I have a few things i wish were different about waroos, but if rigged correctly and flown in proper wind ranges they absolutely rock.. so it worked out in both ways.

my loyalty is a balance between my funds available and fun I get out of it.

amazing thing is the options that are out there now.. and the used market is growing so that getting quality gear at cheap prices is very possible.

oh.. and i vote for diet coke. pepsi can kiss my a$$.


Skyway Scott 09-20-2006 08:46 AM


Pepsi sucks. Waroos are a great bang for buck. And the pink one is so cute.

toby wilson 09-20-2006 09:06 AM

Diet Coke! Amen! 2 x 2 Liters a day when at my worst!!! :shock:

Optionryder420 09-20-2006 09:29 AM

Check cola or Max Cola FTW!

None of that name brand crap.

inferno 09-20-2006 10:23 AM

8) SURGE 8)

BigR 09-20-2006 11:05 AM

I only use the highest performance and highest status drink that also happens to cost a bit more but worth every single penny spent on it, Starbucks! :P :shock: :lol: 8) :mrgreen:

E-Bone 09-20-2006 11:10 AM

Whatever. Diet Cola at Publix. $2.19 per 12 pack. If I can't get the cheap stuff, I'll stick with Coca-Cola. Pepsi sux ass.

Wildcard 09-20-2006 11:25 AM

Starbucks is the most over priced junk! I can buy a thing of coffee at Publix for less that the price of one small latte and that will last me for like 2 months.

As for sodas I'm a coke guy... except for mountain dew.. :D

Erick 09-20-2006 11:32 AM

Pepsi or Coke??? how about Dr. Pepper. I think that since kiteboarding is a fairly new sport there are many companies in the industry. I could say that at least more than 15 right now. At the end of the day I believe that only the innovative companies willing to invest in R&D will last in the long term. I don't know a lot about different kite brands but I've seen that there are five that dominate the local market right now. I like the idea of having many options but also it creates so much confusion among kiters. I'm still one of them, for instance at the beginning I was so undecided on what to get. One day I read in a magazine that the best way to buy a kite was to ask to the people already kiting in the area and that's what I did. Everyday I ask to people about the type of kites they are flying and most of the time I get a positive response. I still don't consider myself a loyal brand consumer because I don't have a quiver yet but most important for me is the one that works and is safe.


amber 09-20-2006 11:52 AM

Vault. Drinks like a soda...kicks like an energy drink. I actually am a sugar free redbull girl although the new Pepsi JAZZ is mighty tasty for diet soda. Toby drinks a sick amount of Diet Coke and one day hopes to be a guinea pig for studies on humans with deteriorated guts.

So far I have two underground boards, a Flexi ion and a GK sonic. I have yet to fly a bow/hybrid but am Soooooooo sick of the relaunch of the C-kites (since I'm new, I'm always crashing the dumb thing). If I don't have to run as fast as I can thru muck and water, I'm a happy camper.

Safety is a huge thing and like a lot of you guys said, knowing your bar is key. I have actually gone onto the websites and downloaded the manuals for the bars and read up. They all have minor differences that could mean major problems if you aren't comfortable with the bars.

Stick with what works best for you. I doubt that XXL Toby would prefer the same exact equipment as say XS Victoria for example. Luckily kiting equipment is being made in all shapes and sizes to accomodate our differences. However, I'm still waiting for an impact vest with built in harness to come out that allows room for boobs. I have yet to find one. :wink:

bryanleighty 09-20-2006 12:04 PM


everyone (even you soon) develops a style they like to ride and there will never be a single kite type/model/size/etc to make all happy.

the best recommendation for a beginner is to get something used to start, focus on safety and learning the rules of the water, make some local friends and see if you can test out a kite or two.

any 2005 or later kite is going to be a quality product.. i'd say to stick with a name brand. c/bow/whatever.. thats your choice.

most here in the area will share out their kite to other riders once they are able to show they can ride and are responsible.

then you can form your own opinions and complete the vicious circle and start telling everyone that their thoughts on the perfect kite are crap and only you know whats BEST. (PUN INTENDED!) hahah!


tomstock 09-20-2006 12:11 PM

I don't think it's loyalty as much as what's familiar, affordable, or just not available from anyone else at the time.

When I took lessons it was all on best gear. The instructor hooked me up with a complete kite for less than anything else available new at the time so it was a done deal. Since then Best has been letting C kites go for $300 or less so I bought them up. I do have one slinghsot fuel that I bought from Scott because the price was right, a Best Float because noone else made the size I wanted for the price I wanted to pay, and a Best bar because the kiteloose bar I spent too much on was a complete piece of crap. Oh, and a $200 anomaly because the Slingshot Glide is a rediculously overpriced square skimboard with toy fins.

I wouldn't call it brand loyalty. I'd just call it knowing when to take someone up on a good deal or knowing specifically what you want and finding out which company makes it.

Most of those deals for me just happened to involve Best gear but it could have been anyone if they had met my requirements at the time.

God knows Best has soiled themselves like many other companies. No way I could be loyal to someone who is just trying to get THE MONEY FROM MY WALLET INTO THEIR HANDS!! I mean c'mon! :lol:

C. Moore 09-20-2006 06:50 PM

My Favorite energy drink is Dickens Cider. :wink:

I just love the name!!! I heard a commercial on the radio a while back that had a woman saying " My Friend Jane likes to wake up every morning with a Dickens Cider" I about lost it.. I bought a case and sold it around my office.

Skyway Scott 09-20-2006 10:06 PM

My Glide is a skimboard with funs :(

Stevil Kenevil 09-21-2006 08:18 AM

No wonder the U.S. economy is in the sh@tter! Everyone sitting around talking about what they drink, instead of being productive on the job......
Damn Kiteboarders...........

My overpriced skimboard with toy fins is worth every penny as I am riding by everyone that on the beach saying "I wish it would pick up just a little more...." As far as the 3/4" fins go, its ALL about the EDGE Baybee. Put on larger ones if you dont like them.

Truly seasoned kiteboarders only drink the finest after a good day of riding.
Now, get back to work, SLACKERS! :lol:

Skyway Scott 09-21-2006 09:27 AM

This is work, trying to convince Tom that the Glide is a great board.
I have to admit tho, it takes skill to ride it in 14+. Not for the faint hearted.

bryanleighty 09-21-2006 09:59 AM

that my big fat ass can ride my big fat piece of plywood board with a 12 m kite in 11 -12 shows that a wide and rocker free is the way to be in light winds.

i swapped it out back to back w/ a super phatty one day and tho the SP gave me a bit more speed out the gates, once i got going i didnt really notice a difference. (flat water conditions)..

jumping of course was a different matter as the ply boards are heavy as hell.

toby wilson 09-21-2006 11:12 AM

I think the Glide is a GREAT board! Of course you will always hear me rant and rave about my Underground Magic Carpet 158 but the Glide is no doubt one of the best light wind boards on the water. I think there are both negatives and positives to large fins, small fins and no fins. I have always ridden with 4 larger fins because I like the support they give me. BUT, smaller fins and especially NO fins allows you to switch to toeside more easily, is better in several transitions, etc.

Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks! :D

Skyway Scott 09-21-2006 11:50 AM

Pepsi sux.

toby wilson 09-21-2006 12:04 PM

Scott, we are onto you! It is obvious that you are just trying to boost your post count up so you can get closer to 1000 posts!!!

Skyway Scott 09-21-2006 02:19 PM

Am I that close?

E-Bone 09-21-2006 02:55 PM

The Glide is the shiz.

Like Stevil says, it payz for itself when you say "wazzup, bitches" as you ride by all those suckas standing around on the beach cuz they ain't got enough to ride.

toby wilson 09-21-2006 03:35 PM

Whatever, that and the fact that I weigh 260 LBS cause I can't stop feeding my face!!!


Get in my BELLY!!! -Fat Bastard

tomstock 09-21-2006 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
My Glide is a skimboard with funs :(

One good thing I can say about it is that it's light...

Stevil Kenevil 09-21-2006 04:40 PM

I think it took E-Bone about 3 tacks before he was sold on the Glide(He was a tough sell...) Most people, it only takes 2 tacks before they ride back downwind and say they gotta have one. Just kidding, its a crappy board.Dont buy one.Riding upwind in 10 knots is over rated. And besides, a pound of SKUNK is much CHEAPER than a pound of PLEASURE.... :lol:
(Hey! There's one, right there in my avatar!)
See you guys on the water, when it picks up a few. :wink:

toby wilson 09-21-2006 09:13 PM

What's supposed to impress me about that? I hear there have been sightings at the backside of a local weirdo fence guy cruising upwind in 8 knots on a fence picket with nails for fins!!!

Stevil Kenevil 09-22-2006 01:08 AM

OK, You got me....Thats not really a Glide. That was me on my prototype light wind weapon. Its still in need of footstraps, if anyone has any extra ones.
Did you see the kite I was flying? The "one line" system is the shizzle for going upwind, and check the range on this baby- 6 mph-25 mph. The long lines really extend the wind window, and provides 100% depower in gusty conditions. If anyone is interested, I can get you a whole quiver of them for wholesale.
Here's an exclusive preview:

tomstock 09-25-2006 02:11 PM

Heck you could ride in light winds on a road sign if it were wide enough!

Move into the chop and the glide becomes a submarine! lol! I'm kiddin'.

Skyway Scott 09-27-2006 08:08 PM


Do you still kiss your Anomaly every night before bed? :P
I pearled the Glide pretty good a couple times tonight.

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