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balloonboy 12-09-2005 09:34 AM

As I'm just about the only one still kiting on C kite-
this may not be of interest to anyone else but I think it shows promise:

Leave it to the Italians, huh.

PrayFaWind27 12-10-2005 04:46 PM

the wind isn't strong, how it would act in strong winds,but all in all it is a good system from the look at.I wonder what kite surfing is going to be like in about 3 years and when in the hell, they are going to do something with those bladders,DAMN! :D

mocean 12-10-2005 05:21 PM

old school kites
come on dave just buy a cabrinha cb or sb it's not a shamefull thing to ride sothing other than airush I'll give you a good deal.

balloonboy 12-11-2005 08:17 AM

The wind is like 20 knots- watch when he launches it- quite powered.

When bows turn like fast C kites etc. I'll be there.

Likewise- Ill give you a good deal on AR. Ever tried a Reactor or Lift??

PrayFaWind27 12-12-2005 10:29 AM

As far as turning the 16m CB there isn’t a big differences
than a 16m C kite, like every thing though, there’s always going to be
kites that have better characteristic than other kites, but to mention one
of a few( there are a few too bout the C kite than the CB)
characteristic that sets the CB in a class by itself compared
to the C kites is the fact that gust isn’t an issue, 1’m 160lbs
and I was riding the 16m CB in gust up to 20plus
(never was overpowered and never pulled down wind by a gust)
knots when guys 40lbs plus heavier than I was was flying 12m C kites.
My opinion the CB is in a much higher class to the C kite, but!!!
that’s just it, it’s, my! Opinion and that’s what it all boils down to
ones self opinion, likes and dislikes, there’s no
such thing as, “ Better! “ when it comes to kites and boards that’s definitely ones self
opinion and judgment. It’s all sweet though, gives ya something to discuss by the
water cooler ;-) !!

balloonboy 12-12-2005 01:09 PM

Agreed it is personal pref thing but I assure you the CB does not turn as fast as ALL 16's. I don't expect the 14 Halo to be nearly as fast as either the 16 Lift or especially the 15 Reactor.

And I'd rather be on the smallest most manoeuverable kite possible e.g. 12m C vs. the 16 bow. But thats just me.

Now if I only had one kite or lived in a very gusty place- no question- 'da bow.

mocean 12-12-2005 03:03 PM

ok boys
mabe you 2 should take this out side ,looks like this could get messy.
balloon bloke V's supper man ride off.

PrayFaWind27 12-12-2005 04:33 PM

No two kites have the same turning ability whether
It be a Bow, C or foil, unless it’s
the same Brand and model and even then the tuning of the lines and bar plays
a factor so the turning comparison isn’t
a good aspect to look at when comparing the 2 type of
kites cause not all 16m C kites turn faster than a
16m Bow and the ones that are
faster than the Bow,by how much? Is it going to
affect your riding by any? Speaking bout riding, your style
plays into it too, my riding style is more fast, high and reckless
the turning speed of the Bow hasn’t affected that negatively, infact
it makes me more of a liability on the water and on land and
I love every bit of that feeling.
Now a 12m or 16m C kite(16m is out of the question if you’re 160
in 20k wind)
, a gust comes and you find yourself hurdling down wind
like a bat out of hell, pulling down on the trim trying to slow down and
hanging on for dear life trying to get your kite to 12o clock and
hoping your board don’t get caught in a chop, when it does hit one
you’re body skiing down wind until you can get
your kite to 12 o clock, where is your board, 50 to 100 meters
up wind, where am I, on my 16m Bow getting your board and bring it to you
:-) :-).Walking and launching on the beach in high winds with a C kite
is a danger and the danger doubles on Goodmans bay or Go slow.
But to be honest, I’m not a big fan of the 12m whether it be a Bow or
C. Think bout it Balloon B, have you ever seen me fly a 12m? :-) the
Last time I was on one
was on Marks 12 bow and I didn’t have the 16m Bow
I had the 15m C and the wind was to strong for that (gusting over 20k)
I’m going to get a 12m though,eventually!
P.S Hey! Mocean, this is why I like the different opinion, to have discussion like
this one… Balloon boy! round 3:-). Anyone else want to get some of this
Huh! Huh!

mocean 12-14-2005 09:23 PM

who need to pimp
thats my boy he's like a pit bull humping balloon bloke leg.
you can't kick him off he might bite just, let him keep humping.
see ya late morning mate.

Matteo 12-18-2005 11:58 AM

Let me get into this too....and say my thoughts:

- BOW kites have greater upper range (and Shuman has proven this !!)
- BOW kites appeared to be safer
- BOW kites seem to water re-launch easier
- BOW kites jump further and therefore you might be in the air longer
- BOW kites seem to fly slightly slower (up and down and kiteloops) but the forward speed of the kite is actually pretty good

- C kites seem to move faster (up and down and kiteloops). You can probably get the same forward speed of a BOW kite with one bigger size of a C shape (ie 16m BOW vs 18m C). I'm actually talking about the forward speed here, the speed that you are crusing at.
- C kites appear to jump higher but doesn't necessary mean that you stay longer in the air
- C kites seem to work better for powered moves (handle passes, etc.).
- C kites are easier to self launch from the beach

These are my considerations, now when I look at what kind of wind we get I'd go for:

- 18 to 21 C-shape for those light days (and we get a lot of them !!)
- 12 to 15 C-shape for those decent days (which we get a few of them !!)
- 9 to 12 BOW for those gusty cold fronts (which we get some of them !!)


- 120-130 twin tip board
- 150-160 directional

This is what I'm working on...

Hope this wind will pick up soon otherwise I'm going to bore you to death with more of this crap....

seeya in the water...

balloonboy 12-19-2005 02:33 PM

Thats my theory too more or less.
Big C for lightwinds. Med C for sweet-spot med winds and Bow for gusty high winds.

Anyway I have new Halos to try out if if ever gets windy again. Maybe I'll just get rid of everything and take up fishing. :roll:

PrayFaWind27 12-19-2005 06:49 PM

Metteo’s post proves my point about different opinions , if
Moylemuncher or any other kiter that has ridden the two types of kites
Post a reply, they would be different too, there’s
no such thing as the, Best kite! There’s a few thing Metteo said,” I “
disgree with and take note I mean, I(Shuman) is that a C Kite jumps higher than the Bow, I’ve been getting crazy airs with the bow I’ve never gotten with the C, as far
as tricks, it’s all about, hang time with most of kite boarding tricks,
especially the handle pass, the more time you have in the air the easier
and better the trick will look, now you really don’t expect to be doing any major
kite loops with a 16m Bow/27m lines not even a 16 C/27m lines can do major loops, but a few things have to be in place for really powered kite loops, a small high Aspect kite and short lines, 27m lines are not the preferred choice of the pros to be doing kite loops
but! again these are things
that can be debated on. That self launching with the Bow is something
that we can not debate on cause only Moyle has tried it, I would like for us
to go to club med and try different ways of trying to
self launch that thing. Then we can debate on this.
Kiting in light wind is like watching a plant grow,
no power, no jumps, no danger,no power what’s the since of even getting wet
a 16m C or bow is the biggest I would go. This season is starting to look
like it’s going to suck , but I tell ya this,15-20 knots my 9-5 will be in the
water I’ll just suffer the punishment when I go to work the next day. Hey!
Balloon boy! Ya know I wants to be trying those Halos, I really want to
See how different Bow kites fly and respond, wouldn’t it be funny, you
getting rid of all your C kites and getting a quiver of Halo’s.

balloonboy 12-20-2005 11:43 AM

Light air kiting may not be as fun as powered 20 kts kiting but IMO it beats gardening- which is about all you can do here these days.

The Lift 18m is fine for going back and forth and staying up wind in 8-10 knots or so at my weight. Which to me is still better than nothing at all. Then +11kts and I'm jumping. Thats the same kite I used in the upper teens when Matteo and Roger were on 12s and I was only about 1/3 depowered (but the wind was pretty steady that day) so no complaints about the range.

Anyway in early Jan I'll have a 21m reactor which I hear feels like a 15-16m and is supposed to do powered moves in the same 8-10 kts wind and go in even less. We'll see.

The Halos are 2nd gen. bows but that said are unlikely to be the second coming if you get my drift, and still will not have light capability of a BIG C (or foil but lets not go there) I don't believe. Again, we'll see but there seems to be reason why no one makes a big bow (>16m) and its not because they don't need to- its because the inherent design prevents them from doing so.

PrayFaWind27 12-20-2005 12:05 PM

I guess you’re right Balloon B any kite boarding is better than none, but
the way the weathers been looking we all going to be getting green thumbs
;-) and I think you’re right bout them not being able to make anything
Bigger than a 16m Bow. Why don’t all of just chip in and just get that
50m Naish kite ;-) ;-)

Matteo 12-20-2005 07:31 PM

this thread is going to go on for long if the wind doesn't pick up a bit.......

I just wanted to say (again) that it's up to the single rider, someone might like foil, some C shape and others BOW. I like driving manual, you might like driving automatic and somebody else likes semi-automatic. I'm sure all of them have pros and cons....

Personally I feel that I'm still driving a semi-manual-automatic car......and trying to make up my bloody mind !!!!

PS: I left my cell with my Mom so if you ever nice to her and say something in italian !!!

Matteo 12-20-2005 07:45 PM

Ah, I forgot !! Shuman when I say that C kites appear to jump higher I refer to the way how a C kite "yanks" you up in the air compare to the BOW that "pulls" you up in the air. And again maybe it's just my sensation....I must admid that it's hard to judge here, maybe next time we should measure. Anybody has one of those high crossbar that they use in pole jumping ???? Jokes aside why don't we take advantage of this nice weather and built some slider ???

mocean 12-21-2005 03:30 PM

don't be afraid to spend the money mateo
I know that you are still tawn about the cb and sb but dude it is a supperior kite.
I have taught total bigginers and had them going up wind on the first day on those kites.
you had one of the first goes on marks kite and eye witness say they have never seen you jump higher before than on that 16m cb.
now the other thing is they only make the cb and sb upto a 16m, there is a reason for that they don't need to make a 21m cb because the kite is rad in light winds realaunches in 8 miles ph I have riden my 16m in 20kts (not by choice) it is a rad kite in gusts and I think turns prity good.
F#ck the c kites I am selling all mine dirt cheap because these flat kites are the future of kiteboarding.
so thats my opinion sorrry about the spelling.
if it sounds like I'm pimping , I'm sorry(i'm trying realy hard not to)the product sells it self.

mocean 12-27-2005 05:14 PM

balloonblokes first flat kite airush halo is it good or not?
ballonboy bites the bullet and buys a flat kite (not from me )
anyways kite looks good 10m halo turns like a moskito.
It looked like it had some control isues though.
and mabe airush needs to do a ark stabelizer on it it seemed to bellow under load in gusts.
it looks kind of like best hellfish meets the cabrnha cross-bow with out the cross-bow bar system.
i did not ride this kite I was having to much fun riding my crossbow 16m in 18 to 20kts .
above are my observations on the halo.
anyways any1 eles want to add there 5c on the halo?

balloonboy 12-28-2005 10:35 AM

And you were riding sans helmet- whats with that?? :shock:

It was a pretty good first ride without tuning. But don't worry I'm still keeping some C's around.

I think the back lines were too slack- that, and/or I was sheeting out too much unnecessarily. It felt fine though. It looked good when Roger and Matteo (better riders) were aboard. Must be me- I suk.

mocean 12-28-2005 07:27 PM

dave was rippen
I was amazed at the turning speed of that kite.
you where rippen but you prob weigh a bit more than mateo and roger.
anyways good kite dave try it out tomorrow.
blue hill was barly ridable today.
SW wind tomorrow 10 to 20 NOAA is saying 17kts
coral harbor here we come.
see you guys out there I will leave a weather report onmy phone when I get out there in the morning.

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