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TBKA 05-04-2008 09:35 AM

Madeira Beach Middle School "Curriculum Celebration"
Thanks for your interest and happy kiting!

Sean B 05-04-2008 12:16 PM

Will there be face-painting and business cards at this "community-building event?" If so, I'm IN! I'll be hosting a glow stick demo for youth night rides. Glow sticks will be available for purchase, of course.. YYYaaaaaaaaayyy!!

Get ready moms and dads!

:confused: ...or is it just me?

Steve-O 05-04-2008 06:03 PM

Does the "B" stand for "Bad Attitude"?

Sean B 05-04-2008 07:01 PM

"Bad attitude?" Those who have met me know otherwise. Pitching our sport and slinging gear to 10 and 12 year-old kids....please. You of all people should know how dangerous this sport is and no talk about safety lessons is going to prepare a child for a kitemare, sorry. Everyone wants to make a dollar of the hobby we all cherish so much, but at the cost of what?

JoshTaylor 05-04-2008 08:20 PM


i think it's a great age to start, kids that age learn quick.

i know i did.

Sean B 05-04-2008 08:40 PM

So none of the aforementioned businesses/instructors will be profiting of this "charitable" event in the near future? If not, good. Why not a school in South St. Pete, where kids could really use a positive influence? Madeira beach has excellent schools and is an affluent area. You aren't exactly gonna be "keeping kids off the streets" over there. ;)

This "positive influence on youth" approach is students taking up the sport of kiteboarding in the near future, instead of doing whatever else it is they normally do for leisure activities outside the classroom. Right? Products and services are being offered to kids/parents who are interested in getting into the sport. The fact that kite-camps are being offered only reaffirms my point.

Why not have a canned food drive? How about a monetary donation from local kiters on behalf of TBKA to a cause our group feels is most worthy? How about from the aforementioned businesses? How about typical beach cleanups. How about a monetary donation on behalf of TBKA to a less-affluent school which is in need of funding? We can better the children's classroom experience if they have all the tools necessary to facilitate a learning environment. How about a massive salvation army donation on behalf of TBKA? All great causes. Add more if you've got some I missed, cause I know there are plenty more...

Sean B 05-04-2008 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by JoshTaylor (Post 32496)

i think it's a great age to start, kids that age learn quick.

i know i did.


...and you're an excellent rider bro. I've enjoyed watching you many times out there. My argument is from a somewhat different standpoint though.

Little Miss Sunshine 05-04-2008 10:46 PM

I believe these thoughts and ideas should be addressed fully at the TBKA General Membership meeting. If you are this concerned, and interested in being an active kiter involved in the community, than I have no doubt that we will be seeing you at our General Membership meeting on Saturday.

Also, just in case you have not visited the TBKA website and became a member, here is the link:
Please register and submit any further, proactive ideas you may have. We are always looking for kiters with a positive voice. Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Everyone else - this is going to be a great event to promote water sports. I look forward to watching the boys demonstrate killer wakeboarding skills, and not to mention the newest sport, just in time for summer, stand-up paddle boarding!! Join us if you can! :)


Originally Posted by Sean B (Post 32497)
So none of the aforementioned businesses/instructors will be profiting of this "charitable" event in the near future? If not, good. Why not a school in South St. Pete, where kids could really use a positive influence? Madeira beach has excellent schools and is an affluent area. You aren't exactly gonna be "keeping kids off the streets" over there. ;)

This "positive influence on youth" approach is students taking up the sport of kiteboarding in the near future, instead of doing whatever else it is they normally do for leisure activities outside the classroom. Right? Products and services are being offered to kids/parents who are interested in getting into the sport. The fact that kite-camps are being offered only reaffirms my point.

Why not have a canned food drive? How about a monetary donation from local kiters on behalf of TBKA to a cause our group feels is most worthy? How about from the aforementioned businesses? How about typical beach cleanups. How about a monetary donation on behalf of TBKA to a less-affluent school which is in need of funding? We can better the children's classroom experience if they have all the tools necessary to facilitate a learning environment. How about a massive salvation army donation on behalf of TBKA? All great causes. Add more if you've got some I missed, cause I know there are plenty more...

Sean B 05-05-2008 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by TBKA (Post 32499)
I guess that K4L/Stevil guy wasn't all bad, huh?;)
nice avatar, too...

You kidding me Steve? I think you're a great guy with great ideas for the sport. I don't believe I attacked you personally. I just think TBKA's resources could be put to better use here and local businesses shouldn't use this "positive influence" stance to draw a profit. Now that I'm back in the country...I've been gone since January...I would like to volunteer my time. At the moment, I'm working nights while I search for a job within my field of study. Once I find a job, I'll be on a schedule much like the majority here and should be able to attend evening meetings. The types of fund-raisers you say your organization has accomplished are exactly the type I'm talking about. It's not necessary to throw in my face, the fact that you performed one over the other. They are all equally commendable and deserve recognition. Those are the types of activities which, I feel, should continue being pursued. Those are the actions that truly make a difference in our community. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way and......that's fine. The current MBMS project is absolutely a business proposition.

Little Miss Sunshine 05-05-2008 06:29 AM

If you read back through the posts your tone of voice has gone from mocking to attacking with some interesting ideas sprinkled in here and there. I think before you get on this forum and attack/mock an organization (which some people have worked so hard to start up and are continuing to work hard to establish) you should attend our meetings and find out what we are about and what other community activities we have lined up.

It is very easy to sit behind your computer and bitch. It is something entirely different to show up and be a involved. Excuses are just that, excuses. Here is our website again, please sign up and join our association. And perhaps keep your tone in check when participating in public forums.

Tom Stock 05-05-2008 09:07 AM

I dunno.. are the kids going to get to ride the SUP, fly trainer kites, ride a wakeboard winch and stuff like that?

If they are going to spend an hour getting wet and not have gear prices shoved down their parents throats, then great, but it does sound a little like a well coordinated sales pitch (even if it isn't).

I don't see anything wrong with Sean questioning motives. It's up to club members to prevent a club from selling out.

I guess I would have thought the club would be doing club things to help it's own members, like getting wind sensors and cameras installed, installing signs (which still has yet to happen), offering discounted or free lessons to club members, and organizing FREE races and friendly competitions walking away with nothing but a grin.

Seems like the underlying goal of every local event is to make a profit, and that is sort of disheartening. It's not promoting the sport but instead promoting self and shops.

I am sure this is why Sean is skeptical.

Etch44 05-05-2008 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Sean B (Post 32493)
"Bad attitude?" Those who have met me know otherwise. Pitching our sport and slinging gear to 10 and 12 year-old kids....

Just a small point.. Middle school is 12 to 14 year olds, which is a pretty typical age for kids to get serious about sports.

Little Miss Sunshine 05-05-2008 11:03 AM

off topic
I think you guys have completely lost the point of this thread which is to promote a fun (not for profit) water sports event this thursday for the kids.

Lets get back to the original post and keep all other ideas/opinions for the general membership meeting or the TBKA website.

bayflite 05-05-2008 02:16 PM

i see nothing wrong with wsw making a sale.
cuz i know the kid/parent/teacher will be stoked on life!
share the stoke!
but yeah...seans point about the downtown kids being left out is right on point.

JoshTaylor 05-05-2008 07:01 PM

wow, and i thought there was drama at my high school....

amber 05-05-2008 07:20 PM

okay. I'm going to try to clear a bit of the fog here because it seems like there are a lot of questions. First of all, it is important to mention that the organization is not for profit. The organization is not trying to sell anything other than getting kids off the couch long enough to put down the x-box controller and go do something fun in the water. If this organization does an event WITH WSW, it does not mean they are one and the same. Sure, WSW is trying to make a buck. They are a for-profit business. They fill a need that the community has. They have agreed to HELP with this event. If they happen to sell a couple wakeboards because of it, great.

Any NEW organization must start with small, attainable goals. The possibilities at this point are endless as to how far it can reach. All the ideas that Sean mentioned in his post are definite possibilities. Just because this particular event is taking place at Madeira Beach Middle School does not mean that the organization is focused on wealthy bratty kids. Everyone needs to start somewhere. We happened to make a contact at MDMS and they invited us to participate at their event. This is a great way to make more contacts within the pinellas county school system so that we can work with other, more needy schools in the future. This is a fun event that will expose the kids to a couple of fun sports.

As for the comment about us doing something for them getting straight A's... its not about us at that point. If kids like to participate in watersports, it can really be a great benefit to THEIR life. Unfortunately most of us were adults when we started this sport however I know that many of us participated in other sports when we were younger like wakeboarding, skateboarding, water skiing, etc. Go ahead and ask Josh Taylor or Adam if they would be allowed to come out and ride all weekend if they were getting crappy grades. It gives them motivation to do well. This is no different than participating in soccer or football.

As for the purpose of the club/organization. I think that it is two-fold. Yes, one of the goals of this program is to promote safety and protect access. One of the ideas discussed has been the signs and right now we're not going to discuss that because its not the purpose of this thread. However, protecting access is not the only purpose of this organization. I'm not sure if the board members have a mission statement yet or not, but i can tell you that part of the main focus of the organization is community outreach. Whether this be a food drive, a beach cleanup, a school-related appearance, etc. It is a way to be a part of the community and promote healthy living. So yes, although the sign stuff is a portion of the goals that are being set, kiteboarding events (races, demos, cook-outs, etc) as well as community service AND exposing kids to the sport is all part of this up and coming organization.

We're starting out small, broke and exploding with new ideas so bear with us. We may not be throwing free races/events this month but as more people want to participate and more organization is structured, it should be getting more and more fun!

Little Miss Sunshine 05-05-2008 08:01 PM

Amber - Thank you for the support!

Scott - Oh please....

Tom Stock 05-05-2008 10:45 PM

Awesome great job guys!

TBKA 05-06-2008 11:16 PM

I met with some of the faculty and the principal yeasterday,and they are very excited to have us at their event! It is to highlight the students projects and achievements of the current school year with staff,volunteers, program directors, students, and families. If you want to check out the school, their website is
They estimate 600+ people, and there will be a variety of vendors, businesses, and sponsors there, including several surf shops. As I understand it,the "vendors" will not be selling anything. We will probably not have use of the dock because a Coast Guard cutter will be docked there, but there is a small parking and beach area by the bridge for anyone who wants to check it out and stay out of the crowds.
Our wakeboarding demo is at 6:45 PM, we should be on the water from about 6:00-7:30.
I am sorry to report that Adam Bomb tore his bicep in a Wakeboarding competition this weekend, so he will not be able to ride. He is sending a friend in his place, who is also a great wakeboarder. Adam's injury sounded pretty serious,and it looks like he will be out of commission for a while, let's all wish him a speedy recovery!
Heal fast my brother!!!

Some members are also attending an event at Lake Seminole this Saturday May 10 for disabled water-skiers. I will have more info on this event Thursday night. If anyone wants to come check it out with us, give me a call.
Steve (813) 389-3683

Skyway Scott 05-07-2008 09:59 AM

Sorry to not provide you with more entertainment, Outsider.
This thread wasn't constructed (and then de-constructed) for your entertainment.

This thread turned into a rapid fire exchange of ideas (at least on my part) that wasn't backed with enough information to even warrant comment on my part. Given that and the nature of written material on forums (it can hang around forever), I decided to delete my posts after Steve deleted his.
I didn't do it to be nice, I did it because the last two posts deserved to be shi.t canned. There is nothing wrong with asking questions and wanting answers, which is how the thread started, but there is a point where you should draw the line on drawing conclusions.
I crossed that line and I am sorry. If I could go back in time and not have written posts that day, I would. Second best is canning it.

The reason my views and posts were not fully informed is that I have not participated in TBKA meetings or discussions. I basically therefore have no understanding of what is fully going on. Given that, I shouldn't have drawn a conclusion based on such little information. If I am truly interested and want to know, I should join the forum and discuss, like everyone else that does.
If I am not, I should just plain shut up until I have more information.
I don't have a problem grilling things I feel confident are wrong.
In those situations I usually triple check my facts and make sure that I feel I am right. In this instance I was working off of bias not facts and drawing a conclusion was wrong.

So, the posts were deleted because the last two anyway sucked and shouldn't have been made.

That's a public apology to Steve that was coming anyway. I don't really give a crap about Mr. Outsider's boredom. It did serve as a reasonable lead in, though.

Skyway Scott 05-07-2008 10:13 AM

Geez, Outsider must think he is cute.

Whining about guys deleting their posts and not entertaining him enough, only to delete his the second someone posts and responds to his statement.
Either way, the apology is sincere and was coming with or without some Outsider making a comment.

Tom Stock 05-07-2008 10:51 AM

What I really need is more cow bell.

TBKA 05-07-2008 10:52 AM

Thanks Scott- no worries. We are all passionate about our sport and want to see it move in a positive, less commercialized direction, and I think the efforts and direction of TBKA will be realized in the near future by everyone, even the skeptics. We have some good stuff in the works that will certainly build positive relations with kiters, non kiters, schools, city officials, etc. and will benefit our local kiters and citizens on the beach and on the streets.
You guys want to see positive things happen with more needy schools? No problem. This stuff is all quite simple, but requires belief, support, cooperation, and volunteers to make it happen.
That is the 4 missing ingredients of this whole pie, always has been. Give us those 4 things and we will far exceed your expectations. I guarantee you that.
Let's try getting along and working together and see where it gets us.

toby wilson 05-07-2008 12:09 PM

And on the NEXT episode of Days of our Kites...
The Steve's plan a great event for a great cause for our community's youth.

Sean B. attacks the validity of it and then pulls back on the reins some.

Josh shows more maturity than a good amount of the full grown adults on this message board.

Bayflite gives his short but sweet support of the charitable event.

Amber writes a novel supporting TBKA.

The forum addict duo continue with their $0.02 on EVERYTHING.

Taryn pops in with her sarcastic but effective comments.

Toby (not to mention the rest of the kiteboarding community) is sick of the drama, shut up and go ride.

-Every time I log into this forum all I see is drama, great entertainment but the negativity sure is getting old...

Tom Stock 05-07-2008 12:58 PM

Awesome post Toby! Right On! Did you ride yesterday? I did, it was awesome!

CrazyJay 05-07-2008 02:29 PM

Tom, are the seabreezes good? I havent been able to get out but it seems like its hitting around 4 pm.

BigR 05-07-2008 02:33 PM

last two afternoons the seabreezes really ramped up hard to about 18-20kts after 4pm by my house on east tampa bay

Skyway Scott 05-07-2008 02:41 PM

Tom and I had the whole flats across the channel to ourselves at B.S. yesterday.
It was pretty good wind, but only 2 inches deep though (or less), so get ready to eat mud if you fall off of your rocket board.
We covered in mud by the end of the ride.

Tom Stock 05-07-2008 03:31 PM

What I really need is to see some more Jay's unhooked kite loop transitions.

18-20 yesterday, rode a tiny board (129x39) with no straps and no fins, just waxed the top. It was a lot of fun doing surface passes and shuvits in 4 inches of water.

I bet it's gonna do it again today.

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