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Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 06:36 AM

OMG...4 Seabreezes in a row?
What is this March or something?
And, in the last 20 years (to my knowledge) it hasn't blown 4 days in a row at the beach (solid 15+) for a seabreeze. I've seen 3 several times, but never 4.

But, it sure looks possible today, again.

Anyone who can, if it does, it has been really nuking at PaG/'tow/Blue Flag for 3 days straight. Come on out.

The timing has been right around 3pm. I am hoping it happens yet again.

Also, each day has been getting stronger. We were joking yesterday that at this rate, today we would see 22 to 25 knots. Yesterday was 18 to 22 for 4 hours straight.

I hope Josh Linker didn't predict a seabreeze, b/c if so, put a fork in it.. it's done. :x

I will post on here if/when I think it's gonna happen :D

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 12:05 PM

I think it is a go. I don't feel nearly as confident about today though, lots of clouds and possible rain.

I am leaving anyway. It has switched, its just a matter of how strong today.

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 12:48 PM


It is just taking a dump for now. I am gonna play heads up matches til something changes.

bryanleighty 05-31-2006 01:08 PM


Scott is at beach...

confirmed 15..

may rain tho.. is going to wait a few til it clears..

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 07:02 PM

Thanks for posting Bryan.
When I got there, Chris Moore was already rigged and ready to go.
It was about 13 knots on average (kinda everywhere from 9 to 16).

Then, an hour later, it filled in nicely......
Then another hour later... holey moley.. solid 20 for 3 hours. It was actually windier than yesterday. UNREAL.

Lotsa guys out there:
Alex, Chili, Paul, Chris, Randy, Scott Wolfe, Bryan Leighty, SWS, Dan, Mike Hall (downwinder) (I prolly forgot someone, sorry).
Everyone was trying everyone's gear. Pretty cool.. a kind of demo day.

I got to try Chris' 15m Ion in solid 20. That kite simply ROCKS.
I've ridden it in 10-12 (and liked it) and now in solid 20+. I was VERY surprised how easy it was to ride in 20 (effortless actually) because it had pretty good grunt in low wind I thought maybe the high end wouldn't be so hot (that's been my experience with the bigger bows of other brands)
I think I could take it to 25 maybe.. 20 was simply cake.

I'm not so hot with descriptive stuff, but, I think that may be the best kite I have ever ridden. It was very smooth, power was smooth, jumped nice, turned nice. I am REALLY looking forward to riding this kite and bows in the future (6 months ago I wasn't so hot the idea of bows, now I am stoked)

I am going to get one as soon as possible. I wasn't going to get a kite til next season, but... when one kite covers that much range, what's the point in waiting?

I think that for most Florida days, I could ride that kite and the Super Phatty and have a great time (10-23knots) :D

E-Bone 05-31-2006 07:28 PM

Yeah. Now you know why I've been ranting about the 15m Ion for the last month.

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 08:03 PM


I literally got to fly 5 different kites today in the same wind.
The Ion smoked all of them (especially considering you could have a great time on it in 12, at my size)

bryanleighty 05-31-2006 08:38 PM

today was amazing...
got off work a bit early.. hit the beach and holy shhhhhhheeeeet it kicked in when i got on the water.. LIIIITTT on a 12 waroo..

beautiful day... lots of riding.. weather was perfect.. water was perfect.. sharks in the gulf.. kite wa....

....wwwwwwhhhatt did he just say..??


i saw an 8 inch dorsal fin breach the surface and didnt see the back of the animal.. it was a ways off shore and it kinda freaked me out.. but then again.. i know they are all around..only a matter of time..

now its just one on the list..

dolphin - check (few times)
manatees - check
fat guys in small speedos - check (few times)
5 - 7 foot shark - check

kiting in late May... is this normal?????????????

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 08:41 PM

ohhh.. just got the rockets... no these strong, long lasting seabreezes are not normal this time of year, especially 4 days in a row.
Pretty sweet, huh!!

E-Bone 05-31-2006 08:56 PM

Scott, how big were you going on that 15 when you were litt? Is it just me, or does it jump big when it is windy?

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 09:00 PM

I never have a clue how high I jump. They all feel the same to me.
I know it was very easy to jump it though :P

bryanleighty 05-31-2006 09:02 PM

rockets aint NOTHING in omaha.


on another completely diff. topic.. today I finally pulled a 10 ft air to complete testicle crush...holy sheeet.. pain pain pain.. I blame the GK Sonic 11m I was riding. My Waroo would never allow damage to my jewels.

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 09:06 PM

LOL.. I am in a NL tourney. Down to final 3, first in chips

Yeah, I have had the nuts hurt, too (get it?

EDIT: 3 minutes later (went all in with ak pre.. got called by J 2 and guy hits a 2.. wtf is that? its called rigged... no hundred dollar player in the WORLD would call an all in with J 2... he won the next hand and tourney over.. gimme a break

Hey, what are the odds for five days in a row? My legs are totally beat!

Kasper 05-31-2006 09:21 PM

Anyone try the 12m2 Ion? Seriously considering getting one but in doubt if the 12 or the 15 would suit me better..

And yes you are all right, today was the SHIT :lol: :lol: :lol: Had a blast on my 11 m2 fuel, saw you all just north of me.. got the directions wrong and thought the meeting was south of the undertow...

edit: Sorry to hear that.. you'll get him in the long run though..

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 09:41 PM

You were litt and rode quite a while :D I was watching you and Thomas Crawford down there.

I don't know, seems like a 15 and a 9m Ion might be the combo.
I literally had no problem holding the 15m down in 20 (it was easy with the kite depowered about 75%....., not even edging that hard). I think I could go 25.

The 15m Fusion was noticeably harder to hold down and my 16m RRD.. well.. that thing is a PIG in comparison...

Kasper 05-31-2006 10:11 PM

Two Ions would be preferred of course.. unfortunately I know my bank won't agree on that.. Thinking about selling my 11 and 15 fuel and getting one Ion... hmmm.. I do love those kites so maybe not.. not sure about anything..

Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 10:16 PM

LOL.. I know the feeling. TRUST ME.

Well, considering the time of year and all, and that I was holding it down no prob today.... hmmm..... :D

C. Moore 05-31-2006 10:29 PM

I am glad I was able to let you guys try out the 15m ION. I like this kite better than the GK Sonic. It has the "C" kite feel and it jumps to the moon.

Anyone is welcome to try it any time they see me out, as longs as your name isn't Randy Radcliff, aka Mr One more time. LOL

He didn't want to give my kite back to me. Hell, I don't blame him at all.

I had a blast today and I am sore as hell. Lets see what tomorrow will bring us.

BTW, Scott thanks for letting me test out the SP. Great board and it carves upwind. I want to try it when it's blowing 12 to see its potential.


bryanleighty 06-01-2006 06:56 AM


I would bet a 12 would cover your 3 kites you have now better than a 15 if you are looking to replace your quiver and maybe pick up another (larger) kite down the road.

my 12 m waroo has completely replaced my 11, 13 & 15. Almost replaces my 20m.

I weigh about 190 and I think the 12m will be my main kite.. i also picked up a 9m waroo and will bust that out when the winds pick up.

I do wish I had a 15 or 16m bow as these lighter winds could be better tamed with a little more canopy, but my 12 (with a little work) does great.

And when it does fill in, HOLY CRAP that kite rocks.

It really is about what you normally ride and what you want to replace. a bow will cover a couple sizes above and below. If you want to replace a 13 - 17 m range.. get a 15.. a 10 - 15 m range.. get a 12.


Skyway Scott 06-01-2006 08:42 AM

I have noticed that our winds tend to fall into a few "categories"

Very common (probably the most common) is the 12 to 16 knot day.
This will cover alot of Easts we experience at the SW (unless you get there really early)
These tend to get weaker as approaching 10 am. These are numerous in winter/early spring depending on whether you can be there in the AM.
Most seabreezes fall in this category as well. The last few days have been just exceptionally windy for seabreezes. Adding the Easts and the seabreezes together, I would guess 60 days a year.

14 to 22 knots. These are our SSWs and stronger SEs during the day. They last most of the day and come in waves of wind. I think we had about 20 of these, if combined this year.

25 to 45. These are our strong winter NWs (about 5 this year) and our hurricane days (about 5 last season).

Of course the remaining days are sub 10 and those days can just bite me :?

Thes are simplified categories and some days just don't fit, but, for the most part, if it is blowing above 25 knots.. it is likely to hit 35 that day at some point is my take on it.

However, on alot of days, if it is blowing 16 (at some point) it is also blowing 12 or will be dropping to 12 as you are riding. Our average day of riding if averaged out for a year is probably around 15knots of wind.

Because of this, for me, I am thinking the 15m Ion is going to be my choice for close to a one kite quiver on 80% of riding days (mainly because of how easy it was to hold in 20 knots and its low end is good enough with a good light wind board to have alot of fun in 11).

I was surprised how easy it was to hold in 20. The 14m Turbo Diesel would have been MUCH harder.

I am just stressing the upper end on the Ion might be higher than some of you might imagine possible. Before I hit "enter" on this, I checked with Pat at Extreme to make sure my wind ranges weren't skewed. He says 22 knots is "no problemo" He said on a solid 25 knot day he would rig smaller.
Again tho, how many solid 25s do we get? Thats usually the upper end on a normal day.. or low end on the Nukers.

He also said get the 15m if trying to decide on just one for now. I ordered mine yesterday after riding :D

I asked him "then WHO gets the 12m Ion?"
He said people who KNOW its rocking alot in their hometown (avg. 20 to 30 most riding days)

Hope that helps. Bryan, not trying to disagree with you (for the sake of just doing it, anyway)

(3 spelling edits bolded)

E-Bone 06-01-2006 09:05 AM

I agree with Scott's analysis here. The wind is all or nothing here, so the 9m/15m Ion quiver makes more sense to me. If we had consistent 15 to 22, maybe I would consider a 12m Ion, but we don't get that kind of wind so often. The 12m might be a great kite for kite travel to DR, etc.

Besides, the 9m flat kites are so fast that you can ride them happily once it is blowing 20, and you can ride the 15m happily when it is blowing 20, so, in my view, the ideal quiver is the 9m and the 15m. Smooth out any rough edges with a board.

bryanleighty 06-01-2006 09:11 AM

sweet kite order Scott!

I know that a 15 ion or similar will be in our quiver (Dan and I share kites) by the end of the summer. it sounds like an amazing kite..

maybe its the speed of the 12.. not sure.. yesterday I was quite over powered .. felt that a 15 bow would have kicked my ass.

i know that the waroos do not depower as gracefully as an ION.. they have that well-known trailing edge flutter when sheeted out a lot. I ride it powered up and adjust the trim to keep this to a minimal. Thing pulls like mad when its in its sweet spot for wind. I think its fair to say that a waroo does not handle the upper wind ranges as gracefully as an ION. but in its sweet spot, i bet they are very similar.

I am definitely not as seasoned as most in the area.. but from January on this year I have been either on an 11, 13 or 15.. pretty evenly balanced between the 3 kites. i chose the 12 bow to cover those ranges. I also got a 9 as there were many times that the 11 was way too much. as well.. there are times that the 15 was not enough. lately, of course, its lighter winds. a 14 - 16 m bow kite will be in the quiver for us to cover the ranges.

That one kite can cover 3 C kites is pretty damn amazing.
think what we will be considering laying down $$$$ for in 2 years ...or sooner!

Skyway Scott 06-01-2006 09:20 AM

It simply is amazing. I am over here right now (not exaggerating) in a kind of amazement/euphoria over the idea of a one board/one kite quiver for most (not all days). Factor in Donna, and two kites has both of us covered, almost always (she won't ride in 25+)
So we got two people, three boards and two kites.. great bargain.

I think the waroos in general ride like bigger kites than their #m says.
I mean, Ebone on a 9m in 12 knots.
Also, the 16m Waroo flew like a 21m C with unreal low end... and I know there is zero chance of riding that in 20.

The 15m Ion (to me) flies like a 17m Fuel (low end) and seems like an 11m Fuel top end (that's 20 mins on it in 20+).

So, not really disagreeing with your take on your Waroo.. that's why I stressed upper end on the Ion.

I already know buying a 16m Waroo as the one kite choice would be a BAD decision. Not that the kite isn't great.. it just has more power and less top end, so you'd get cut off at 15knots is my guess.

So, we are both right :D

That's why I focussed on the windspeeds so heavily (so that any kite could be framed into that scenario)

Anyway, I am grabbing a 15m Ion and riding it most days :P

Optionryder420 06-01-2006 09:25 AM

I'm keeping my Ckites and waiting for all you guys to sell yours CHEAP!

Of course, I spend all my money too fast... :(

Skyway Scott 06-01-2006 09:29 AM

I do have a kite for sale cheap. It's called the 16m RRD.

I will sell it for 200 bucks. I also have an almost brand new 13m Fuel I will sell for 300. Thing is... seriously, these kites are going to be close to worthless pretty soon. :? :(

E-Bone 06-01-2006 10:34 AM

Yeah, my 16m and 12m 2005 Norths are for sale too, cheap. I have them on ikitesurf and have been getting inquiries but I've been too busy kiting to bother responding!

Optionryder420 06-01-2006 11:39 AM

Man Scott, I almost lost my 13m on tuesday!

You know the rocks at redington :shock: ? I did a indy frontroll coming in, was trying to relaunch so was swimming really close, then made it to the sandbar... got too close for comfort, not doing that again lol.

Whenever I get money, I'll make a thread trying to get all your kites.

Have a little over $400 to go on my AR... then I'll have money for kites.

JoshTaylor 06-01-2006 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420
Man Scott, I almost lost my 13m on tuesday!

You know the rocks at redington :shock: ? I did a indy frontroll coming in, was trying to relaunch so was swimming really close, then made it to the sandbar... got too close for comfort, not doing that again lol.

Whenever I get money, I'll make a thread trying to get all your kites.

Have a little over $400 to go on my AR... then I'll have money for kites.

you got lucky.

heres my new switchblade 12m

Skyway Scott 06-01-2006 12:23 PM


Glad it's okay, and that you are too. I almost got whacked 2 days ago myself. I was on my 16 in 20+. Colin was there, but prolly didn't realize what a close call it was. I went to relaunch the kite.. kite was on water's edge and I was about 60 feet from shore. Well, it went up.. but.. the bar was all whack and it powerlooped (once)... luckily, I had my finger in the QR loop and BAM baby! see ya'... I QR'd that B#$%% as soon as possible.

No thanks Mr. Kite.. try to whack me again some other day :wink:
I think I freaked out a couple spectators.. that was my closest call in about a year. It coulda been bad.

EDIT.. Josh your post went up right before mine.
Damn.. well, glad that YOU are okay. Sucks to have a new kite get hurt.

Optionryder420 06-01-2006 12:40 PM

Yeah man... I was just worried my kite was going to get wrecked...

I relaunched it like 8-10 feet away from the rocks though. The body dragged back to my board and rode way upwind.

I landed the indy frontroll, but then crashed my kite because I dove it too low (17" bar is slower then my pulley bar) and couldn't get it back up.

Kasper 06-01-2006 02:36 PM

OK.. I guess I'm pretty much settled for the 15 m2 and the 9 m2, my homespot is Copenhagen, Denmark, and the wind there is very unstable since it mostly comes from small cold fronts.. Think I'll get the 15 m2 first and then hopefully get the 9 m2 just before I leave in august if I have the money (I'll need it for the autum storms that we get quite often in sep/oct).. Would really like to try one first though, hopefully I'll see you on the beach soon Chris, thanks for the offer..

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