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kuds 04-27-2006 05:57 PM

Missing Yellow Undergound 157
I was riding Cypress this afternoon and switched out boards around 330. I left my Yellow Underground 157 on the beach just upwind of the flats to the north. When I came in at 5 it was gone. If anybody picked it up or finds it floating or sees it for sale somewhere please let me know. My name and phone number is on the deck. Thanks. Bruce. 813 258 0149.

Skyway Scott 04-27-2006 09:33 PM

Bruce basically had his board stowed off of the beaten path and somewhat hidden in case the wind slowed as a backup light wind board and some loser STILL stole it. Unreal.

Theft has been here since day one (I had everything stolen once five yrs. ago), but seems to be picking up its pace lately. Total crap.
I think people are realizing the obvious - - That once we hit the water, we are out there for awhile, and our stuff is easy pickings. Time to start being more secure. Unfortunate we have to even think that way.
If it doesn't show up soon Bruce, we have an order in for 3 aggressions, lemme know.

bryanleighty 04-27-2006 09:56 PM


When I left there was an older guy in a white tank top watching you. I saw when you switched out boards...thought you were leaving for the day..then you were back on the water w/ red board.

I absolutely would recognize that guy if I saw him. He was old, in his late 60s at least. I am not sure who that group of people were that were out on the lawn by the parking area with their computer equipment, but they might have seen something.

****ing ridiculous that this happened.

I had all my shit in my kite bag at the point ... I kept an eye on it on occasion..but usually was not paying much attention.

Very sorry to hear about this....


Eagle 04-27-2006 10:17 PM

Sorry about the board getting ripped off Bruce..
The government building adjacent to the park has high tech surveilance equipment, maybe worth asking the guards if the tape could be reviewed, after all the theft is technically a felony.
Maybe Adrien at UG will replace the board at a discount. Worked with Jimmy Lewis, lets see how generous Kiwi's are.

More thefts.
Fence Steve got his wallet stolen from his car at IRB today.

Good idea to keep your valuables out of sight and your gear secure and away from sticky fingers.
Hope the board(s) turn up eventually.

Stevil Kenevil 04-27-2006 10:35 PM

Yeah, and those BASTARDS got my Sobe, Gatorade, and Cool Ranch Doritos! Thanx for lunch Windrad... I owe ya one.
Chris-It was really honkin' after you left, and I'm glad to hear you guys made it on the DW.
East Beach should be the spot for the next few days, see you there!

C. Moore 04-27-2006 10:46 PM

Yeah it really filled in at Cypress, but it was really gusty. I got lofted on the DW about 10 feet in the air. I wasn't worried about the height but the oyster beds below had me concerned. I stubbed the hell out of my toe just before the DW and it is still swollen and painful. I might have broken it. My riding may be limited until it heals. :(

This theivery is getting out of control. I can't wait until I catch some one stealing my stuff or one of my bro's. I have a lot of built up anger that needs to be released. :)

Skyway Scott 04-27-2006 11:28 PM

I am in for kicking some thievery ass too.
These guys are scum of the earth and deserve it.
What are they gonna do with a f#%#@@ kiteboard anyway? Man, it pisses me off.

All this poker (playing right now) is building up some major aggression/angst that I would love to vent on these losers as well.

I told Bruce about the cameras earlier today, good idea. We will find out soon, I hope, if this loser is on film. The dude in the tank top was there yesterday and the day before as well. I think he is interested in taking lessons, actually.
I was riding up in that area and saw him. That would be ballsy. We will see.

Besides that, Donna had a great time out there on the 10m Turbo Diesel.
I am planning a night ride Friday night. Should be nukin. Bayflite?

Big G 04-28-2006 07:34 AM

I spoke with the dude in the tank top and he did seem interested in lesons and learning more about kiteboarding. I refered him over tot he guy with the RV that had a sign that ready Kiteboarding lessons.

Also, I've seen this guy with the tank top many times out at the beach. He always brings a book and sits alone far from anyone else and reads. Not a likely suspect.

Skyway Scott 04-28-2006 07:48 AM

I agree. If anything maybe he saw something, if we are lucky.
I have ridden Cypress 4 times in the last ten days or so.
I think he was there every single time.
Don't worry, without visual proof of a board (in car or something) I wouldn't ever accuse him or anyone of stealing it (if you are worried Chris and I are loose, angst ridden cannons :shock: )

toby wilson 04-28-2006 08:09 AM

Thieves suck! Sorry to hear about your board Bruce. I have almost the exact same board, yellow but mine is a 158. Also, Steve got the last of his money stolen along with all of his credit cards and such in his wallet and is now broke for a few days. Steve is the first person to give when he has money and someone else is down and I bet Bruce is the same way. Let's think about a collection (to help with gas and lunch for Steve for the next few days with wind and if Bruce's board doesn't show up just like we did for Al with the Jimmy Lewis board) to help them when they are down...who's in?

Optionryder420 04-28-2006 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by y2kcmoore
Yeah it really filled in at Cypress, but it was really gusty. I got lofted on the DW about 10 feet in the air. I wasn't worried about the height but the oyster beds below had me concerned. I stubbed the hell out of my toe just before the DW and it is still swollen and painful. I might have broken it. My riding may be limited until it heals. :(

This theivery is getting out of control. I can't wait until I catch some one stealing my stuff or one of my bro's. I have a lot of built up anger that needs to be released. :)

Unless you are carrying, I wouldn't suggest confronting anyone with that. People that steal your shit are already committing a crime, what's to say they aren't willing to committ another one? (assault, battery, possesion of a concealed weapon, etc.) And why put yourself in the position of getting charged with assault or battery when it most likely won't get your board back?

But, if you guys did happen to do something like that and the guy turned violent, I've got your back. Or, if the guy just happens to get plummelled, I'll be a good witness :D. Or, if the guy has a knife, I'll shoot him ;)

I still wouldn't suggest doing it though :lol:

Get the persons license plate number, then call the police.

If you guys don't want anything stolen, lock everything up and hide it out of view. That's all you can do.

Someone would steal a kiteboard just to sell it scott. I mean, something as easy as walking up, picking something up off the beach and then leaving netting you 100+ dollars would definently be worth it to a thief.

The cameras will probably be of no use, they most likely won't turn the footage over or they already have gone over it. But, I still say, give it a shot.

Everyone should keep an eye out for this board for sale, even if you see it on ikite or ebay or anywhere from a different location, I still recommend calling it in, or emailing the webmaster of the page and getting an IP. We really need to crack down on the thievery since it seems to be starting back up.

Don't leave boards on the beach unless you're willing to suffer the consequences either. Get someone to lock them up in your car, or have someone there watching.

Take as many precautions as you can to avoid the theft, people aren't going to bother if it's locked up in your car. Nobody is going to walk up, break your car window or use a slim jim and get into your car even if you are on the water if they don't see something worthwhile.

BizB 04-28-2006 09:27 AM

I suggested an anchor and bouy system for storing kiteboards (and anything else for that matter) off shore a ways. All you need is a milk jug full of sand, an empty milk jug and some rope to anchor your board offshore. Add a dry-bag and you could, in theory, keep all your stuff off the beach.

Just a thought.

kuds 04-28-2006 10:15 AM

Thanks for all of the support. I am sure the board is long gone. I appreciate the jesture but please don't collect any money for a new board for me-the act of someone taking the board bothers me more than the cost of replacing it. It must have been bad Karma that day because I told Window Guy that I never leave anything on the beach at Cypress but I was riding solo and knew the wind would pick up and wanted to have my other board ready. I still had a good session - see you on the water this weekend.

toby wilson 04-28-2006 11:16 AM

Your call Bruce, I am more than willing to lay down some cash to help you get a new board. The least we can do is for Scott or someone else who has a good relationship with Adrian from Underground to contact him and let him know what happened. I know Brian Eagle already suggested that and it is a great idea!!! That way we could find out if he would be willing to cut a deal for a new board for you...

I still think a few bucks here or there even if it is just a dollar or two will help Steve's cause. He has to run a fence company on exactly $0 now and I, for one plan on helping him out with a few bucks until he gets back onto his feet...

Kev, guns may be interesting but carrying one is not always the answer to problems. I agree that inflicting physical harm on someone is not cool even if they did something wrong but I can't say that I wouldn't beat their ass if I got my hands on them. Now shooting someone is a whole other beast and attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon is much more serious than assault or battery charges. I'm glad you enjoy carrying your gun, it is your right...just think before you act or even post anything of that nature on a public forum... :wink:

Optionryder420 04-28-2006 11:23 AM

It's not my right to carry a gun.

I'm only 18, I can own any firearm I wish (as long as it isn't fully auto, or any other of that class III stuff) but I can NOT carry. I will be carrying as soon as I hit 21 though.

And like I said, if the guy also has a weapon and gets violent, it is my right to shoot him. I may be taken in, but charges will not be filed since I was acting in behalf for you guys and your safety. Only if it came to the guy pulling a firearm himself, or pulling a knife in a close distance would I fire at him. That's exactly what I was trying to say.

I'm not allowed just to shoot someone, but if I see someone in mortal danger or if I am put into the same danger, it is my right to fire.

Especially with our shoot-first law now, it'd be a lot less hassle in the courts.

And truthfully, I'd hate to have to shoot someone over a stolen kiteboard, that's why I'm saying that people should just get the tag number and call the police.

Things can turn pretty ugly pretty fast.

Skyway Scott 04-28-2006 11:43 AM


I am already attempting to get Bruce a sweet deal from GS at Aggression boards. Bruce has one Aggression already, and GS is a great guy.

No offense to UG, but...... they did not support Kevin when his board snapped in half. That day was a let down to me (more to him I am sure) and honestly, these Aggressions are a better anyway.
Hoping for news today from GS. My Aggression is in the mail :D

toby wilson 04-28-2006 11:43 AM

My point exactly on guns. You don't know who that person is you are shooting at. What if you just shot the sheriff of the police departments family member? Or a judge's family member? My point is that you never know and that idle threats like that could come back to bite you, that's all. Just trying to give some friendly advice...not bring up another gun debate...this is not gunboarding, it's kiteboarding!!! :lol:

Scott, hate to disagree but UG still rocks in my opinion...

inferno 04-28-2006 12:08 PM


Optionryder420 04-28-2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by toby wilson
My point exactly on guns. You don't know who that person is you are shooting at. What if you just shot the sheriff of the police departments family member? Or a judge's family member? My point is that you never know and that idle threats like that could come back to bite you, that's all. Just trying to give some friendly advice...not bring up another gun debate...this is not gunboarding, it's kiteboarding!!! :lol:

No debate, just wanted to state I wasn't going to randomly shoot anyone...

Since that's what everyone always assumes about people with guns... :(

Oh well :D

E-Bone 04-28-2006 07:02 PM

I noted the post on the stolen board and it strikes a sour note with me, given that I usually have boards all over the beach during a session. I usually have the Glide out as well as a small board, sometimes two small boards. I guess I need to modify my habits.

When things are crowded or I am riding way out, I will sometimes keep unused boards in the Element of Surpise, but it can be sketchy getting a board out of the vehicle with the kite in the air.

For my part, I am willing to bitch some boards out to my bros if they need a switch out during a session. Give me a shout and let me know. If I am standing around on the beach while the wind is blowing, I might as well make myself useful anyhow.

Plenty of people taken boards out of the Element for me (maybe only because I make people nervous when I am flying a powered kite with one hand while digging through the Team Ele-mental flagship with the other).

Eagle 04-28-2006 07:30 PM


Keep your gun(s) at home, there is zero need for a gun at the beach.
Carrying a gun isn't the best idea, especially when young and prone to making mistakes. Pulling a gun out can change your life in an instant, and from my experience that change more often than not is one which is negative.

You could have the gun taken away from you and beaten or shot with it.

You could go to prison.

You could die or end up paralyzed.

I've seen MANY people shot during my career, and only a fraction of those who did the shooting were legally justified. Most of these were cops.
If you want to carry a gun, become a lawman or better yet join Spec Ops and go hunt terrorists.

Back to the topic, yes stealing is low and the chances of finding the board or thief is very remote. Whoever is stealing our gear will have to pay the balance on the karma charge card sooner or later.

BizB - The idea of a board anchored with a quick release is awesome!

Optionryder420 04-28-2006 10:22 PM

Why does everyone assume just because I mentioned a gun, I'm going to shoot someone for even looking at me wrong?

It's very justified if the other guy has a gun and pulls his first.

And how is someone going to take my gun when/if I pull it, it's only going to be to fire it and to STOP the threat no matter what it takes.

Trust me, I know how to handle myself, I've got a really cool attitude, especially when I've got a gun around... I just got my right to be armed, I really don't want to lose it already.

It's only for my protection, or incase I see you guys confront someone (which I said not to) and that person happens to have a gun or is in close range with a knife (which I'd be hesitant to even shoot since the close range part... friendly fire is no fun).

You guys will never know if/when I have any guns around and that's how I like it. Only time you're going to see it you'd probably hear it first, and trust me, any shooting would be well justified.

I'm not about to shoot someone over anything unless my life or someone elses life is threatened.

Since I now have a firearm, I have to be 1000 times more curteous, 1000times more likely to walk away from any confrontation, and 1000times more respectful. Legal repercussions will be much greater against someone with a gun, mainly because of liberal anti-gunner high ups in the system. I've been through the legal system, I'm pretty profecient in knowledge with criminal acts.

HENCE why I suggested getting a tag number, then simply calling the cops.

And most likely, if you guys do try to confront them, I wouldn't even be there and wouldn't even watch, I already said I don't want to get involved (and if I didn't say it earlier, I've said it in other threads and I'm saying it again)

EDIT: And the only reason cops are justified is because they have a badge. I'd much sooner trust someone whom has a CWP over a police officer or a pinellas sherriff.

And like I said earlier and forgot to mention for the second time, I'm not carrying and I'm not allowed to carry. But, when I turn 21, I'm getting my CWP and you'll never know if I am/am not carrying.

slingshot05 04-28-2006 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420
I've got a really cool attitude, especially when I've got a gun around...

Thats not exactly true, and you should know what i'm talking about.

I'm not going to say any details though.

toby wilson 04-30-2006 10:07 AM


Looks like you are just insistent on learning the hard way. The people giving you advice here are, for the most part, older and more experienced and/or seen more than you have in life. Stop being so stubborn, open up your ears and LISTEN for once!!! I wish guns were not even in existence, all they do is KILL!!! Who declared you the protector of our lives? Is it your business to take a situation into your own hands and decide when someone deserves or doesn't deserve to be shot? I personally think that someone who harps to anyone who will listen about how gun owners are persecuted by people who don't want loose cannons walking around flashing guns and acting like their nuts just grew to the size of grapefruits are a threat to the public. I can already see a change in your attitude just on the forum.

Guns are fine...when kept LOCKED UP AND UNLOADED at home. There is NO reason to carry a firearm for protection Kev, you are in St. Petersburg, FL not Harlem, NY!!! And cops DO need to carry guns...unfortunately because some people insist on carrying them and won't hesitate to use them on a cop or for a burglary or other crime. Tell me this, what POSITIVE thing can come from you carrying a gun? It doen'nt make you cool Kev and I will speak for everyone in saying that guns are not welcome on the beach from a kiteboarders perspective. Noone is going to attack you there Kevin, we're all friends...

Let me finish with a question to you. What would the world be like if we all carried firearms for "protection"? I don't know about the rest of you but I sure had my fair share of fistfights as an immature kid growing up. How many times would I have been shot by now if all the lawmakers said was "it was self-defense" and then the shooter got away with it. You are a smart kid Kevin, you should know better than to spout this nonsense...leave the guns and the attitude at home and lets just ride...

Optionryder420 04-30-2006 09:43 PM

Older, sure, more experienced, doubtful. The only one I take seriously in this topic is Bryan.

And like I said, I'm not allowed to carry.

I'm very cautious because I DO know what happens around here and the Tampa area... if you don't know, I wasn't exactly as straight edge as I am now.

I don't go out looking for trouble now since I'm straight edge. Before, like Josh mentioned, I wasn't so "good." Sure, I used to be very hotheaded and would pull a gun in an instant... I've grown up a lot since being out of highschool and getting out of that scene. I'm pretty certain there are a few others on this board that weren't as straight edge as they seem now.

And toby, you are insistent on claiming guns are the root of evil. Guns don't kill people, people do. The firearms I have/plan to get will more then likely only be used to punch holes in paper. Guns don't only kill, quit reading liberal media and only believing that.

I'm pretty sure you or anybody else would be greatful if someone pulled a gun on you and some stranger shot that person, wouldn't you?

Like I believe I said, if I am or am not carrying, you nor anyone else would know anyways. I'm not about to flash it (although I do wish Florida would instate a open carry law) and try to look cool. It's simply for personal protection and because I like to shoot.

How are guns fine when they are locked up and unloaded? They aren't serving one of their many purposes if they're like that. I prefer mine as close as possible with a full magazine loaded (although no rounds in the chamber when not on person).

St. Pete/Tampa have VERY high crime rates, I'm not sure if you are aware of this. Shit, just 2 years ago my cousin was shot and killed in Tampa over 7 dollars... so I shouldn't be worried? I think I'll keep guard myself, since I used to find myself in Tampa quite often, and still head over there on occasion today. Shit, just on the way home from purchasing a firearm, I was confronted by the guys that hit me and they were making threats. They didn't do anything, but if anything did happen, I would've sure been happy I loaded those magazines up and had them ready.

And if cops are allowed to carry, why shouldn't any citizen be allowed to? Do you know who did ban all firearms and take them away? Hitler and Stalin are just a few names that come up in my mind.

3.5million crimes are STOPPED a year from civilian owned firearms. There are 35,000 deaths related to firearms a year, other then self defense... BUT that's including all gang members shooting gang members and etc. And, anybody that knows anything about burgulary won't carry a gun in onto one. And why do you make a difference between a gun being used on a cop or civilian? Cops do NOT have some superhuman ability or intelligence. My friend is a cop, he dropped out of school in 8th grade... that sure tells you something now doesn't it. Don't get me started on the ueslessness of the Pinellas county sheriff. Even then, most cops encourage concealed carry among civilians. Only people killing people are people that already illegally carry a gun.

And even if you guys say I'm not welcome at the beach if I have a gun, it's not your call, it's my right as a U.S. Citizen. I'm not using it there for protection from any of you, but what if I was just out shooting, or what if I just bring it everywhere I go? If I even have it at the beach, none of you would know anyways, and if I did, too bad, you'll live, it's not going to shoot you by itself.

And if EVERYONE carried a firearm for protection, the world would be a whole lot more polite.

I know I'm not allowed to shoot someone just for fistfighting, and if someone was trying to fight me, it's my responsiblity to WALK AWAY. Only way I'm even going to reach for my gun is if someone else has already drawn theirs. Since I'm 18 and not even allowed to carry (besides a few rules I'm allowed to have it on my property IE car, house, etc.) I have to be even more careful then those 21+ year olds with CWP.

Saying that "self defense" crap is such non-sense toby, my 100% left wing neighbor came over spouting that off (along with her lefty husband telling my uncle {an army ranger and other more classified stuff I don't know about} that the Iraq war didn't even happen) she could shoot a black guy walking down the road because she felt threatened. It's the same as you're saying about a fistfight. If I were to shoot someone over some stupid confrontation, I'd be facing 20 years. As you said so yourself, I'm a smart guy... I'm not about to shoot someone (which I've said in the last few posts besides the original) over nothing.

And trust me, I've gone through my "mistake making phase." It's been over for some time now...

My guns are just for punching holes in paper guys, I doubt I'll ever run into any trouble, but if I do, at least I'm prepared.

And don't think bad things only happen in certain neighborhoods...

Do you think any more professional criminals are going to try to make money in the ghetto? that's a negative... although more professional criminals usually won't carry guns.

See you guys out there.

tomstock 05-01-2006 10:10 AM

Optionryder420 05-01-2006 10:48 AM

Good point on the Breaking into cars and having a gun stolen...

Many good points.

E-Bone 05-01-2006 10:55 AM

I don't what it is about guns that pisses everyone off so much. I've got plenty of other implements around the house (vehicles, knives, hands, etc.) that could be used for unlawful killing. Why are guns so bad? As many guns as there are in Florida, every day would be like the Wild West if everyone were whipping them out at the slightest provocation.

On a macro level, government has an incentive to disarm the populace. Doing so gives the government more power and makes private citizens rely more on government for protection. Of course, once the government knows that its citizenry is disarmed, where is the strong incentive to do anything?

I look at gun ownership by a private citizen as that person's decision to take broader personal responsibility for his or her own security. I applaud it and I would not object to a kiter bringing his along to a session, as long as doing so is not a violation of any law.

Might be a good way to depower a runaway kite, too.

Optionryder420 05-01-2006 11:04 AM

Depower a kite :twisted: :shock: :lol:

E-Bone 05-01-2006 11:15 AM

Yeah. Can't we think of any stupid trick names involving shooting the kite?

Skyway Scott 05-01-2006 11:15 AM

So, how bout those bow kites?

No offense, but I have heard all the arguments both ways about a zillion times fellas (and abortion and evolution and alot of others) and this is a kiting forum.

Any news on the Wavetray?

Optionryder420 05-01-2006 11:18 AM

I'm waiting for the new contra before I make my decision on a lightwind kite.

E-Bone 05-01-2006 11:25 AM

I am waiting to see how my new Waroo stands up to being shot and used as a banner at an abortion rally before I make my final decision. It also depends on whether global warming caused Hurricane Katrina.

Skyway Scott 05-01-2006 12:02 PM

I got to ride the 14m TD in high winds (20) on a seabreeze Friday and low winds (10 max) yesterday around 3 when the wind died.
In 20 I was LITT and was jumping to the MOON... seriously, biggest jumps I have ever done.

The low end on the kite is impressive. I was riding in 10 no problem. Donna is litt in solid 10knots on it.

Unless a bigger guy, I can't see getting the 16m Turbo Diesel.

That's about all I have.... not alot of time on bows. Oh, I have ridden the Xbows and Switchblades. I like the Switchblade more than the Xbow.....

Can't wait to see where this type of kite is in 2 years.

E-Bone 05-01-2006 12:13 PM

Hey, Scott, what do you think about the 9m Waroo?

Skyway Scott 05-01-2006 12:34 PM

Thought I gave a review... maybe I didn't.

Ok. Honesty is best policy.

I think the range on the Waroo is INCREDIBLE. Probably much better than the 10m TD.
I thought it jumped very well and went upwind well. As it got windier, it did not feel gruntier (like a TD or Xbow would) it just went more upwind.
Overall a nice kite.

My two beefs (kinda hand n hand) are that it seems twitchy at times in gusts and I thought it might want to invert if left with no back line pressure in extreme high winds. Did it invert on me?.. Hell no! Did not allow no backline pressure to ever occur at 35 knots.

Also, let go of bar to spin it... good bye! (Unless real long arms) Both of those problems could be solved with a stopper of some sort.

All in all I and everyone who rode it loved it. I KNOW for a fact, that (lil) Rob from Sarasota would KILL for that kite. He looked AWEsome on it, jumping to the moon, etc.

tomstock 05-01-2006 12:51 PM

I liked it too. My only concern is the inversion and the safety. I've heard that if you use the back line as a safety the kite will spin forever on one tip... don't know if that's true. I wouldn't use that suicide leash setup. Seems unsafe.

If I get one I'll probably (if possible) put a stopper ball on it to keep a little back line tension, and make up for that with a 5th line for a real (ie: kite can't fly) safety.

The only problem with adding a 5th line is that it could potentially invert the kite... of course it would also revert it too :)

E-Bone 05-01-2006 01:24 PM

I'd be interested in a Turbo Diesel in a 9m range. I don't know if it is made yet. I like the Waroo a lot but I would like to see it built tougher. We'll see what the other kite companies start coming out with.

I flew the 12m Waroo this weekend and was not as impressed, but it could have been a rigging issue. I'd like to fly a stock 12m Waroo right out of the bag and see what happens.

It's all good. The new gear is really blowing my mind.

bryanleighty 05-01-2006 01:27 PM

did you do the bridle mod on your kite yet? supposed to help with stabilization of the kite in gustier conditions..

Skyway Scott 05-01-2006 01:34 PM

I have flown the 10m Turbo Diesel in high and marginal winds. For me, I would put a comfortable range for the 10 TD at 14 to 30 or so (not 40).
Donna now has a 10 and a 14 TD. She stops riding basically at 25, so this is a two kite quiver for her.

They (TDs) seem gruntier to me than the Waroos.
Not that that is good or bad.. it just is.
They also seem more stable and alot less twitchy (in terms of shooting to edge of window/ fluttering) in gusty winds. I would not put Donna on a Waroo with its current setup. I just don't trust it yet. That's just as much a "feeling" as anything else. Can't put it into words or being scientific about it... it just seems a little unpredictable to me.

On a similar note. I am honestly clueless on this one.
What DO you do to save yourself on a bow? in a bad situation?
Rely on it dying by use of front lines or hook it up to a back "oh shit" setup? or just let it GO for good and pray it comes back?
I have ZERO experience with these things whacking my a$$, so this is a serious question.

Also, how do you self land them?

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