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BigR 08-20-2006 07:02 AM

GET UP, GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WIND sun morn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

inferno 08-20-2006 07:18 AM

good luck Raul, i hope you get some for all of us :D

Big G 08-20-2006 07:43 AM

Thanks for the heads up but by the time I got my a$$ up, this is what I saw...
Can you say Limp D_ck!

Skyway Scott 08-20-2006 08:00 AM

You never know. SSE usually picks up with the heat of the day.
Maybe we'll get lucky around noon?

Big G 08-20-2006 11:09 AM

Hey Scott,
I'm looking for a SS Glide to add to my you know anyone who may be selling or would you be able to PM a price to me for a new board?
Big G

Skyway Scott 08-20-2006 11:21 AM
Free shipping. There are 2 left in the shop (at least on Friday that was the case)

I have one that I just bought two weeks ago. I might sell it for 490 once the custom UGs come in (light wind weapons with Extreme Kites logo at one tip and slightly different UG graphics than usual)
Those boards are due to arrive on Monday or Tuesday and should slightly outperform the Glide (on paper, anyway... we will see)

Another board to consider is this one. Free shipping on it as well.

It doesn't have quite the low end of the Glide, but is pretty good.
I took the crappy pic and did the write up on it.
What is your largest board right now? (152 UG?)

BigR 08-20-2006 11:26 AM

whats the diff with the MC and the new ones????

Skyway Scott 08-20-2006 11:29 AM

The Magic carpet is going to get smoked by the new one :shock: Exaggerating, but it should be better. The proto was better than the MC, it seemed, and a few changes were made which should make it even better. Who knows, maybe it will sink!

We will know by next Saturday (one day of 11 knot wind is all we will need to compare them)

I will get one (I hope) out here for a demo soon thru Daryl.
It is going to be hard to beat the Glide in ultra light winds, but beating it in the the "ease of use" category once it picks up to all of 13 while "tying it" in low end is the goal of this new UG.

I have been riding the Glide alot in the last couple of weeks and have actually learned to like it. Not much choice in 12 knots with 2 knot current but to ride a Glide. Still, I have learned to like it. It definitely smokes upwind in light winds better than most boards :D

Skyway Scott 08-20-2006 12:49 PM

Arggghhhh..... LOL....

toby wilson 08-20-2006 03:12 PM

No matter what you say Scottie, I still LOVE my MAGIC CARPET!!! :D

Allan 08-20-2006 03:53 PM

Hey Scott,
What do you think about the aggression. I was just up in hatteras, and it looked like a really nice light wind board though I never rode it.

Big G 08-20-2006 05:16 PM

The UG152 is my largest board and I am hoping that the SSGlide will give me just a little more lattitude. At 210-215lbs us bigger guys need all the help we can get. When everyone else is riding a 12m or 14m, I'm on a 17m or should be on something slightly larger.

Board size is going to make the biggest differnce when others are just barely ridding in light wind and I'm not even powered. You can''t effectivley fly those bigger kites in my opinion and a larger boards allows for better weight distribution and there for effortless plaining.

I find that the MC yellow board my friend Toby is riding and SS Glide have a little more advantage for me on light wind, smooth water days than my UG152 on lighter days.

bayflite 08-20-2006 08:29 PM

i hate lightwind kiting
give me 15mph's or give me death
what a freakin workout
it's like playing the drums softly...
you can do it but why???

toby wilson 08-21-2006 07:42 AM

Seeing as this is my first summer, I had no way to have an opinon on this until now...but, my opinion is that Bayflite is preaching the truth! Lightwind kiting sucks!!! ESPECIALLY for us bigger guys!!!

BigR 08-21-2006 08:41 AM

Not really, 10-12 kts can be fun, ONLY if you have the right equipment, For me that's a big high aspect efficient kite with a directional board and flat water with little current :D :shock: 8)

bayflite 08-21-2006 02:41 PM

i just work and drink beer all summer.
i'm so outta shape right now
off-season blows...
errrrrrrrrrrrrr sucks
wake me up when september ends

E-Bone 08-21-2006 06:14 PM

bayflite is right.

light wind sux.

toby wilson 08-21-2006 06:53 PM

AMEN!!! I have the biggest kite in the area and just don't want to bother with it. Even paired with my Underground Magic Carpet 152, I just don't enjoy flying a blimp 100 yards out into the water just for the wind to die and for that beast to fall out of the sky and make for a bitch of a walk back into shore, lines tangling, kite getting wet, etc. Just not worth the extra effort...summer sucks here, winter is rockin' so why set yourself up for failure???

I hate polecats, been skunked one hundred times too many...

Skyway Scott 08-22-2006 07:36 AM

I think St. Pete doesn't even get light wind (in the summer). It gets sub light wind.
Sub light wind sucks. 11 knots is pretty fun, but what has it been here? 8 dying off to zero? That really does suck.
Ughhh........meanwhile on the other coast.....while visiting the Donster.
(The forecast was 5)

I totally hear you guys. Being here for just a couple days bummed me out over the wind. Finding alternatives to kiting is the ticket to sanity. Anyone got good ideas? I know you guys have been wakeboarding and such.
Gas prices bum me out. Driving over to SA and back costs me 90 bucks.
Otherwise weekend trips over there would make alot of sense.
I guess if the truck was loaded it'd be 25 a piece.

I still think solid 11 on the right gear is fun. Thing is, I don't think that has happened here this summer, from what I have heard.
That 14m Contra on a Glide rocks in solid 11 knots, no matter how big you are. Does anyone here have a Contra yet? I got Donna the 12 and it powers ME up in solid 10. Unreal, IMO.

BigR 08-22-2006 09:11 AM

Scott, I have a 14m Contra that is still waiting for at least a puff of wind so that I can let everyone demo it, Maybe this weekend we will get some wind to let people try it :o

I'm figuring the 14m will be the biggest kite that medium and lower weight person will ever need if they are fully powered in 11kts and hopefully for my big ass starting at 12-13 :lol:

inferno 08-22-2006 09:42 AM

im pretty sure the contra is a better light wind kite, but id love to ride your 14m and then my 14m waroo back to back just for a comparison, power speed turning etc
this sat might happen :)

BigR 08-22-2006 09:47 AM

Danny, You are more than welcome to try out the new 14m Contra, as is anyone else ( now all we need is some wind......) :?

Skyway Scott 08-22-2006 10:41 AM

Damn, it has been bad here. One of my favorite sayings is --
"If you can't ride a 14m Contra and big board, you just can't ride"
The Contra really is that good at light winds.

The 12m I have been riding has the low end of a 18m C, easy. But, it is so light and efficient that it deals with lulls and goes upwind in the puffs much better. It is an exceptionally stable kite, even in the crappy low end stuff.

Donna rode the 12m one day in about 6knots when EVERYONE else's kite was falling out the sky (even Daryl's) When Daryl's kite fell, I got very nervous and was frantically waving her in. She just kept riding (the current was going out at about 2 knots at the inlet, helping her ride) but if the kite fell, she woulda been screwed.... drifting out to sea, hence my anxiety.
That day really sticks out in my mind. Literally, if you can't ride the Contra, you can't ride, is how I see it. Daryl is simply a master at light wind crap, and his kite went in the water. (First time I ever saw that with his kite) So, I was not pleased to see Donna continuing to ride in 6. Kinda funny now, but man, I will never forget it.

JoshTaylor 08-22-2006 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
Damn, it has been bad here. One of my favorite sayings is --
"If you can't ride a 14m Contra and big board, you just can't ride"
The Contra really is that good at light winds.

The 12m I have been riding has the low end of a 18m C, easy. But, it is so light and efficient that it deals with lulls and goes upwind in the puffs much better. It is an exceptionally stable kite, even in the crappy low end stuff.

definitly agree.

A-Bomb 08-22-2006 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
I still think solid 11 on the right gear is fun. Thing is, I don't think that has happened here this summer, from what I have heard.

I've ridden here a couple times in the last 2 weeks with decent power. Thanks partially to the Airush Exile Scott sold me. It blew last night pretty good and Sunday before last.

I would love to try somebody's Contra for a few minutes, once we get the opportunity/wind.

BigR 08-22-2006 03:15 PM

Well Adam, at least you got to try out the XBow II, if even for a short period that other sunday, and it wasn't even blowin that much!

You 're more than welcome to try the 14m Contra as well , just let us get a nice 11-14kt day of wind to blow for us so I can organize a demo :D

Skyway Scott 08-22-2006 04:18 PM

That Exile is good, huh. Sweet.
Dimitri is working on something similar to it with the Skywalker line. I can't wait to see that board, myself.

I still have a blast in solid ten to twelve knots myself. So glad you are back out again Adam. :D

toby wilson 08-22-2006 08:53 PM

I have a saying too Scott, mine is:

If my 25.5 Meter Machine won't fly, nothing will! :?

And I haven't been able to fly it in MONTHS!!! It has either been the 20.5M Machine or (most often) not enough...even coupled with my 158 UG MC!!!

bayflite 08-23-2006 07:00 AM

i bet we spend 70 - 80 percent of our kiting cash on shitty lightwind kiting gear. :roll:

BigR 08-23-2006 07:23 AM

for me ( 1 lightwind kite + 2 lightwind boards ) ( 3 highwind kites + 3 highwind boards ) its more like 33% of my kiting cash for crappyy lightwind stuff and 66% for crappyy highwind stuff.

But of course I've also gotta lotta other really crappy OOOOOLD old stuff


inferno 08-23-2006 07:31 AM

3 high wind kites and one high wind board=1700
1 light wind kite and 1 light wind board=500

bayflite 08-25-2006 06:42 AM

what do you consider to be light wind gear(LWG).
for me, kites over 13m or boards over 127cm qualify as LWG not to mention the wasted gas/time off work just to say "well... at least i rode".
waiting too be bashed :cry:

inferno 08-25-2006 06:49 AM

BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol: BASHED :lol:
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inferno 08-25-2006 06:51 AM

notice how i got all the smileys to laugh at the same time :shock:

bryanleighty 08-25-2006 07:50 AM

i can understand Bayflites thoughts.. he's also been doing this a lot longer than me (or most of us) so i'm still in the "gotta kite every moment i can" phase.

i hope to never outgrow that.. but i might.

good thing is that we have great areas to ride in most in any wind direction so once the winds pick up we're set.

i do need a bigger kite .. my 12m bow has been able to put me on the water in winds i never thought possible.. i'm going for a 16 bow as my large kite and call it done.

9/12/16 waroos and ill be a happy camper.

Skyway Scott 08-25-2006 08:26 AM

I understand BF too. Thing is, I consider myself a sailor more than an extreme sports guy, at heart. Heck, that's one reason I simply don't care that I still have only 5 tricks after 6 years.

So, if I am on the water and just cruising looking at dolphins and "such :twisted: " and coming back to where I started, I am pretty happy. I can do that in solid 9 knots. :D

I also only weigh 155 and am willing to be seen on a glide or skimboard.
I spend 20% of my money (or less) on light wind kiting (a light wind board). The biggest kite I need is a 16m C or currently any 14m Bow to ride in 10 (with a Glide or similar), and most of those bows will go up to 16 knots or more (easy)

St. Pete, like I said, doesn't even get reasonable light wind in the summer, it gets sub light wind :( :evil: . So, I think that affects your guys opinion of light wind, IMO. The wind is HOT and it's only blowing 8 knots.
Thats like 6knots in the winter. That sucks!!
So, yeah, that aint worth a dime, I agree with BF, sub light wind kiting isn't even do-able and of course it sucks to sink and schlog around!
It won't be much longer til the wind picks up.

Our we going to race on light wind days (11-13) this year, BayFlite ? :P
Tom and I raced to the back side of skyway and back once last year (from EB). It was fun, he beat me :?

bryanleighty 08-25-2006 08:36 AM

i cannnnnnoooot wait!

scott.. you aint got 5 tricks!

Skyway Scott 08-25-2006 08:38 AM


I exaggerated a little. :shock:

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