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Skyway Scott 04-09-2006 06:56 PM

Everyone at the Skyway is alright, right?
Wind really jacked up at 7, according to the sensor. Was anyone still on the water out there? I hope not, cuz it was almost dead onshore when I left.

Good day out there today. Toby made a ton of improvement.
Bill showed up, he looked just so, so..... Yeah, right :?

Thanks for letting me ride the Xbow, Raul.

slingshot05 04-09-2006 07:02 PM

i missed it:(

really bad sunburn from yesterday, i regret forgetting to put sunscreen on :(

Skyway Scott 04-09-2006 07:03 PM

My shoulders look like lobster tails (what does that mean?). Ouch.

slingshot05 04-09-2006 07:06 PM


where will everyone be?

Wolfie 04-09-2006 07:48 PM

Is anybody going to be out there Mon. Early around 7:00? I think that is Sunrise. What about Lassing Park- isn't it good on a NE? I will be going out and would love to know if anybody will be at any of these spots.

Wolfie=wolfman in a different place/time

Optionryder420 04-09-2006 08:55 PM

I'll be at the Skyway Early AM... DAWN PATROL!

Maybe Lassing...

Someone leave me a number and I'll call in the morning. I'm probably leaving my house around 5:30 and will be there around 6:00. I've gotta leave wherever I'm riding by 7:45 at the latest...

I've been late to Western Humanities plenty, plus I've got an exam in American Government.

I was thinking Dawn Patrol at the Skyway, unless everyone else is going to lassing.

I'll check the posts here in the morning.

It's kiteboardingcentral btw.

Eagle 04-09-2006 09:57 PM

Re: Everyone at the Skyway is alright, right?

Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
Wind really jacked up at 7, according to the sensor. Was anyone still on the water out there? I hope not, cuz it was almost dead onshore when I left.

You know Bill was out there. Ripping it on a 12m.
Of course he's alright, its Bill, 9 lives and no fear.

Tomorrow is looking gooooood and for sure one of the last good blasts before the season ends.


Stevil Kenevil 04-09-2006 10:27 PM

What a great session there today! Nice way to stretch your legs after a long drive. Toby did great, and I got a few pics of it, too! He's SUPER-STOKED!!! What was the stinging stuff in the water? I wasnt feeling it until I started crashing a lot and hitting the bottom. I can still feel it burning right now. My legs are on fire! That was a nice save on the newbie, Eagle,keep that up and you might just get "kiter of the month"!

Eagle 04-09-2006 10:46 PM

I'm sure most of us have gotten into some kind of trouble at the Skyway and a few of us have been lucky enough to have riders around who are willing to assist.

I saw Dennis having trouble retrieving Chris' board so I rode over to grab it and help land his kite. I didn't want to see 2 people in the water especially after seeing a 7+' shark twice. The water gets deep in that spot and with the close proximity of the rocks, road, fence and interstate there is little room to land a kite and much less for error.

It has been suggested by several people that interested riders practice assisted rescue, kite and board retrieval in order to be more prepared and capable of helping out a fellow kiter.

What do ya'll think ?

Lets keep it safe out there.


Toby you did great, you were holding your ground and I heard people swear you were going upwind on one tack.

Stevil Kenevil 04-09-2006 11:50 PM

Thats a great idea Mr. Eagle!
I know from experience that towing a downed kiter and their gear isn't easy.Neither is swimming in with your gear.Being prepared for gear failure/accidents is something never practiced, but must be pulled off flawlessly to ensure your survival.About a month ago, I dragged in(self rescue) from the sandbar after crashing my kite.(I was simply avoiding the "sludge trudge"back to the beach.) I then spoke to 4 or 5 kiters who had never seen or heard of a self rescue, and ask me how did I do that? I think it would be smarter to teach everyone what to do now, instead of when it counts.
I think those little stinging things in the water were the larvae of the venomous crotch cricket.It has now been removed from the endangered species list.

toby wilson 04-10-2006 10:56 AM

I want to start by thanking everyone who was out at the Skyway yesterday who helped give me advice - you know who you are - Steve, Eagle, Mira, Scott, Raul, etc. - Sorry if I forgot anyone... I finally realized what I was doing wrong!!! I would either try to edge WAY too soon with TOO MUCH weight on my back foot, killing ALL of my power or I would point the board straight downwind and try to work the kite back up to the top of the window before edging ANY. I finally realized that if I pointed the board downwind until I got SOME power and edged just as I was finishing my power stroke and turning the kite back up through the power zone that the lines would tighten up and that would give the kite that little extra speed to get back to the top of the window faster, getting me powered up on the second stroke and easily riding!!! I CAN'T THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH FOR THE HELP, I AM STOKED ABOUT IT - YOU ALL KNOW THE FEELING...

I'm planning on an afternoon session at EB around 4:30 or 5:00 PM, give me a shout if the wind isn't cooperating out there...941-284-0477.

THANKS AGAIN ALL!!!! :D 8) :twisted:

You can't call me Mr. Green St. Pete anymore!!! :mrgreen: 8)

Optionryder420 04-10-2006 11:26 AM

I'll be out there too toby... I'd give you a call, cept I've got no cell

Big G 04-10-2006 11:40 AM

Well Allllrrrrriiiiggghhhtttty then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good to hear....I could tell on Saturday morning that you were just 1 or 2 more tries and you would be cruising good. Wish I could have been there on Sundayto see you stoken. I'll bring my camera agian next time...

Thanks for loaning me the 20.5 machine, ite rides great!!!! Sorry if there was any chug on the lines I tried to hack off to the side.....I guess while running a fever I should not have been riding.

Good to hear your up and going Toby.


toby wilson 04-10-2006 12:25 PM

No extra trace of your ralph on the lines that I could tell Gary...yeah, it was great seeing some progression on both Saturday and Sunday! The only buzz kill was that as soon as I was getting off of the water for the last time and landing my Machine, Bill Parker showed up and did just usual he showed us ALL up!!! After seeing him ripping it up, I realized just how much of a baby step yesterday was...BUT IT WAS A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!!! :D

bryanleighty 04-10-2006 12:55 PM

I remember vividly the first time I carved upwind and really held it. Amazing feeling.

This weekend was huge for me too as I finally got that "pop" feeling off the water and was able to boost a bit. Felt like I was flying.. but I am sure I was only a few feet off the water..

Where is everyone going this evening?? EB ?? SW? Lassing??

toby wilson 04-10-2006 01:17 PM

Great to hear that this weekend was great for you too Bryan!!! I'll be at EB around 4:45 or 5:00 PM. I saw a bunch of kites out at EB earlier when I went to the Skyway off of a tip that a board had been left there overnight. It turned out to belong to one of the doctors that ride... There were also several people riding at the Skyway when I went there around 1:00 PM. Hope to see you at EB this eve...

Optionryder420 04-10-2006 05:26 PM

Today was an improvement for me...

Doing unhooked raleys, and almost landed a kiteloop...

The second one I tried was rather nasty though.

Skyway Scott 04-10-2006 06:30 PM

Another ramp up event occured tonight at 6pm. If there is still someone who hasn't noticed, these "all day Easts" almost always kick hard when it cools off with the sun going down. This can pose a problem for someone showing up and rigging after they get off of work. I usually play it safe if an east wind and approaching sunset by rigging smaller than what seems "necessary" at the moment.

Hopefully no one was on a 16m when it ramped to 30. Accuweather predicted the ramp and has it going to 40 (gusts) tonight. I wanted to do Lassing night session (just got off of work) but I won't ride at night in 40 :? Too bad, night sessions rock.

40 in the dark is just a little above my risk/reward level. Five years ago I landed on a Land Rover during a night session (25 to 30) at Tierra Verde when a jump carried me alot further than what my eyes thought was water :shock: To say the least, that hurt a little and left a dent :x
I try to not repeat such risky mistakes :idea:

slingshot05 04-10-2006 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
Another ramp up event occured tonight at 6pm. If there is still someone who hasn't noticed, these "all day Easts" almost always kick hard when it cools off with the sun going down. This can pose a problem for someone showing up and rigging after they get off of work. I usually play it safe if an east wind and approaching sunset by rigging smaller than what seems "necessary" at the moment.

Hopefully no one was on a 16m when it ramped to 30. Accuweather predicted the ramp and has it going to 40 (gusts) tonight. I wanted to do Lassing night session (just got off of work) but I won't ride at night in 40 :? Too bad, night sessions rock.

40 in the dark is just a little above my risk/reward level. Five years ago I landed on a Land Rover during a night session (25 to 30) at Tierra Verde when a jump carried me alot further than what my eyes thought was water :shock: To say the least, that hurt a little and left a dent :x
I try to not repeat such risky mistakes :idea:

i was on my 13, toby on his 20 meter machine when it ramped up, i got MADLY overpowerd, grabbed the micky mouse thing on the center lines to completly depower my kite, dropped it in the water grab the kite ran in and then ran back out to grab tobys kite out of the water. thankfully everyone was safe and i rigged my 7 meter and had an awesome short session on that:)

while i was riding my 7 i saw a good amount of kites going at the skyway, it seemed crowded, how was it?

BigR 04-10-2006 08:01 PM

I don't know how you called it Scott!?!?

10mph just barely cruising on a 16m xb then WHAM!!!!

30kts! rigged the 7m xb and had a great time! Barb loved her new octane, Matt was killin' it on his new 12m waroo, Eric was layin down some new kitty's and Billy schooled us again how to go big and look good

gonna be the same tomm. afternoon I bet

Skyway Scott 04-10-2006 08:22 PM

I didn't "call it" per se, I saw it ramp on the meter. But, these Easts are notorious for ramping up at sunset, like last night, so I woulda bet some cash on it, if the bet were offered 8)

Glad to hear everyone is in one piece.
I hope I can ride tomorrow late, I was stuck at work from 8 til 8 today.

slingshot05 04-10-2006 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
I didn't "call it" per se, I saw it ramp on the meter. But, these Easts are notorious for ramping up at sunset, like last night, so I woulda bet some cash on it, if the bet were offered 8)

Glad to hear everyone is in one piece.
I hope I can ride tomorrow late, I was stuck at work from 8 til 8 today.

think it will do it tomarrow?

i'll bet 5 bucks it doesn't

even tho i'll probably lose

Optionryder420 04-10-2006 08:57 PM

If it does it tomorrow, I'll be back working on the kiteloops again...

The first one I got so damn close to landing... Hopefully have better luck tomorrow or next time.

Skyway Scott 04-10-2006 09:38 PM


Good bet. Its a win/win. If it doesn't blow you make money. If it does, you "paid" 5 bucks to ride.

My bet is for a repeat performance of today, heck, maybe better. I will bet you 5 to 1. In other words, I give you 25 bucks if no wind (15+ for at least 3 hours total from 6am to 9pm), you pay me five if it does blow for 3 hours or more.
Whatcha think? (That is a win/win times 5, IMO, but still a sucker bet :? )

Optionryder420 04-10-2006 09:52 PM

Scott... you really gotta stop this betting stuff...

Skyway Scott 04-10-2006 10:20 PM

You're right. I just stopped all forms of betting. Forever.

slingshot05 04-11-2006 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Skyway Scott

Good bet. Its a win/win. If it doesn't blow you make money. If it does, you "paid" 5 bucks to ride.

My bet is for a repeat performance of today, heck, maybe better. I will bet you 5 to 1. In other words, I give you 25 bucks if no wind (15+ for at least 3 hours total from 6am to 9pm), you pay me five if it does blow for 3 hours or more.
Whatcha think? (That is a win/win times 5, IMO, but still a sucker bet :? )

alright, i'm in.

still a sucker bet haha i just thought it would be kinda fun.

i'll be at east beach around 3-4
i'd go to the skyway but i'm with a kid who's still learning to go upwind

slingshot05 04-11-2006 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420
If it does it tomorrow, I'll be back working on the kiteloops again...

The first one I got so damn close to landing... Hopefully have better luck tomorrow or next time.

kevin, what you were doing wernt real kiteloops. i told you that. You MUST get in the air before the kite loops.

right when you grab the side of the bar you have to pop and realease into a railey before the kite starts the loop.

this is the reason downloops are so hard, because it's hard to get in the air before the kite loops. and if your not then it wouldn't be conciterd a real kiteloop.

work on raileys and other pop tricks before attempting any more kiteloops, you can barley railey, so your not ready for kiteloops.

Skyway Scott 04-11-2006 05:39 AM


Its all in fun. Its blowing 22 right now. Clock is ticking. I am on jury duty today ( :x ) in Clearwater. I will check back when I can. (sucker :!: )

Optionryder420 04-11-2006 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by slingshot05

Originally Posted by Optionryder420
If it does it tomorrow, I'll be back working on the kiteloops again...

The first one I got so damn close to landing... Hopefully have better luck tomorrow or next time.

kevin, what you were doing wernt real kiteloops. i told you that. You MUST get in the air before the kite loops.

right when you grab the side of the bar you have to pop and realease into a railey before the kite starts the loop.

this is the reason downloops are so hard, because it's hard to get in the air before the kite loops. and if your not then it wouldn't be conciterd a real kiteloop.

work on raileys and other pop tricks before attempting any more kiteloops, you can barley railey, so your not ready for kiteloops.

Well, you only did see one of each... The first kiteloop I did pop earlier and was in the air before it looped.

You really need to cool down on this superiority complex you have.

slingshot05 04-11-2006 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420

Originally Posted by slingshot05

Originally Posted by Optionryder420
If it does it tomorrow, I'll be back working on the kiteloops again...

The first one I got so damn close to landing... Hopefully have better luck tomorrow or next time.

kevin, what you were doing wernt real kiteloops. i told you that. You MUST get in the air before the kite loops.

right when you grab the side of the bar you have to pop and realease into a railey before the kite starts the loop.

this is the reason downloops are so hard, because it's hard to get in the air before the kite loops. and if your not then it wouldn't be conciterd a real kiteloop.

work on raileys and other pop tricks before attempting any more kiteloops, you can barley railey, so your not ready for kiteloops.

Well, you only did see one of each... The first kiteloop I did pop earlier and was in the air before it looped.

You really need to cool down on this superiority complex you have.

cool down? i'm not mad or nothing. i was just trying to help you out. chill out, why don't you take some advice from someone, i was just trying to help.

toby wilson 04-11-2006 02:00 PM

Both of you can just cool off until you can hang with me and pull off the tricks that I have patented...overpowered on a 20.5 M Machine when it's blowing 30 to faceplant to oh shit to help me MOMMY!!!!!!!!! :lol:

slingshot05 04-11-2006 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by toby wilson
Both of you can just cool off until you can hang with me and pull off the tricks that I have patented...overpowered on a 20.5 M Machine when it's blowing 30 to faceplant to oh shit to help me MOMMY!!!!!!!!! :lol:

haha yeah that was pretty insane! i don't think i could top that one!

i got some MONSTER airs on my 13 meter when it cranked up

toby wilson 04-11-2006 02:05 PM

Yeah, you got some MONSTER airs on that 7M as well!!! :shock:

toby wilson 04-11-2006 02:07 PM

You gonna be there this afternoon Josh?

slingshot05 04-11-2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by toby wilson
You gonna be there this afternoon Josh?

nope, david is sick and he's my ride out there. so i'm stayin home today :(

Skyway Scott 04-11-2006 07:51 PM

That bites Josh. A lose/lose for the day :x
(You owe me FIVE BUCKS :twisted: and didn't ride... yikes)
I can take that $5 in either cash, or a Wendy's combo #8 ($4.92) :P

Just got done riding the downtown pier area (Northshore Park) with 5 other kiters and my old windsurfing buds Greg and Tom were poleboarding. I raced them for awhile. I think we were doing 25+ knots on a few runs.
It was around 20+ for 3 hours. Beautiful riding out there on the ENEs.
Plenty of water, cuz its deep compared to SW and EB.

slingshot05 04-11-2006 07:54 PM

haha i knew i had lost when i heard the wind start howling outside around 5.

i should be out riding somewhere tomarrow, not sure where yet.

probably east beach. so if you want your 5 bucks head over there.

Skyway Scott 04-11-2006 07:59 PM

I teach all day and night til 10pm tomorrow. :?

slingshot05 04-11-2006 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
I teach all day and night til 10pm tomorrow. :?

oh alright, well next time i see you at the beach i'll give you it then.

figures... i couldn't ride... thats why it was windy. lol

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