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ricki 03-11-2008 07:11 PM

AMAZING Launch Just An Hour From Florida

JP, a commercial helicopter pilot and active kiter had an idea. To rent a plane for a day and run over to a great destination in the Bahamas for some prime riding. Sure sounded good to me. As you have control over your arrival and departure times you can maximize your time on the water better than with normal commercial connections. He picked an island with the airstrip very close to the launch and riding area, Great Harbour Cay in the northern Berry Islands. It was just about an hour away. Despite the closeness and relative ease of a crossing in fair weather without problems the unexpected will sometimes happen. JP has been flying various aircraft through the Bahamas, down the Antilles and into South America for a long time which is a comfort.
Getting the plane out of bed for the hop over to the islands. For this first trip, JP and myself were joined by Carlos, another active kiter from Miami.
JP, Rick and Carlos strapped in for the crossing. The flight took a little more than an hour with fair weather and good flying conditions.
"X" marks the spot
From: Lady Brassey. "In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties" London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1885
You can see a cruise ship off in the distance off of Little Stirrup Cay at the northern end of the Berry Islands on Northwest Providence Channel. They changed the perfectly good name to something more "evocative and touristy?" Like Cayo Fudge uh, Chocolate Island? Nope not it, what did the ad spin doctors come up with?
Coming in on the bay by the airstrip. The island has limited development having been privately owned until the recent past.
It is amazing what you can fit inside a Cessna 182. Good thing too!
We land, unload, clear customs and head on over to the beach. It is only about 800 ft. from the plane to the kite launch.
Setup right in front of the restaurant with little traffic around. They make good conch fritters and sandwiches there.
A panoramic image of the Bay. Click the photo for full sized image.
Carlos walks into position to have at it
Having some fun now! Winds were SSE about 14 kts. Not nuking but then again you don't want blasting winds to create a hazardous crosswind landing situation particularly on a single engine prop job
Riding over to your own private deserted island off the bay
Sea Eggs on the beach there
Lunch break and back to the beach for more riding
There is a real interesting riding feature off to the SE of the Bay. Thinking that not many kiters may have hit this launch before, I named this pond-like area in honor of our intrepid pilot, JP. Some of the locals may know the area as Bajito but don't think they kite, yet, so I like JP's Pond better.
A 180 degree + view of JP's Pond (click photo for larger image)

JP's Pond is just off to the SE along the bay. It is a series of shallow sand shoals bounded by a necklace of rocks seaward to the southeast with islands to the north and south. Wind can be funneled between the two land masses boosting wind speed a bit. The water can be very shallow and calm depending upon the tide. There is a small tributary leading off inland to the SSW. Wonder if it gets a bit sharky at times. I only saw one small one myself and near dead low tide. Waves were light during our visit but I suspect you can get swells outside the island to the east of the Pond with winds from the northeast to east to southeast. This Bay seems to be rideable with winds from north to southeast. The bay immediately to the north is likely good for winds northwest to north to east to southeast. And south of the Bay, that stretch looks good for north to east to south-southeast. If you have a boat or ground transportation likely wind from all directions opens up to you.
A look eastward towards the edge of the Pond

You can checkout realtime winds on the island at:
More about the island at:
It's been great but need to head back before it gets too late
JP gets ready to mount up
Running down the airstrip to head back to Florida
The sea egg island across the Bay from the launch
Heading over to the west side of the island
North Bimini changes
Passing over the Straits and one of the Funships
Flying over Key Biscayne with a look up the coast
Looking down upon the guys riding at Matheson in pretty light winds
Home again, Captain JP returns to nest safe and sound
JP at the stick of the helicopter in his job as a pilot for Camera Copters, Lots of interesting work all over the USA. That van carries the chopper, support gear, maintenance setup and more. JP's company is Advanced Aerospace Consultants, Inc.. He is a commercial pilot with rotorcraft, multiengine airplane and instrument ratings with over 5000 hrs of flight time. He provides aviation related consulting services to helicopter operators and provide professional helicopter pilot services. He has experience with aerial photography for print, film and video production, precision survey work with laser mapping systems, photogrammetric mapping and location scouting.

Get this --- In addition to the aerial photo, survey, and consulting work he does, He is considering entering into a joint venture and acquiring a seaplane for the purpose of exploring the inaccessible kiting destinations of the Bahamas and beyond, but in the meantime plans to continue exploring the islands utilizing the numerous landing strips scattered throught the region.
Shades of Jimmy Buffet with his airborne fishing dory, sounds mighty fine!

See you from the Bahamas for now. More island explorations to come ...


ricki 03-11-2008 10:15 PM

I have some interesting video from the trip as well. Hope to assemble the air, beach and water clips into something intrguing soon.

neil xrated 03-12-2008 08:49 AM

Already on it, Chris has his own plane, check it out at

Cheers Neil

500EPILOT 03-12-2008 10:57 AM

Rick, that was definitely a fun trip, thanks for posting the photos!, and yes the seaplane is in the works, once we clear customs, the whole archipelago will be our playground, no need for runways!

carlos10 03-12-2008 11:07 AM

Bahamas trip
Thanks Rick for the article and the photos, had a lot of fun and thanks JP.
Hope to do it again..

Jur 03-12-2008 01:04 PM

JP, Rick,

Next time count me in. Looks epic!!!!

A friend of mine, kiteboarder as well, also has an aiplane waiting to be abused for kitetrips, maybe one day we can all team up and do a Miami - Bahama's Airinvasion with three planes, put a tent in the back and drink a couple of yellow ones in the JP pond.


ricki 03-12-2008 08:56 PM

Excellent idea Jur! There are so many cays within a short flight for skilled pilots from Florida. I am not sure how many have a strip so close to the riding grounds though. Let's keep in touch and hopefully put something together one of these days.

Looking at the aerial images I had a feeling the cut between Great Harbour Cay and the next island to the south, Haines Cay, might be sharky. It is a deeper water channel into estuaries connecting to the Bay and open ocean after all. Still not totally sure but just came across the name, "Shark's Creek." Could be a hint? It is too shallow for much to move around at low tide so I would guess tiburons seeking to swim to the north and out into the Bay would have to hit mid or high tide.
A closer look at the Creek

As always, I wouldn't obsess about sharks, just be aware of when they are more common and the likely behaviors they might exhibit at the time if possible. If they are frisky, avoid the area or if just present avoid falling and staying in the water for long.

There is a bit of history to this place. Rockerfeller interests developed the Great Harbour Cay Club here in the 1960's. Cary Grant, Bridget Bardot, the Rat Pack (Dean Martin, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis, etal) bought into the place and frequented it as well. Even Meyer Lansky of the Mob hung out there. In the mid 1970's the club was abandoned by the luminaries.

ricki 03-13-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by carlos10 (Post 30323)
Thanks Rick for the article and the photos, had a lot of fun and thanks JP.
Hope to do it again..

You are welcome Carlos. Hope to see you on another flight over there.

Anyone planning on hitting the Bahamas anytime soon? If so, where to?

RbGar 03-14-2008 09:19 PM

great job boys! love the pics from the warmth of my cold new england house w/fire going! looks like a good time mini adventure-

ricki 03-18-2008 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by RbGar (Post 30512)
great job boys! love the pics from the warmth of my cold new england house w/fire going! looks like a good time mini adventure-

Thanks! The image you convey from your end sounds interesting too. It is hard to even find fireplaces in SE Florida, at least in the newer homes. Hope you have an early spring and/or good times out snow kiting up that way. More to come from the Bahamas.

conchxpress 03-19-2008 10:11 PM

fly-in kiteboarding
Great Harbor Cay looks like a kiters', and pilots', paradise. Note the proximity of the airstrip to the kite beach. And nobody around! I'm sure there are plenty of pilots around that also kite. I can envision a kiting fly-in. Are there any places to stay at Great Harbor?

Mooney pilot.

ricki 03-20-2008 09:58 AM

I understand that there are limited prospects in terms of hotels including a small one on the west side of the island near Bullocks Harbor. There are some condo units on the bay where we kited that are available for rent. More at:

Pilots have been touring the Bahamas for a long time. Kiteboarders flying in may only be starting to explore the archipelago and all the great launches there.

KitesurfUSA 03-20-2008 10:55 AM

Fly in Kiteboarding
I go to Great Harbour about twice a month with my Navajo Cheiftain Aircraft, and we could coordinate a fly in sometime in the near future. I will post when my next trip is, and any other pilots with access to planes can join in for a Kitesurf Fly in...
....I have been exploring Great Harbour for the past 6 months and have found it to be the closest island with the Airstrip near the beach....You can walk from the plane to the Beach Club and kite and have lunch right there. And only 1 hour from Ft. Laud/Miami...There are some photos on my site..
Hope to see you there....

ricki 03-20-2008 01:19 PM

Hey Chris,

Have you checked out that series of low cay, shoals and channels just to the south of the island along the east coast? I think you would need a boat to get there but they look kiteable from all directions.

Here I thought you just flew powered paragliders, a Chieftain, that is some aircraft! Have you ranged over many other spots in the western and central Bahamas?

For those that may not know him, Chris Kjos along with Neil Hutchenson started what may have been the first kitesurfing school in South Florida on Ft. Lauderdale Beach. More at:

A fly in sounds like a great idea, particularly before the wind eases in May. Who's in?

KitesurfUSA 03-20-2008 01:48 PM

Blue water white sand
Hi Rick:
I have been to the cays you are refering to with my waverunner and took my gear with me on the waverunner..The photos below are from the southern tip of the Ambergis Cays..This location , is called the Ambergis Cays and is the most beautiful place in the Island chain...You could kite to this area with a steady East wind but it could be risky without a rescue vessel. If the wind dies you could be stuck there. Not a person for miles to help you....It is about 4 miles south of the launch near the Airport. Just returned from there the other day with Neil and a few friends...We took a lot of Aerial shots of this area that I will be posting soon on my website. Future plans are to do a 25 mile downwinder from Great Harbour to Chub cay and have the plane pick us up at Chub..One caution is to keep far away from bone fishing boats. They frown upon waverunners and kiters disturbing their fishing.....also tide levels can be extreme from 3 foot deep areas that become dry sandbars 6 hours later....Hope to have you onboard for a future trip...I am addicted to this place...
This Island below is the small Island on the left side of the above picture.
Below: My Waverunner with Kite gear, hoping for some wind to kick in at Ambergis South

ricki 03-22-2008 06:28 AM

Nice shots Chris, thanks for putting them up. Particularly like the new island photo. The area looks like a great spot all by itself. Any guesses on this one?

Jur 03-26-2008 05:37 PM


What is the best and most reliable source for wind forecasts for the Bahama's?

Any tips?


ricki 03-26-2008 05:48 PM is used by some for forecasts in the bahamas. if you temper island specific forecasts with your own synoptic map, sat. imagery and quikscat sat. image you might be further ahead. lastly there are isolated private stations for realtime winds.


Originally Posted by Jur (Post 31157)

What is the best and most reliable source for wind forecasts for the Bahama's?

Any tips?


ricki 03-26-2008 09:12 PM

A list of sites for the Bahamas at:

There are also private wx stations such as at the bottom of the page for Green Turtle Cay at:

Barometer Bob does a nice job in the Abacos, there are other small stations throughout the Family Islands,

ikitesurf has some isolated realtime stations at:

more at: feed://

Satellite images for the area at:

Synoptic Map:
and here for that matter, sometimes we're upweather:

Some nice QuikScat data at:

How's that for starters?

simplosys 06-01-2008 08:41 PM

great photos!
well the pics are certainly an eyeful, for one, after these pics kiteboarding will never be the same to me ever again. On the query regarding bahamas, well I am heading out there pretty soon, but the only prob is it is with family so kiteboarding or anythng like that would not be in the picture for me then, although I do plan to scuba!

ricki 07-14-2008 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by simplosys (Post 33474)
well the pics are certainly an eyeful, for one, after these pics kiteboarding will never be the same to me ever again. On the query regarding bahamas, well I am heading out there pretty soon, but the only prob is it is with family so kiteboarding or anythng like that would not be in the picture for me then, although I do plan to scuba!

Hope you have great conditions. How was it over there?

ricki 06-16-2009 02:31 PM

Anyone been in the Berry Islands recently? If so, how did it go?

shawntkeating 02-07-2011 08:35 AM

This is a great log of your trip. It is funny because I originally joined this forum because my family and I are planning to move to FL as soon as I find some kind of work down there. These kind of trips look like a lot of fun. Hopefully I will get to experience something like this in the future. :razz:

GauSaleen 09-08-2011 06:04 PM

RickI. Please let me know as well when you go next. I have acess to a buddies 172 a
Just have to get it certified for Bahamas, or I could always find a rental =). I am dying to kite somewhere new!

ricki 01-02-2013 04:02 PM

Kent and Paula Marinkovic and Erik Eustis got away over New Year's weekend to the Bahamas via airplane. What better quick spot to checkout than Great Harbor Cay? Here are some GoPro shots Kent posted on Facebook ...

Marvelous shots from a great kite venue close to Florida.

Happy New Year!!!


illibilli 01-02-2013 06:59 PM

amazing spot...amazing photo's...

500EPILOT 01-07-2013 08:08 AM

Chub Cay Trip
5 Attachment(s)
It's tough to beat Kent's photos from the spot south of GHC, but here is a link to a run we did yesterday to Chub Cay which is south of GHC. I don't know how to embed them but I attached here.

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