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E-Bone 06-23-2006 08:53 AM

The 6.23.06 Bonecast is calling for a seabreeze...
My arthritic toe is acting up again. That can mean only one thing--a seabreeze is in the workz.

I'll see you guyz at the Backside or at PAG. Paul said PAG was great yesterday, so maybe that'z the call, as long as the thunderstormz stay away.

Z-Type 06-23-2006 09:37 AM

I fixed my 20M and can't wait to tear it up again :roll:
where is PAG?
I promise I won't bother anyone....... but it's good to have someone to call 911 when I most need it........
or hold me back fom pouiring gas and lighting the damn kite on fire if another bladder valve breaks......

C. Moore 06-23-2006 09:51 AM

PAG=Pass-A-Grill beach.
EB= East Beach

inferno 06-23-2006 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by y2kcmoore
PAG=Pass-A-Grill beach.
EB= East Beach

nice.... :D
represent'n the DP, and sometimes the NP

E-Bone 06-23-2006 10:15 AM

BS = Backside (Skyway)

NP = Night Patrol

WTF = Wow, this is surprising and I don't know what to think.

CMDUPBFMBSAWIHP = Chris Moore is Dressed Up as a Playboy Bunny and Frolicking in the Mangroves at the BackSide Again--What Is His Problem?

bryanleighty 06-23-2006 10:36 AM

ill be at BS by 530.


pdfox 06-23-2006 11:39 AM

BS < H2O

inferno 06-23-2006 11:46 AM


2006-06-23 6:28 PM EDT : -0.35 feet Low Tide

not good

bryanleighty 06-23-2006 11:46 AM


tides showing fine on the chart on ikitesurf for afternoon riding..

this not correct?

inferno 06-23-2006 12:01 PM

bryanleighty 06-23-2006 12:19 PM


i re-checked and I wasnt reading the tide graph on ikite correctly..

PAG it is.

Z-Type 06-23-2006 12:21 PM

Thanks for the info, I imagined most of them, but how the hell is danny DP?why not DA or DY?????? :shock: :shock:

how about big beach? it's deep enough where low tide shouldn't matter??

inferno 06-23-2006 12:43 PM

DP = Dawn Patrol
Dawn Patrol = on the water before sun up
rider with the most consistent DP's = Danny

there go:
DP = Danny Patrol, or Danny for short

C. Moore 06-23-2006 12:53 PM


EBONE.. I never laughed so hard.. That is riot.


bryanleighty 06-23-2006 01:18 PM

wind just flipped to NNW.

Chris, you going to be out there? wouldnt mind getting a chance to check out your 15m ION. (i promise to give it back)

inferno 06-23-2006 01:18 PM

i might hit up cypress around 4 if anyone is interested...

Z-Type 06-23-2006 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by inferno
DP = Dawn Patrol
Dawn Patrol = on the water before sun up
rider with the most consistent DP's = Danny

there go:
DP = Danny Patrol, or Danny for short

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I grow up I wanna be a Danny!!!

One last question, where's the cypress place?

inferno 06-23-2006 01:54 PM

wow im not even pro yet and i all ready have a legion of followers..... well maybe not a legion but ones a start,

hey chris and eric, guess what.... :?
there are now as many members of the DP club as club 'element'al,
you guys are going down :lol:

clink on the link and scroll almost to the bottom for cypress info

E-Bone 06-23-2006 02:01 PM

Bring it on, bitch!

Z-Type 06-23-2006 02:07 PM

uh, cypress doesn't look like a good place for me.... oyster beds are baaaaaaad , the steering is still a little tricky ....
but SW looks like it's picking up again, looks like a winner to me

inferno 06-23-2006 02:09 PM

Eric, with your avatar, i cant take anything you say seriously :shock:

you want in (with your buddy chris) on the first one to hit an F-16 wins a value meal?

can you handle it????

Skyway Scott 06-23-2006 05:04 PM

Did anyone nail the seabreeze? It's been nuking over there for a few hours.

Eagle 06-23-2006 07:08 PM

Got some. It was real good :wink:

E-Bone 06-23-2006 07:28 PM

Yeah, got some too. It was great. Rode at BS on the other side of the channel. No water on the inside.

inferno said:

you want in (with your buddy chris) on the first one to hit an F-16 wins a value meal?
Nope. Judging by your physique, you've won too many of these bets already. I'm not going to get suckered. Besides, with an extra large fries on the line, Chris is probably going to step up to the plate.

bryanleighty 06-23-2006 08:53 PM

hit PAG at 430.. 12m waroo.. first 15 minutes i was gaining upwind, but it was borderline ... about 445 it really kicked up and I was well powered...

wind was quite wnw so i was catching HUGE tacks from PAG all the way up to the Don and beyond. 3 big tacks and I was above the undertow. was pretty damn nice time out there.. jumps were sketchy and underpowered.. just enjoyed the ride.

dropped down after 630 or so.. but came up right before sunset for a late run.

Paul, Jordan, Dan and Chris all showed up and took part in the fun...Randy as well...


C. Moore 06-23-2006 09:22 PM

I was out with the Family at Busch Gardens this evening. This weekend I will be in Tallahassee returning sometime Sunday. I hope to get back as early as possible to hit a late Sea Breeze.

Z-Type 06-24-2006 08:54 AM

Well, BS was a disaster.... again

first I stepped on a hermit crab shell and put a 1" deep hole on my foot, and I'd like to thank Randy for the first-aid duck-tape, worked great.

Soon after that I think a gust of wind was to blame for me loosing the control of the kite and the element of surprise almost became the element of sudden stop, and before I was able to slam into the other van parked behind E-bone's I'd like to thank Tom for grabbing the bar and saving my ass.

The safety leash got stuck and even though I unhooked, the kite kept dragging me, I'd pay to see my face when I unhooked the chicken loop and nothing happened.......

luckily, no damage to the kites this time,. just my foot....

inferno 06-24-2006 09:04 AM

somebody correct me if im wrong but id say cypress is better for beginners than BS....

E-Bone 06-24-2006 10:00 AM

I think anyplace is better than BS for beginners, except maybe the Gandy! The launch at BS is tricky and there is not much room for error. Plus, the wind closer to shore is usually a little weird, making the launch ever worse for beginners. I did not ride at BS at all until this year, and I started kiting 5 years ago. There are still times I don't feel good about riding there, especially when the wind is really heavy or gusty. Hell, the last time I got hurt, I was at BS and got tossed onto the beach by a gnarly gust and suffered a contusion to my left heel that is still a little tender.

Z paid some dues yesterday but he will come back stronger. I think Z lives up in St. Pete, so hook him up with a few of the easier spots. Z, you might want to get some booties to wear, as well, to protect your feet until you progress with the kite to the point that you are not fighting against it by jamming your feet into the seafloor. That's always a prescription for an infected laceration.

One last thing, Z.

Z said:

I think a gust of wind was to blame for me loosing the control of the kite...
Remember that you are always responsible for your kite, so if a wind gust, wind lull, rogue wave, girl in a topless bikini, broken line or some other unexpected event causes things to get of of control, it is still up to you to get that kite back under control without the kite hurting someone else. Otherwise, the blame will fall on you.

Expecting the unexpected will help you to minimize the risk of problems, and putting the blame on yourself for any kitemares you have will help you to learn from errors and avoid repeating them.

Frankly, a lot of events are not unexpected. Gusts and lulls are part of every session, and you will need to learn to handle them if you don't want to spend your whole session with your kite in the water while you are not being teabagged.

I remember watching a kiter flying a kite once on a beach just upwind of a father and his little girl. The wind was going side-off and was gusty, so the kite was falling back in the window and eventually hit the beach, 5 feet upwind of this little girl. Then, the kite powers up and roars right past the father and his little girl. Bad stuff. When I confronted the kiter, who is a friend of mine, he told me, "it's not my fault, the wind is really gusty all of a sudden." That's a bullshit answer and I told him as much. There were a lot of things he could have done to avoid such a problem: getting further away from people, riding at a different spot, even putting the kite down because of the difficult conditions.

I'll get off the soapbox now, but a characteristic of every strong rider is that rider's knowledge that he is 100% responsible for taking care of himself and his kite. Given my full-on kitemare earlier this year, I need to remember this just as much as anyone else.

bryanleighty 06-24-2006 10:18 AM

amen ebone!


i really really really recommend you not kite at BS until you have a lot more experience under your belt. i didnt ride there for at least a year after i started. it is the worst area to launch and land in our areas more frequented spots. mistakes will cost you here. this advice is for your safety and ours.

even kiting at the other side of the skyway is not recommended until you are very good at riding upwind. the launch / land area there is so small and book ended by rocks and kite eating mangroves.

cypress i covered with too many obstacles as well..

for NW riding I would recommend hitting big beach or PAG ... rig and launch far away from beach goers and expect to do a downwinder.

Even treasure island might be a good recommendation as you typically have a HUGE open beach in some areas. take advantage of large amounts of space around you.

take is slow and safe. once the good winds pick back up east beach comes into play you will be ready to really progress.


Optionryder420 06-24-2006 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by ebone
girl in a topless bikini

You can't blame a man when that's the circumstance... I mean, I'd throw down a backside hello kitty to blind handlepass kiteloop upon seeing that and probably not nail it... thus crashing the kite near the beach.

For NW or W, I just go right over the bridge, aprox 1 mile from my house, redington Beach.

North of the rocks, there's very few people... and then you can ride either behind the rocks where there are no swimmers, or right off the beach about 200 yards north of the rocks where there are also no swimmers.

When it's just a seabreeze, there isn't much chop.

E-Bone 06-24-2006 11:00 AM

Optionryder420 wrote, regarding crashing the kite when women in topless bikinis are present:

You can't blame a man when that's the circumstance...
You should not have revealed to me this limitation in your skillz. Based on your admission, you will not be invited to the secret spot with the hot nymphos.

Optionryder420 06-24-2006 11:19 AM

Just let me know when you get female nymphos, then I'll improve my skills.

E-Bone 06-24-2006 11:53 AM

No skillz, no thrillz...

Z-Type 06-24-2006 12:51 PM

brian, I'll take yours and other people's advice and stay away from BS, although the place would be great even for me on a cross-winder, every time I get there, the wind is dead on shore...
E-bone, I agree that ignorance is no excuse, but I'm still not all that sure what happened, I triple checked the lines after re-hooking them and even Tom checked them out when helping me launch, appeared to be OK.
I tried to hold the kite low , but I guess a gust of wind took it all the way up to 12 despite me trying to keep it down.
I think I might had it sheeted in too much with the power tuning knots, I'm still trying to figure out where to tie the lines depending on the wind conditions..

E-Bone 06-24-2006 01:42 PM

No worries, Z, I am not calling you out, especially given that you are a lot bigger than I am! Also, I have screwed up while kiting much more often than you have.

What I am trying to convey is the idea that when you kite, if you get worked, it's almost always Try to look at things like that as you are learning, it will help you to progress. That's been the case with me. I nearly got seriously injured earlier this year in part due to what may be a design weakness in a new kite. My main focus after the beating was not the kite design problem, however, but the mistakes that I made that exposed me to the potential weakness in that kite's design. That focus has so far helped me to avoid a repeat of that incident.

Regarding your launching excitement, I know how you must have felt yesterday. I had a 20M Rhino for two years. I got dragged onto the beach by it more than once, I launched it once with only one of the back lines attached (it didn't steer too well), and I got teabagged on it when I went out with too much power. Each time I got worked because I screwed up somehow.

Here's another example of me screwing up. Last summer in Cabarete, I was hitting some tasty waves on the reef and everything was cool. Then, suddenly--SLAP! I smacked my face on the water as I went over the top of my board just in time to have a wave break on my head. Why? Because my left footstrap came off on one side. I had to track back to my board through the waves, then drag my ass back in to shore, and slog a few hundred yards upwind back to the hotel. I was pissed, but...

What was the real cause of my fall, the footstrap coming loose? No. The real cause of my fall was that I hadn't bothered to tighten the footstraps down for several days, even after several sessions in the waves. It's all in how you look at things.

The main idea I was trying to convey to you is that because there are things that we can not control--wind gusts, equipment failure, etc.--we need to be prepared to deal successfully with those uncontrollable aspects of this sport. When we fail to meet the challenge and get worked, the analysis should almost always be inward and not outward.

Don't take my comments as being negative toward you, Z. I want to see you do well because I expect to see you out there riding with us for years to come. I'll look forward to seeing you out on the water soon.

Optionryder420 06-24-2006 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Z-Type
brian, I'll take yours and other people's advice and stay away from BS, although the place would be great even for me on a cross-winder, every time I get there, the wind is dead on shore...
E-bone, I agree that ignorance is no excuse, but I'm still not all that sure what happened, I triple checked the lines after re-hooking them and even Tom checked them out when helping me launch, appeared to be OK.
I tried to hold the kite low , but I guess a gust of wind took it all the way up to 12 despite me trying to keep it down.
I think I might had it sheeted in too much with the power tuning knots, I'm still trying to figure out where to tie the lines depending on the wind conditions..

Only time I ever rig my kites differently is if it's blowing a HELL of a lot...

Otherwise they're always on the outside connection points on the middle knot. REALLY strong winds, I put the front lines on the knot closest to the kite.

Your kite is tuned right if when you have the trim strap all the way out (powered) and then pull the bar all the way in, the kite doesn't stall/the tips don't move towards eachother. If the kite oversheets, your kite isn't setup right.

JoshTaylor 06-24-2006 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420
If the kite oversheets, your kite isn't setup right.

if the wingtips are flareing out that means it's oversheeted.

jus clearin that up for Z

Z-Type 06-24-2006 02:44 PM

E-bone, no worries dude, to me all advice is constructive, and long time ago I realized that learning from other people's mistakes hurts a lot less....

420 bro, that's exactly what I needed to know, I assume the back knots on the kite are always on fast turning (is there a reason why it should ever be tied to the slow turning knots?)

I think that oversheeting is my problem, 'cause most of the time the kite looks like a damn jelly fish ........
and just out of curiosity, what's the highest wind I could use my 20M safely? I'm around 220 lbs...

Optionryder420 06-24-2006 02:47 PM

I don't really think tying it to the slow turning knots will make it turn much slower even... You can work it out while flying it really... just let the trim all the way out, and pull the bar in... if the wingtips flare(thanks josh) then it's oversheeted. Land it, and extend your front lines... use small leader lines (like 4 inch ones with knots) and go off of that.

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