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E-Bone 06-06-2006 06:39 AM

6.06.06--the Session of the Beast?

6.06.06--the date is an ill omen to some. To me, however, it is a sign that the Devil himself will send us some wind today. I built an altar to the Dark Lord, chanted arcane spells and witchery, and expect the wind to kick in tonight as a result.

The faithful will gather at Backside today to revel in the satanic seabreeze.

Join us...

bryanleighty 06-06-2006 09:01 AM

think it was about 15 years ago.. gulp.. maybe more..
my friend was a bass player and i asked him to help me get started.. he loaned me one of his old crappy bass guitars and taught me to play Number of the Beast and U2's New Years Day that evening and I've been rockin them ever since.

Maiden baby!!

Run to the Hillllls!!! Run for your lives!!!!!!!!!

Kasper 06-06-2006 09:14 AM

I'm definately ready for a beast session.. Looks like it might be NE so Skyway could be the place..

Skyway Scott 06-06-2006 10:42 AM

Sounds totally rational and more than reasonable to me 8)

tomstock 06-06-2006 11:47 AM

I'm hoping it'll seabreeze, and it does I'll be at backside at 5:20. I have an hour or two to ride today.

It's already switching west down here in Sarasota so things are looking up.

toby wilson 06-06-2006 11:58 AM

I'll be there my evil friends!!! :twisted:

And even though the Machines are full of pinholes and I want to get them fixed first, can't stand to miss THIS sesh!!!

See ya'll this afternoon!!! :twisted:

Skyway Scott 06-06-2006 12:24 PM

Sesh of the BEAST...


Flying High Again (Ozzy)

Got a crazy feeling I don't understand
'Gotta get away from here
Feelin' like I should have kept my feet on the ground
Waitin' for the sun to appear

Mamma's gonna worry
I've been a bad, bad boy
No use sayin' sorry
It's something that I enjoy

'Cause you can't see what my eyes see
(I can see it, I can see it)
And you can't be inside of me
Flying high again

I can see through mountains, watch me disappear
I can even touch the sky
Swallowing colours of the sound I hear
Am I just a crazy guy (you bet)

If you could be inside my head
You'd see that black is white and white is red
Flying high again
Flying high again

Come on and join me

Daddy thinks I'm lazy he don't understand
Never saw inside my head.
People think I'm crazy but I'm in demand
Never heard a thing I said

No use sayin' sorry
It's something I enjoy

Flying high again
Flying high again
Flying high again
Flying high again

Optionryder420 06-06-2006 12:26 PM

Out of work at 5... reckon it'll blow at the beach?

I'm becoming quite fond of riding the gulf

bryanleighty 06-06-2006 01:01 PM

just flipped to North and dropped to zero!

hopefully it will flip west and kick in!

E-Bone 06-06-2006 01:05 PM

Ozzy, Scott? I thought we were staying with a Satanic theme for today's session.

How 'bout this? Hell Awaits, by Slayer...

bryanleighty 06-06-2006 01:33 PM

thats too damn obvious..

this has the mark of the beast all over it....

tomstock 06-06-2006 01:40 PM

Just jumped to 11-16 at PAG.

PAG or Big Beach will be the place to be.... or North, like Indian Rocks.

Backside will work, but it'll be 3 mph less is my guess. I am going to the gulf to jump the waves. Flat water in light wind is sort of boring!

toby wilson 06-06-2006 01:44 PM

I'm headed to the Backside for a killer sesh!!! No bore with the 25.5 Machine my friend!!! :D

Optionryder420 06-06-2006 02:10 PM

The wind better wait for me.

E-Bone 06-06-2006 02:32 PM

You don't know the power of the Backside.

See you there...PAG buoy is at 18...

Skyway Scott 06-06-2006 06:56 PM

Tom, Colin, Jordan, Bruce, Chris, Randy, Bayflite, myself, Donna, (forget some like always) got to ride Blue Flag. Most were totally litt on 15m Bows or 18m C kites. It was pretty sweet :P
It was from 14 to 18 is my guess.

Donna got to ride and had a GREAT time. She was on the 14m TD and Super Phatty. She got to ride the 15m Ion today right after the 14m TD.

She simply loved the Ion (no surprise) and wants one now. We think it was blowing about 15 knots when she was on the Ion. She said it was a piece of cake to ride. The 14m TD was definitely more low end "grunty" and she was at its upper limits in 15 knots. She liked the Ion better. Said it was less grunty, smoother turning, etc. I feel the same way. She is SO light, that I am convinced little nuances become exaggerated to her. So, when she comes back and says "piece of cake to hold down", I know its true.

What was interesting was watching her ride it (with ease at about 60% depower) and then watching Chris Moore go out immediately after litt and jumping. (I assume he powered up the kite a bit)
Kite seems to have a huge range. I got to ride it in 20+ and was amazed how easy it was to ride. I am very impressed by the Ion (if its not obvious :o )

donster 06-06-2006 07:22 PM

Definitely loved the ION. When I hit the water I thought it was less windy, everyone said no it wasn't, it just felt like it cause it was so effortless to ride. That and the Super Phatty are the shnizzitt as Ebone would say.

Awesome day, thanks for letting me demo the ION Chris. Sweet kite! Can't wait to get one! :shock: hint hint sweetie :wink:

bryanleighty 06-06-2006 07:31 PM

a number of us out at backside... low tide... most all got in some AMAZING riding out past the first channel. i was riding a 15m C and was fully powered most of the later afternoon.. most everyone was on 15m kites.. Dan was on the 12m waroo and very powered..

around 6pm or so the super shallows in the middle of the channel started to fill in and we all got in some long rides on GLASS. seriously.. super super flat water about 12 in deep or less and LITT ... ive never kited in those conditions and I kept thinking over and over that it was just too damn perfect of a day.

Everyone looked to be having a blast.. kiting in June in Florida.. gotta love it!

have a safe drive tomorrow Scott..

mocean 06-06-2006 08:12 PM

the day of the dark wind
didn't reach the bahamas (god dam it)
next time you guys send sacrifices to satin for wind ,can you include the bahamas in your dark prays for wind.

Skyway Scott 06-06-2006 08:19 PM

Definitely a great day. I am guessing that at least 20 locals rode. Pretty unreal for a weekday/summer day.

Yeah, super flat water is cool. Just dont' try anything too tricky or you'll eat mud :shock: .

Great last day before my "adventure". :D

BigR 06-06-2006 08:19 PM


These are mostly Thermal winds set up in the late afternoon west side of FL.

We will try to cast the wind net over the Bahamas way.

I told you, U R always welcome to come riding over here, we'll show U the best spots.

CONGRATS on your new Baby Girl!!!!!! :D :D :D

Say Hi to Shuman! Lori says Hi!


Optionryder420 06-06-2006 09:29 PM

BigR? You and Lori out at Belleair beach doing a downwinder?

I was on my 13m fuel. At times it was possible to stay upwind, other times it wasn't... so I just kept on going up and down the beach.

I really need a bigger kite... 13m fuel and 122cm Redline are really made for more wind. Although at times I was pretty lit.

I was jumping a little bit too close to shore too :shock: Don't know why, but coming back in towards the beach, I'd be super lit, then whenever I was about where I was going to send the kite, all my speed and wind was gone... so I'd have to sine it a few times then jump... whatever though, all is good.

as I suspected, less wind where I was

tomstock 06-06-2006 09:46 PM

Scott, Blue Flag was awesome today. Thanks for pumping up my kite while I rode the Ion. That kite was pretty cool. From zero power to more power than I wanted instantly. Seriously, when I came in from riding the Ion, I was afraid to put up my 21m nemesis. Turned out, the Nemesis had LESS pull than the 15m Ion. Ion had way more depower.

Super Phatty was a nice ride. Didn't spray me all that much in the face. Planed like my anomaly but with a stronger edge end and better turning.

Had a blast carving up and jumping off the waves on the outside.

E-Bone 06-06-2006 09:51 PM

Yeah, today was the shiz. I showed up, rigged, rode 3+ hours. After the tide started to come in at BS, the flats across the channel were epic. True glass, flat as a mirror, with 15+ up top. Epic jumps with dead silence between liftoff and touchdown, with the entire jump spent looking right at the sea floor through the crystal clear water.

Jayson showed up and threw crazy ass tricks everywhere, as usual, mad skillz. I tried to ride blind but rode drowned instead--more work needed there. Paul Fox and I were holding down the Rasta Flexis and having a blast. Russky showed and was taking advantage, Bryan and Dan were there (hey, those two need nicknames), Toby was making progress, some other faces as well.

For me, the best moment of the session might have been when I threw a fat, hanging jump just next to the channel and a guy on a passing boat screams "you are f**king craaaazy" as I hang in the air under the Ion, which does not want to come down. Oh, yeah.

Scott--charge hard, go big, and good luck!

Optionryder420 06-06-2006 09:54 PM

Are the Ions one pump?

toby wilson 06-06-2006 10:58 PM

Yeah, hard not to be powered up today on the 25.5 Machine!!! :shock:

Was well powered at times with the kite close to 12 o'clock and the depower rope all the way in, but just lovin' it!!! Always have that 5th line to help me depower...

Got some jumping tips from Randy after he watched for a while and am working at it and having a blast! The 20.5 would have been PERFECT today but the stitching is coming out of the middle strut and it needs a visit to Keith at Advanced Sails before I ride it again.

Overall a great day, everyone at the backside was SUPER STOKED after the sesh!

BigR 06-07-2006 05:48 AM


BigR? You and Lori out at Belleair beach doing a downwinder?

No, Unfortunately we were at work :oops: :oops: :oops:

Skyway Scott 06-07-2006 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by tomstock
Scott, Blue Flag was awesome today. Thanks for pumping up my kite while I rode the Ion.

Well, I pumped up most of it. Chris helped out alot. AND, it is HIS kite, so thanks to him (and E-bone) for letting us all demo the crap outta the 15m Ion lately.

It's a great kite for sure. (Don't know that I've ever ridden better for my style).
It's ironic that I am going to work at a kiteshop today and I am shooting for a one kite/one board quiver for the 10 to 24 knot range. In other words, I won't save ALL that much on gear, really, since its limited amounts!!
How many of us still have 5 kites and 4 boards? Those days are quickly coming to an end. (Hmm... is that good for kiteshops?)

E-Bone 06-07-2006 06:27 AM

Kev, yes, the Ion has single point inflation.

bryanleighty 06-07-2006 07:37 AM


we will all be looking forward to your reviews of the HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of kiting products you get to demo... (perks of the biz)

Optionryder420 06-07-2006 08:41 AM

Okay... who was at Belleair beach?

There was a yellow Crossbow and then a blue bow, not sure if it was a crossbow or not.

South of me, there was an octane/machine... steve?

I've been riding a one board 2 kite quiver for a long time... I start riding from about 13knots+ I haven't reached the top end yet.

2005 fuels, 9m and 13m and a 122cm Caution Redline board. All works out for me. :D

But, I do want more low end... so I'm looking for a good kite for low end. I don't want it to overlap my 13m fuel too much though, that one is my favorite kite. So, I'm trying to decide between kites, and I won't buy something without one-pump(I'm lazy). So, it's between the Ion (I really don't want a bow) and a Machine 17.5.

That's whenever I get money though :lol:

bryanleighty 06-07-2006 09:01 AM

bow = more versatile, better low end, larger wind range, lighter bar pressure, better depower, etc etc etc..

telling ya man.. when i tried the waroo in super gusty winds i was SOLD on the bow kite. i had been holding down an 11m C and fighting it all day. i got on Ebones 9m waroo.. it had more power but less pull (if that makes sense).. it was SO much easier to move in the sky and has the ability to stop on a dime by letting out the bar.

The companies sell them as being super safe and 100% depower... well.. that is still the big question as I believe the kite makers have some years of R n D to perfect these babies.. but for now, they are pretty damn close once you understand their tendencies and respect that they still are a dangerous kite.

I can tell you that body dragging to your board on a BOW is beyond easy compared to a C. the ability to sheet out and swim to the board without dropping the kite cuts down on the shark-bait minutes.. seriously..

The ION looks amazing .. I have not got a session in on one..
I am 100% happy with my 12m Waroo. It has allowed me to ride in 12+ winds on a big board and have a blast when it gets to 14+..

there are other high performance BOWs as well.. i simply prefer the ones with simple 4 line bars..

I will definitely be getting a larger BOW .. either an ION or a 2007 Waroo (they are adding battons like the IONs to help trailing edge flutter)

I rode a C kite yesterday and still had a freakin blast. A kite is a kite of course.. i personally just think a BOW gives you more for the $$$ spent.

thats my 2 cents.

tomstock 06-07-2006 10:43 AM

Yeah, big thanks to Chris for letting me ride his Ion. I think I'll be getting one soon.

Some downsides of the bows though...constant bar pressure... not more or less but constant... so it sort of tires my arms. I suppose you get used to it. I ride my kites powered up with the bar out so I can relax my arms...

Some bow kite owners are using special adjustable stoppers to accomplish this.. seems like a good idea. That would make the bow kite experience pretty darn good.

Still need to experiment with the safety mechanisms though. I just dont trust the bow kite safety mechanisms at this point, but I do like the kites.

Optionryder420 06-07-2006 12:46 PM

I'd get a bow if I had an all bow quiver... but even then, I like my C's. It makes no difference to me now if I get a bow, since I only need one for the low end so it really won't make my quiver any smaller.

Plus, they fly different... just watching them fly I can tell. I don't want to have to get used to a bow then constantly be changing kites and having to get the feel back and have my timing off.

I'm leaning more towards the machine, but I guess only time will tell.

inferno 06-07-2006 12:57 PM

id have to agree, ive only flown a few bows, but going from a C to a bow and back to a C does tend to throw off my timing

inferno 06-07-2006 01:05 PM

2006 used 16m crossbow for $850

bryanleighty 06-07-2006 01:16 PM

i swapped between a bow and a c yesterday and it is a shock to the system for a tack or two .. you are allowed more room for error on a bow, very little on a C. someone that learns and rides on only a bow will not be able to ride a C very well.. I see injuries a-plenty in this type of situation.

But anyone that has a season under their belt on a C and moves to a BOW should have the smarts and experience to have both types in their quiver.

think C kites will be around in 3 years? 2 years? In some way or another I am sure they will .. but i suspect a small percentage ..

I know that the BEST nemesis for 2007 is kinda a hybrid looking thing.. like a high aspect bow kite..

many of the Pros ride only C's for particular reasons, but 99% of all riders are just out there to safely enjoy their time on the water and anything that makes it safer and cost effective will become the mainstay.

Now.. about that "safer" part... thats a whole nuther conversation.

here's a GREAT read on the BOW kite subject with lots of input from Bruno Legainoux himself ... (check out his video of his new 4.5 meter BOW kite in light wind.... AMAZING.. )

Optionryder420 06-07-2006 01:22 PM

As long as I'm kiting, there will be C kites :D

toby wilson 06-07-2006 01:41 PM

Gotta agree with Kevin. I learned with my C's and I really haven't had any interest in flying a bow yet...

Hope to see you joining team Slingshot Machine Kev!!!

tomstock 06-08-2006 11:42 AM

Agreed, I like my C's... when hybrids come down in price and the safety mechanisms are worked out I'll make the switch. Until then, I have 5 kites to last me the next X years...

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