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ricki 11-19-2009 04:23 PM

Remember, there's wind somewhere in the world right now. Even if its on video.

As AJ would say, don't strike bottom!

This New Symrna, FL?

ricki 11-23-2009 08:42 AM

A collection of some of the more impressive kite moves out there on video. Hope the landboarder throwing some mega kite loops over the lawn is still with us. Broken lines or some other problems could make for a real bad day.

ricki 11-23-2009 08:02 PM

Here is the first GoPro HD UW video that I've seen. Viz. isn't the greatest and there is some compression loss, still it looks pretty good. I was worried some of the WIDE attibutes might not be present in the HD despite the better resolution, so far so good! I hope it will be insane in blue water. Have some arriving in early December I hope, will know more soon.

NOTE: the image resolution on the HD and WIDE cameras is limited underwater. This is likely do to issues with the dome port underwater vs. in air. With the WIDE the unusual shooting qualities allowed the limited resolution to be overlooked. Still evaluating the HD which still seems to have UW issues.

"Freediving at Vouliagmeni blue hole (pigadi) in Greece with a friend. Shot on gopro hero HD @ 720p."

p.s. - bizarre karst feature!

Just found another one, this time SCUBA diving in Norway. Note to self, if I ever come back as a flounder, stay out of the fjords!

and one free diving with a whale shark off the west coast:

just heard about another one involving a white shark cage dive. have some surreal imagery here.

and in the "odd fish" category, we have Kinsley Wong, actually his fish, not Kinsley from Cozumel.

Videos shot with the NEW GoPro HD camera

ricki 12-03-2009 08:30 PM

Video buffet time, a wide selection of clips ...

Cave free diving in the Dominican Republic with full caving team on SCUBA as safety

Kiting Teahupoo

The kind of seas you never want to have on a cruise. Looks like a dingy as opposed to a large ship in those waves

Wingsuit over Russia?

Some extreme snowboarding. The guy caught in the avalanche is one lucky bugger to ease out of that fall.

admin 12-09-2009 10:15 AM

Towing into big December Waves At Jaws

500EPILOT 12-09-2009 09:22 PM

Rick, killer videos, the wingsuit and the snowboarding on what seem like vertical walls makes Jaws seem tame in comparison. Thanks for posting.

ricki 12-10-2009 07:16 PM

Thanks JP, there's a lot going on out there. The Internet makes it so easy to look in from time to time. Here's something a bit more local. Swung by LBTS and the pier last weekend.
Had some nice little swells wrapping around the pier. A guy on an Island Wave Ski catches one and breaks to the left while the surfer breaks right. I was blown away by the mobility and ease of catching waves when I first saw a waveski in Melbourne about ten years ago. The aerials weren't too shabby either. Picked a (too) small one up from, thought I could grow into it, whoops. You should know how to eskimo roll without ripping your shoulder out and be able to throw them fast. Or, be good at breathholding, well one out of two isn't too bad.
Barrel hunting
Looks happy
This guy had an interesting trick of surfing underneath the pier and to the other side. Watch out for those sudden hard stops!

ricki 12-25-2009 05:46 AM

Looking for something new in the waves? Why not try a new board ... two of them?

Here's another clip from big water. So, its frozen.

Some of us are thinking about snow, some are in it but hey, grab alpine time when and how you can.

conchxpress 12-25-2009 07:42 AM

The skis probably wouldn't be that expensive, but you gotta fork out a lot of dough for the jet ski, since there really is no other way to launch. And then you need a buddy that really isn't doing anything, to drive your jet ski.

Russky 12-25-2009 08:30 AM

bigpimp'n 12-26-2009 01:45 PM

Conch, you forgot to mention epic waves.

ricki 12-26-2009 07:27 PM

You've found a solution to light wind woes Russky. Even if it starts to become dull, no worries, you become so dizzy, you forget.

Continuing with the big wave theme, this just out of Maui bare hours ago ...

and into Teahuppo ...

and just because he is a personal favorite, here's something from Warren Miller;

some more from Warren, bloopers no less;

ricki 01-08-2010 01:49 PM

Tired of cold with NO SNOW?! Not going to take it any more? Well, ok then ... uh, right.

Here's some snow to help ease your suffering.

It was shot in Murmansk, Russia leading me to believe this must have been recorded on some warm days in July?

Here's something with mountains and guys in squirrel suits, fun stuff.

No kites in this one, still it is a famous trail, from Mont Blanc in Chamonix, FR to the Matterhorn in Zermatt, CH.

Todd RT 01-08-2010 02:16 PM

Couple local shots!

ricki 01-13-2010 06:44 PM

Luderitz Speed Challenge 2009 Longer HD

ricki 01-15-2010 10:05 AM

Kiting in Quintina Roo, MX

ricki 01-20-2010 08:56 AM

The bombora at Dee Why Point goes off! Talking about some monster very nicely formed swells. A standup guy and a bunch of surfers go to it on this great wave spot near Sydney, Australia. You can see the action thanks to Robert Smallwood.

Checkout the slide show at:
The bombie is this bump in the ocean, casting off nice waves

ricki 02-03-2010 09:51 AM

How's your Spanish?

Hate it when that happens.

ricki 02-08-2010 06:11 AM

"A frenzy of some of the favorite footage that we shot during the recent kite year.

Unusual riding, overhead sliders, strapless madness and more. Filmed on Maui in the fall, the California Coast in the spring, Sherman Island and the Columbia River Gorge in the summer, and La Ventana, Mexico (with night shots from the Burning Bush festival) in the winter.

More info about killedthewind here: and here:
Music - cover of Chemical Bros. Star Guitar by Shinichi Osawa"

ricki 02-11-2010 02:42 PM

Made the cover of the Post!

Dumping big time in the northeast. What to do?
Go kiting on the Washington Mall? Why not particularly if you aren't rousted by the police.
Caption: Feb. 10, 2010
Washington resident Duncan Ferguson takes advantage of the blizzard's strong wind gusts and goes kite skiing on the grounds of the Washington Monument.
Photo by: Marvin Joseph - The Washington Post
From DC International Airport, may or may not closely relate to wind on the Mall during the blizzard.

Looks like Duncan picked a pretty windy day to hit the Mall. I imagine with all the trees and buildings could have been rotor city. Intense stuff, looks overpowered. Wonder what size he had up? Looks pretty easy to get messed up.
The Mall in warmer times
Photo by: Ricky Caioti - The Washington Post
Hang in there folks
Photo by: Ricky Caioti - The Washington Post


ricki 02-12-2010 01:20 PM

A little bit more about this session and snow kiting in general from kiteforum. Including:


Originally Posted by Lost
Riding in the mall is very technical. The wind is shifting a lot and is like cheese. You get 5 miles per hour, after that 10 after that plus 25. All in less than 5 min.

I give props to Duncan but at the same time he shouldnt have been there that day since gusts over 45 miles were announced. Getting dragged in that spot is not fun, plus you will close it for all of us.

Crush and burn:
Your method will work if:
- you have a lot of space downdwind of you so you can land (not the cash on the mall - each field is delimited by some poles connected with ropes)
- if your wind will be a little constant. In the case of riding in the mall, you will send your kite up and you will crash like a rock at the apex of the jump, since the gust will end.

and a more in depth post dealing with hazardous weather phenomena and snow kiting at:

ricki 02-16-2010 08:06 AM

Feel like some island time? Here you go ...

Click Image for video

ricki 02-16-2010 10:10 PM

Kent and Paula shot a video from ASM off West End, Grand Bahama. A tandem kiting run with some nice angles. Hope it shows up for non-facebook folks. Please let me know if you can't view it.

Click Photo For Video

jaco 02-17-2010 06:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the video. It's bad up here. You don't really understand it until you've been living here through the whole winter.

Good news is, I'll be back down in Florida two weeks from today. Hopefully warm temps, good winds and waves. Can anyone hook me up with some gear demos?

View from my dorm room at Penn State University.

ricki 02-18-2010 01:02 PM

Not getting enough wave time? How about cold water? Well, got you covered on both, read on. Off to Mavericks for the big surf contest!
Is the guy on the right holding back? If so, wonder if it worked?! Ouch!
This is the wave that smashed into the cliff injury 15 spectators.

All photos from: There are many more there too from the contest.

greg meintjes 02-18-2010 02:20 PM

nice and clean
those are some great waves, really smooth and clean for the size, wish I could of been there to watch the contest.


ricki 02-18-2010 02:43 PM

Just a plane flight away Greg! In this case being a spectator has its risks too.

Why monster waves at Mavricks? It seems to come down to deepwater, long period swells being refracted together by the bottom bathymetry and summing amplitudes when they converge. There seems to be a narrow strip of rubble on the bottom west the of point which helps in shoaling the waves in a narrow sector.

Here's what the USGS has to say about it:
An overlay of wave nodes and amplitude amplification points through wave convergence and summing.

There's a nice slide show of the event including some really good inwater shots of the monster waves rolling through at:

The crowd under wave attack at Mavericks. Wasn't President Bush, the dad, not junior, about swamped by a wave out of no where in Daytona years back? Recall it washed some cars around the beach and scared the hell out of some folks. The Secret Service thought the Soviets might have been tossing monster swells at him or something.

ricki 02-22-2010 03:22 PM

Will you look at this place, Witsand, SA.
Some of the steepest, high narrow wavelength surf I've seen. Impressive stuff. The winds look honking strong too.
Gothic waves? Interesting place.

500EPILOT 02-22-2010 03:26 PM

Mavericks Contest
I watched the contest live at you might still be able to see some video clips from the event there.


ricki 03-08-2010 06:46 PM

Some random shots from past Florida kiting events ...
A look at II09
Off to the course races, II09
A cool windy but memorable day off Ft. Desoto some years back during the first Masters Competition.
There off racing south to Vero in last year's Central Florida Downwinder
Another from the race to Vero. Josh "NPX Toastinator" rips along in fine time south.
Sunset on the Gulf at yet one more great event.
Come in from orbit at II09


ricki 03-11-2010 08:39 AM

Great shots from the Daily Mail, ...
Talk about a tight lineup. Wonder who figured out the right of way rules?
It isn't all fun and games some of these group flight responses are triggered by killer whale attacks

Still more views and info on the Daily Mail site from South Africa

ricki 03-12-2010 02:29 PM

One of many great Crandon events ...

More fun times on tap this weekend! This time off the West Coast.

ricki 03-14-2010 09:28 PM

If you are wondering what Toby of Kiteforum has been up to in Brazil in recent years, here's your answer. Only saw one handle pass in the entire clip, honest injun!

ricki 03-18-2010 01:00 PM

Chuck Patterson tows in with skies and poles????!

Some comments:

"Chuck Patterson
Here's a teaser shot by Rob Keith of one of my wave skiing rides. The whole thing was super humbling because I was not sure if the skis would glide and turn the way I had invisioned, but it was pretty insane how fast I could go making big GS turns just like snow skiing. Thanks Jason Star for the skis. Will have full story and more photos soon."

"Chuck Patterson
Riding waves on skis was pretty sick. I used ski poles to keep my balance and body position so it felt normal. I had to wear a thicker life vest to keep me floating because the ski boots felt like cement shoes. I was lucky not to take any wipe outs because I'm not sure the skis would have come off. It's great to dream a little and then put it to action. "

You can see more photos and info on this novel approach to running in big waves in Chuck's blog at:


ricki 03-26-2010 10:04 PM

Daryl Drown of Extreme Ocean Sports in St. Augustine, FL returned to home snow in Utah last week and ripped it up.
Just floating along, nice skies!
EDGING hard, looks a bit overpowered too. Daryl did you stay put or did you rise up?
Snow geysers, having some fun now!

ricki 03-31-2010 06:01 AM

Some photos from a fashion shoot with Chrys Rocha of Shameless Charlotte a while back. There was wind and kiters during some of the shoots adding an interesting backdrop. There was something like 5000 plus images, so you might see some more of these from time to time.

ricki 04-02-2010 10:21 AM

Out for a short 40 mile paddle for charity through cold, shark laden waters from Catalina to the mainland? What should come along but a 30 ft. whale, swimming escort.

Story and photos at:

p.s. Jodie Nelson,, likes waves too.
Photo from:


ricki 04-02-2010 03:32 PM

And a few more from that Ft. Lauderdale Beach photo shoot with Chrys and Shameless Charlotte fashions ...


ricki 04-05-2010 08:24 AM

More updates from the waves via Chuck Patterson. This time doing standup at the Surftech SUP surf Shoot Out at Steamer Lane in Santa Cruz, CA.
Chuck in his first heat of the standup competition. Photo by Jarrett McPeek

More images and a great deal more info at Chuck's blog:


ricki 04-06-2010 04:26 PM

Some kiters including Neil and Evan are getting into paragliding and even imitating flying squirrels ...
A whole squadron of high flying squirrels tool over Sebastian Inlet.
Look up!
The trick is to reduce the rate of fall and increase the glide slope with the webbing between appendages.
Impressive panorama!

Photos from Evan's Facebook page:

Keep 'em flying Evan!

and for something from across the pond, wingsuits on video over Norwegian Fiords

The father or is it mother of the sport, the placental rodent.


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