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Skyway Scott 03-15-2008 08:04 AM

"Sir, I don't have any type of car show listed on my schedule for this weekend."

Word for word. Just got off the phone with the ranger station regarding EB.

Doesn't mean 100 cars won't show up without notice and hold an event.
It'd be nice if it at least blew 13 knots. Sounds like the subtitles and butterfly sighting have us in as a lock. :)

Todd RT 03-15-2008 08:14 AM

I'll come ride with you guys at EB on a weekday or somethin.. I don't feel like crowds today. Later...

Skyway Scott 03-15-2008 08:44 AM

Yeah, sounds like an a get together for sure, just not "official".

Big G 03-15-2008 09:12 AM

I've never heard of an SRT. I guess I'll need to stroll down there and see what it is....

I prefer the more familiar, BMW and AMG. Not sure if those are in the same category. Maybe I'll learn something new today.

<jason 03-15-2008 09:33 AM

Its a dodge.....

bryanleighty 03-15-2008 09:42 AM

PAG anyone? Backside SW?

Skyway Scott 03-15-2008 05:36 PM

EB ended up being pretty good today. It started off nuking pretty early, then tapered down for awhile, then filled back in. Then the same old deal... by 5 (old 4 before DayLST) it shifted SW and got squirrelly.

Only saw three "circus music" episodes. That's pretty good.

Steve-O 03-15-2008 08:12 PM

Some kite pics on from EB today. Looks like Steve, Jason, and Alex getting some nice shots. Like the board off Alex. :)

Skyway Scott 03-15-2008 08:16 PM

Where are the pics? I looked under the pics section, couldn't find them.

Skyway Scott 03-15-2008 08:18 PM

found it

Big G 03-15-2008 09:27 PM

Any info on the movie shoot that was taking place at East Beach today? They were shooting most of the shots from a white convertible that was being towed around on a flat bed. So thats how they shoot those in the car scenes...

BigR 03-16-2008 07:23 AM


Some kite pics on from EB today. Looks like Steve, Jason, and Alex getting some nice shots. Like the board off Alex. :)

Grrrrrrrrr,...... shows those pesky surfers are invading our turf.......


Skyway Scott 03-16-2008 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Big G (Post 30540)
Any info on the movie shoot that was taking place at East Beach today? They were shooting most of the shots from a white convertible that was being towed around on a flat bed. So thats how they shoot those in the car scenes...

Yeah, they were driving down around the EB turnaround/cul de sac and a guy had a botched launch and landed the kite right on them.
The director yelled "cut" and the crew cut the kite to pieces.
(MOVIE MAGIC, brotha', movie magic) :)


<Jason, were you out there?

<jason 03-16-2008 08:17 AM

Yea Scott I was there from about 11:30 till 5:00...

Fantastic freakin day... I was lit on my 13m....white waroo..what were u flying Scott?

Some dude was killing it w/a red waroo...

Had mine rigged to ac at first and was having a little trouble...
Almost crashed my kite on some slingshot(fuel-machine?) rider, man he was pissed yelling at me and sh1t...i apoligized a bunch of times...but he didnt seem to care
So I told him to go FU_K himself.......................

Anyway, came in switched to AA and was all good....

Ill tell u though... Its sometimes hard to figure out where to put your kite with all that traffic...

My wife was telling me someone launched their kite downwind.. Bar ended up in a tree kite ended up on someones truck...popped le i think....ops.!!!

BigR 03-16-2008 08:29 AM


Some dude was killing it w/a red waroo...

who do ya think?

Skyway Scott 03-16-2008 08:32 AM

I was on a red waroo. I was killing myself, not "it". My right hip is messed up today.

A few other guys were actually killing "it". :)

It wasn't until I got home that I put 2+2 together and figured out that was probably you.
I am assuming you were always fairly upwind (more S) than most, but not like all (like Donna and Lori).

What board were you on? I wish I would have figured things out faster, I would have let you ride mine to see if it makes a difference.
Don't hesitate to ask next time and I will recognize you.
If you are the rider I think you are, I think that board was schlogging you out. :mad: (maybe not)
I would have liked to have seen if another one made a difference.

Yeah, your wife saw the incident that I will remember as "man stuck in tree, kite stuck on yellow hummer" (I don't think Steve knows his Hummer got hit).
That was semi funny. The palm tree was only 7 feet high and the guy ended up stuck in the "bushy" part of the tree for a few seconds.

Whoever you crashed on is probably over it. I get pissed at times too. It's usually just in the moment and gone at the end of the day or even 30 seconds later. I had a new rider upwind of me with their kite WAY low force my kite into the water. I yelled. I wasn't really that mad, but that's how people learn. Jay yelled at me 7 years ago in the exact same scenario. I learned.
I wouldn't worry about it. I was riding close to you much of the day. You seemed to be doing nothing repeatedly wrong that I could see.

Big G 03-16-2008 08:46 AM

Went to Bongos for a d-winder w/Eric after a good morning session. While passing T.I., saw someone teaching. Looked as though 3 newbies and 1 instructor. Newbies all had kites in the air and at the waters edge. Did not see any boards. Lots, and I mean lots of tourist and spr.breakers crowding around.

However was teaching, waved me off as though I was to close to his inexperienced riders. Didn't think I was close to any of them I was really only trying to get a look and see if indeed they were all students.

Couldn't realy tell, looked unsafe IMAO so we kept on going. Good luck teaching with that many people around.

Skyway Scott 03-16-2008 08:51 AM

Someone called me about a similar incident near the Undertow and left a voice mail, but I can't figure it out who.
I couldn't return the call 'cuz they didn't leave their name (phone was off, wouldn't track who called).
The message made it sound like a bystander (a kid) got drilled.
Does anyone have info on this?
I can't figure out if it was for real, a joke, or what.

If it is real, can anyone think of a worse place to give a lesson than water's edge at the Undertow?
I bet there were literally thousands of people out there. Unreal.

<jason 03-16-2008 09:18 AM

yea I was trying to stay upwind of all that im sure that was me... ive never rode for that long, im pretty sore...better try to rest today if the race is tomorrow huh....

Man I need some practice jumping...landed a few very small whips slammed into the water backwards when I actually tried to send it...:confused:

I cant figure out how u guys have so much control when in the air... most of the time I just get spun around and cant tell up from down :shock: I know its experience... but after hitting the water hard a few times, I got nervous to send it hard.... ouch

Was their someone else up wind where I (we) were with a ckite (naish?)

Erick 03-16-2008 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by <jason (Post 30547)
Yea Scott I was there from about 11:30 till 5:00...

Fantastic freakin day... I was lit on my 13m....white waroo..what were u flying Scott?

Some dude was killing it w/a red waroo...

Had mine rigged to ac at first and was having a little trouble...
Almost crashed my kite on some slingshot(fuel-machine?) rider, man he was pissed yelling at me and sh1t...i apoligized a bunch of times...but he didnt seem to care
So I told him to go FU_K himself.......................

Anyway, came in switched to AA and was all good....

Ill tell u though... Its sometimes hard to figure out where to put your kite with all that traffic...

My wife was telling me someone launched their kite downwind.. Bar ended up in a tree kite ended up on someones truck...popped le i think....ops.!!!

Yes, Jason it was me the one that you almost chopped my head off. This is the first time I yelled to some other rider like that in my life but since I saw you a couple of times doing some erratic kite maneuvering, I decided try to stay away from you. However, apparently I did not do well enough. You will understand my reaction someday. No worries as far I concern this incident is in the past. Good luck!

<jason 03-16-2008 09:33 AM

sorry dude.... my bad....I didnt think you needed a haircut but.... my kite had other intentions....again my apoliges

(The first stupid thing I did... the other thing you were talking about)
I was supposed to meet SteveS there... then I saw him riding up behind me
turned my head to say whats up (stupid) looked again and my kite hit the water...:oops:

seriously though imo very diferent kite set to ac rather than aa...but was my fault...

inferno 03-16-2008 10:21 AM

i was on a black and "coral" colored naish raven......
(around 12-4pm)


Originally Posted by <jason (Post 30552)
yea I was trying to stay upwind of all that im sure that was me... ive never rode for that long, im pretty sore...better try to rest today if the race is tomorrow huh....

Man I need some practice jumping...landed a few very small whips slammed into the water backwards when I actually tried to send it...:confused:

I cant figure out how u guys have so much control when in the air... most of the time I just get spun around and cant tell up from down :shock: I know its experience... but after hitting the water hard a few times, I got nervous to send it hard.... ouch

Was their someone else up wind where I (we) were with a ckite (naish?)

Danimal8199 03-16-2008 12:21 PM

I had a small session starting at PAG and was riding to the undertow when I did a water relaunch and my kite caught a crab trap bouy... No bueno for sure. Had to ditch the kite and swim in.

Watched my poor kite relaunch and crash, and relaunch and crash...

I finally got a chance to catch my breath and my buddy body dragged me to my kite which I was able to free and fly back to shore.

Its a miracle nothing ripped tore or was damaged otherwise.

Rode down to the tow, had some beers but didn't see anyone riding there, just a bunch of people passing by on DWers.

<jason 03-16-2008 01:06 PM


Jason- If you got to ride the 10m, Was the 'Roo bar able to keep that Vicious Dawg under control? I have had lots of people ask if it will work, but do not have a 'Roo bar to try it on.
Was going to but my daughter was really sunburned so we left soon after we talked... I would like to see how short the depower throw is on that freak bar so I can set my stopperball though..

I do have a dakine impact harness you if you want it...let me know...


i was on a black and "coral" colored naish raven......
(around 12-4pm)
I was only asking to see if who was riding on that side with me... I guess scott was on the red roo I was on the white were on the

Steve-O 03-16-2008 02:30 PM

If those were some lessons going down at the Undertow, I would like to know who it is and address the issue head on. That is just not acceptable in my book. If they are certified, I will work to get the certification pulled. That is just total BS.

I think Bobo would agree that is a true circus act. WTF!!!!!!

Skyway Scott 03-16-2008 03:27 PM

All I have is a voice message and I don't even know who it is from.
If anyone sees a lesson on the beach in front of the Undertow that seems shady, let us know. It's probably the worst candidate spot to have a lesson.
Literally hundreds of people their to hurt and see you screw up when/if you do.

rigger 03-16-2008 07:32 PM

Sat. Randy and I were at sunset/beach point or whatever that beach is just north of Upham. We were there from about 3 - 6. I saw a blue and white ion(I think) in the air far to the south near the Undertow. I’m going off the shape and colors from a far distance, so it could have been anything. But, thats the first thing that pop in my head when I looked. To far to see if it was a lesson or who it was.

Big G 03-16-2008 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Big G (Post 30550)
Went to Bongos for a d-winder w/Eric after a good morning session. While passing T.I., saw someone teaching. Looked as though 3 newbies and 1 instructor. Newbies all had kites in the air and at the waters edge. Did not see any boards. Lots, and I mean lots of tourist and spr.breakers crowding around.

However was teaching, waved me off as though I was to close to his inexperienced riders. Didn't think I was close to any of them I was really only trying to get a look and see if indeed they were all students.

Couldn't realy tell, looked unsafe IMAO so we kept on going. Good luck teaching with that many people around.

As mentioned, the lessons I saw were at T.I. and the instuctor had one of the newbies by the back of his harness. At the time we went by, it was honking good. It may have been me you saw on my Bl. 15m Ion but we didn't even stop as there were just to many people on the beach. Its was this reason I thought lessons at that location on that day was probably not a good idea....
I guess the teacher knew what he was doing and when he waved me away from his student, I decided not to stop and we just kept heading downwind.

Skyway Scott 03-16-2008 07:53 PM

I threw it out there thinking the guy that left the message maybe would read this on here and contact me. I didn't recognize his voice and it was loud in the background.
I haven't heard a peep since the message and this post. The message was from inside of a bar. I assumed the Undertow. I heard a ton of racket in the background.
Let's just assume nothing happened at this point and this was some sort of drunken inspired joke (lame one.. but when you are drunk....).
If anyone sees a lesson in that area though, I wouldn't hesitate to at the very least ask for the instructor's name.

toby wilson 03-17-2008 06:34 AM

I usually don't call people out on the forum for mistakes on the water but I did happen to meet Jim Wilson from Fort DeSoto (great guy by the way, super cool) Saturday and we were discussing safety and his support for us so here goes:

Whoever the kid on the blue and orange SS Turbo Diesel on Saturday was may want to seriously consider taking some more lessons. After said decapitation close calls and rescuing his inverted kite in between the two, this rider also crashed his kite right in the middle of the launch area on a botched launch attempt later in the day. Had there been bystanders on the beach, that could have meant the end ot EB for us all. If you are the rider in question, I strongly suggest taking those lessons or at least learning a lesson and/or NOT riding on a crowded day like Saturday was until you have better kite control. Maybe using a trainer kite would be a good idea? It is pretty hard to invert these bow kite too, not sure how you managed that one but you will notice that I am always one of the first people to go running to help someone in trouble. I usually keep my cool as everyone makes mistakes but crashing your kite just feet in front of me so I had to bail to avoid you 2 times in one day on a crowded day like that earned you the earfull I gave you on the 3rd of the 4 issues that I saw you have Saturday.

Remember: DOWNWIND rider has the right of way (I was the downwind rider and was on Starboard tack in BOTH instances) and you should NEVER do any jump or trick that could put that downwind rider at risk. Most times the downwind rider cannot see what is happening with the upwind rider and his kite so if you want to ride in the lanes of traffic, you should have good kite control. If you have the control you displayed Saturday and insist on NOT taking lessons, at least do everyone a favor and ride DOWNWIND so noone else gets hurt or killed WHEN you do.

If your life and others are not worth the price of a trainer kite, you are MORE than welcome to borrow mine, my cell # is 941-400-2696. I'll even help you with setup and launch, I ended up breaking a rib on a botched double backroll with an accidental kiteloop thrown in for good measure on my downwinder back to where I launched at the backside on Saturday. Had to ride 3/4 of the way from EB to BS after that and was alone, NOT fun with your harness pulling on it and you can't breathe, believe me. So I am off of the water for a while and would be MORE than willing to help you if you want it. PM or call me.

The ONLY right way to learn to kite is by taking lessons my friend.

Big G 03-17-2008 08:04 AM

It looks as though it may not have been an instructor at all and it sounds like its unclear as to exactly where the problem, if any occurred. Sorry if I alarmed anyone.

Things tend to look a little different from the water when looking towards the beach, including what area you’re riding in, as most of the hotels look the same from that side.

Oh, and Bo Bo, I will get my directors chair from you when I see you, maybe later today at the circus. Hollywood Henderson has another later this week and I can’t be without my seat.

Danimal8199 03-17-2008 08:17 AM

Someone on this forum called me on saturday before I got to PAG to tell me that he was at the undertow and that someone was lofting on the beach and jumping very close to shore.

I was asked by this guy on the forum that when I made my way to the tow on my downwind to try and say something to the lofter since he seemed to be disregarding safety advice that BoBo the Safety Clown and all other instructors teach.

From my earlier post my downwinder was delayed a bit due to a crab trap buoy so when I reached the tow all I saw was a cold beer(s) with my name on it.

I will contact this guy on here unless he reads this and wants to post who it was lofting on the beach at the tow.

Skyway Scott 03-17-2008 08:28 AM


Please PM and let me know who called you. It had to be the same the guy that called me and left a message. I can't figure out who it was. Thanks.

Toby, why do you think we would lose EB due to one incident or a guy doing something wrong?
Did Jim give you that impression? I am under the impression he is willing to ban individuals if necessary, but not us all.
If he told you otherwise, I would like to know. I am under a different impression and have therefore been pretty laid back out at EB when I see somewhat about to do a semi kook launch, etc., but maybe things have changed recently.
Did he say something to make you believe that we could all be banned from EB? If so, it's a no brainer that we need to talk with him and figure out more strict self regulation steps out there pronto.

inferno 03-17-2008 08:32 AM

so.. off the subject did any one ride this morning....
scott you hurting to much?

you should see the bottom of my foot, i cant beleive i let you guys talk me into doing more loops.....:confused:

Skyway Scott 03-17-2008 08:36 AM

You did 4 to 8, I did 40 - Imagine how I feel. :mad: :confused:
I am going out in ten minutes.

toby wilson 03-17-2008 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Skyway Scott (Post 30608)

Please PM and let me know who called you. It had to be the same the guy that called me and left a message. I can't figure out who it was. Thanks.

Toby, why do you think we would lose EB due to one incident or a guy doing something wrong?
Did Jim give you that impression? I am under the impression he is willing to ban individuals if necessary, but not us all.
If he told you otherwise, I would like to know. I am under a different impression and have therefore been pretty laid back out at EB when I see somewhat about to do a semi kook launch, etc., but maybe things have changed recently.
Did he say something to make you believe that we could all be banned from EB? If so, it's a no brainer that we need to talk with him and figure out more strict self regulation steps out there pronto.

Well if we have guys slamming kites down on tourists I just don't think that it would follow the safety that you and I preach each and every day Scott. I did discuss access with him and he said we were okay because we didn't get any complaints except from one windsurfer that was frustrated that we had monopolized the area. He told them that the ocean was big enough for us all and I agreed telling him that we liked riding with the polesurfers. He did, however say that he would need to reassess that if we started getting complaints (which we haven't, YET). But then again, no innocent bystander has gotten cut by lines or smashed into by a kite or drug down the beach that I can remember...once again...YET. Nipping kooky behavior in the bud is what I thought we had discussed prior to now and if we want to approach it 'laid back', that if fine but if I had been a newb, I would have been hit by a kite (and lines) not once but twice by the same rider Saturday. If someone had been standing downwind of this rider, they would have been hit by the kite. And if noone had helped this rider like I did, he was screwed because the kite was inverted and dragging him and he didn't have the sense to unhook and depower the kite. So seeing as Jim was super cool but and expressed his interest in us and support, he did also mention that if issues started occurring on a regular basis, he would need to reassess. Imagine how many kites will be on the water in 3 years at EB on any given day. Should we start now or just wait until access is threatened? I vote for showing Ft. DeSoto and Jim Wilson that we are a proactive, responsible group and not reactive. I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but the signs and tagging system never happened and I personally thought it was the best approach...

bryanleighty 03-17-2008 09:35 AM

toby... as i was leaving on Saturday I saw Jayson talking to the kid on the TD.. not sure if he laid down the law or what .. but it looked like he was giving him advice on his obvious lack of skill.. hopefully this helped the situation.

i was out on the water for 4 hours on Saturday and he was an obvious newbie.. didnt see him doing anything intentionally reckless but he definitely was struggling at times and didnt have great control of his kite.

bryanleighty 03-17-2008 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by <jason (Post 30547)
Almost crashed my kite on some slingshot(fuel-machine?) rider, man he was pissed yelling at me and sh1t...i apoligized a bunch of times...but he didnt seem to care
So I told him to go FU_K himself.......................

ahaha.. i was directly behind you guys when this happened (green 13m 2008 waroo)..

you really had your kite too low..

i assumed that there had been some other incidents and thats why Erick got so riled up.

good to see that there is now an understanding..

i got called out at Sunset Beach last week when i riding too close to shore.. completely justified and the guy was *slightly* more rude that i would have been .. but that was cool..
i understood what he was saying and didnt take offense.

i did have a guy fly his kite into mine about 3 or 4 months ago and my mouth spat a sea of vulgarities.. so it happens..

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