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ricki 04-23-2008 08:46 PM
Here are some shots of my good friend Capt. Slate of Atlantis Dive Center in Key Largo and his son Hunter on the reef.
Here they are again backlit
Getting crowded!

Photos: Rick Iossi


ricki 04-28-2008 08:23 AM

Vacation time is coming up, there's always the Grenadines to consider, although for wind earlier in the year might be better. More to life than just wind, or so my wife says. Wonder if it's true?
Ripping along the north shore of Mayreau
Batfish signal?
A clear day at Tobago Cays

Photos: Rick Iossi

ricki 04-28-2008 08:44 AM

btw, all the shots above on this page, except the one taken off Mayreau were shot with a small amphibious camera. It is rated to 10 m or 33 ft., shoots still and video images. It is good to have something portable while your riding, doing shallow free diving, snowboarding or just hanging out on the water. I understand they just came out with the 1070 sw replacing the model listed below.

* Olympus 770 SW 7.1 Megapixel Camera

3.6” W x 2.3” H x 0.8” D !

For more info:

kent 04-28-2008 10:46 AM


Thanks for the advice. I just purchased the 1030 SW. This thing is killer. 10 mega pixels and underwater to 10 meters. Unfortunately I had to buy 2 of them, because the first only lasted 4 minutes in the bay. I dropped it and lost it forever before even taking a shot!!! I went out a bought another the next day and had a great weekend! I'll post some pics later.


ricki 04-28-2008 10:58 AM

Hey Kent,

Damn that sucks! Nothing hurts a photographer more than deep sixing a camera. Sorry that happened.

I've been using the following system with some success on and under the water, walking around, on the snow, etc.. It works pretty well.

I got one of these Lowepro camera pouches:

I run the wrist leash through the neck strap. That way if I drop the camera, it hangs off the camera bag. If I am kiting, I run the neck strap through my impact vest so the lot won't fall off in a bad wipeout. I tuck it under my impact vest when not in use to keep it out of the way.

If you don't wear an impact vest an idea might be to use one of these camera floats. Or, better still jury something on your camera neck strap.

Show us some shots from your new camera!

ricki 04-29-2008 10:06 AM

The first Tampa Kiteboard Masters in 2006
Damien pushing a lot of spray. This event may have been run in the highest wind of any contest in Florida to date to my knowledge.
Kent rips along
Billy Parker still at it after sunset. It was a long day but still looking good.

Sorry for the fuzzy images, not only was it windy it was also sort of dark at times.

ricki 04-29-2008 11:01 AM

My apologies, my image file was incomplete on the drive I pulled the above images from. Took me a while to tumble to the fact and longer still to find the missing images. Success though and all is well with the world again, at least this small part for now. To make amends, wanted to throw a few more images up from the event.
Raul prepares to launch Kent into a solar worm hole? What sort of QR do you use in a worm hole?
Jayson loops one
Sun is back and looking mighty fine!
Billy lands one as the sun falls beneath the horizon

ricki 05-01-2008 07:49 AM

Back in October 2001 I tooled up the coast to visit Greg Kuklinski and checkout his new kite line, NEXT in Ft. Pierce, FL. It was developed following the Seasmick line of bridled inflatable kites. These were the original SLE or flat kites years before they caught on in a big way worldwide.
Gangs all here. That is Greg on the right holding the kite, Jeff Beige of Best Kiteboarding today on his left. Out in the water is Irma, the kiting wonder woman along with Mike.
Greg strolls back upwind in failing breeze. Note he is totting a famous Ft. Pierce split tail directional. I think Gebi had one of those for the recent Masters comp. in Miami. The photo was taken before a big beach renourishment project. Glad they got their beach back.

I was looking around trying to find some old Internet information on the line and came across this from ikitesurf in 2001 shortly after these shots were taken in Ft. Pierce. It also followed a really light wind session with a NEXT at the first kitesurfing competition in Florida held in St. Pete:

Originally Posted by FKA

Originally Posted by bandito
Im looking at getting a Next NKG kite and am wondering if anyone has had any experience with one.

I am also considering getting one because of the great depowering characteristics of the kite, i.e. no lofting? I have tried them out twice. Once with their largest model in winds that were around 13 mph sustained and still did ok. The next time I tried the next size down in faiing winds, but it still handled well and was surprisingly foregiving. The kites are a bit more technical to fly than inflatable sleds drawing characteristics from both sleds and foils. I think that they are worth a go.


Took over four more years for the industry to snatch on to the concept, develop it and bring a sea change to kiting as we know it.

linhster 05-01-2008 10:01 PM

Greg old school
I kite in Ft. Pierce (not as often as I like) and Greg is one of the most influential person in the kiting arena. I guess a true pioneer in the industry. He has many followers I can assure you.

Thanks Rick for the pictures. :D

ricki 05-02-2008 08:57 PM

You're welcome and yes, Greg has been a key guy in the kiting scene for years. Not quite sure how he manages to have all those attractive women around so much of the time. Must be a gift or something?
He even makes Dave look good, well maybe not as good as Dave with his "grille" in place. That is quite a fashion statement. Have a couple of shots of LW Dave with his appliance in place. May have to put them in a future POD posting.
Dimitri scoping out a GK design a few years back at Surf Expo

.......... ///
........ -(@ @)-
--oOO-- (_)--- OOo--
..... Kilroy was here!

Well at least now we know Kilroy was actually from Greece
Greg playing in some small swells off the Inlet

Greg, Gebi, Doug and Dave carried off a dramatic kiter rescue of some kids that had their powerboat flounder in Ft. Pierce Inlet in heavy seas a while back. More about that at:


ricki 05-05-2008 10:58 AM

Heading back to the 2008 Miami Kiteboard Masters ...
Charging out along a broad skirmish line
It's all about perspective
Putting the spoilers up to avoid grabbing too much airtime during a standup session
Racing to catch the start

Photos by Rick Iossi
All rights reserved.

ricki 05-07-2008 07:56 AM

Todd Essick wanted to try something different from sports photography for the wire services. So, he took a diving course, bought the first of tons of UW camera gear and set out to capture some new and varied compositions. He focuses on model compositions both clothed and nude, underwater often with sealife.
This was shot off Nassau about two years ago
The logistics in such shoots can be overwhelming as unexpected animal interactions with costumes can be at times. That is one core water woman, seems to be containing things fairly well considering she's holding her breath, is at least 20 ft. beneath the surface and a shark is tangled in her outfit banging up against her trying to get out. The shark may have been attracted by glittering small sequins attached to the netting. Great model and athlete.
The challenges of shooting free diving models, absent regulator exhaust, with natural expressions and poses, largely blind with all the varied light and conditions underwater are immense.
Todd and his skilled models/water women pull it off though.

All photos by Todd Essick

Todd created a collection of his work in book form with many intriguing underwater photographs. It can be a good gift for water people or folks with an appreciation of unusual, well crafted images. More at:

ricki 05-09-2008 09:05 AM

Why not kite Exuma, in the Bahamas? Found some great shots on from the island chain.
No need to fear the dreaded effects of FWN, you can find waves in the Family Islands
Wheeled directionals are catching on at this launch. So many areas of riding flats.

Photos by Gary Sweeting and Bill Malachowski

ricki 05-12-2008 09:58 AM

Trips may be on in the coming months. Bequia below St. Vincent in the Grenadines is highlighted in the following shots.
Port Elizabeth in the central area of the lee side of the island. There are some interesting shipwrecks around the mouth of the bay worth diving on.
Click photo for full sized image
A view south across Industry Bay on the windward side of the island. There is a narrow kite launch here with a rock reef about a 1/4 mile to seaward with areas of iron shore to the north and south of the beach. Understand that if the trades shift off due east, turbulent winds can roll in across the headlands. This can cause kites to easily stall nearshore. Heavier seas can bring other challenging conditions out closer to the reef.
More iron shore and a narrow reef rimmed beach near the turtle hatchery. As a rule on thumb in areas with prevailing strong winds, like the trades, if there are sand beaches on the windward side of things, rock is the reason. There may be reefs breaking heavy seas up to windward, beachrock outcrops or iron shore sheltering a narrow sand beach in the lee. Good for beaches, often less good for kiting. It can complicate things and up the hazards particularly in stronger winds or if something goes wrong.
Even though the trades had laid down the swells were still pumping in. You can see some good sized ones sweeping over the reef covering the mouth of Industry Bay. Nice wave sailing, just don't break down and try to drift in over the reef, ouch!

ricki 05-12-2008 10:09 PM

Wave lust can sometimes take a toll ...
Photo by Unknown
Jason Frederico goes down hard at Pipeline
Photo by: Phil Mislinski
Randall Paulson punches out at the 2004 Rip Curl Banzai Pipeline
Photo by: Unknown
Greg Knoll and Mike Strange take the plunge at Waimai 40 years ago
Photo by: MMP
Sponger getting sneak attacked by 50 ft. wave off Cornwall?
Photo by: Karen Wilson
Darryl "Flea" Virostko of Maverick's fame pursues unaided flight over warmer waters

Despite that, we keep coming back for more. Must be something in the water?

ricki 05-13-2008 08:25 AM

It is amazing that anyone could ride down the face of such a steep wave and with a long board. Hats off to Greg Knoll! What is the largest wave that has been surfed in Florida do you think? The largest one I have seen in recent years was over 15 ft. but well offshore while kiting. What is the largest one that someone has paddled (or towed into) here?

C. Moore 05-13-2008 08:38 AM


I remember when I use to surf Pipe, Log Cabins, and Waimea that no matter how bad you got punished out there it was the wave that you conquered with your buddies watching. That always brought me back for more punishment.

I still don't know how Greg Knoll took off with a long board at Pipe. It was hard enough on a 6'8" board at 12 to 15 foot pipe with a lot of North in the swell. It was like standing on a roof of a 30 foot building and it would just fall out beneath you.

Brings back some memories

ricki 05-13-2008 11:23 AM

Hey Chris,

That is some intense stuff. Were you ever bounced off the rock bottom at Pipeline? Your analogy of standing on a three story building as it collapses beneath you is telling.

Bet you guys get swells like this frequently off the Bay area. Well, maybe miles out in the Gulf during hurricanes?

Just came across an interesting clip with some historical big, massive wave footage from Hawaii titled "Greg Knoll Legacy." He definitely is the man.

C. Moore 05-13-2008 12:55 PM


I have a nice scar on my back from collapsing a lung out at pipe one day. Funny thing is I don't remember which wave it was that caused a bleb on my lung to burst. When I got home that night I had a hard time breathing and I felt air bubbles under my skin every time I took a breath. Went to Tripler Army Medical Hospital and 60% of my left lung had collapsed. I always wore a helmet when I surfed pipe, I saw plenty of guys hitting their head on the reef there. Still good times and lots of vivid memories.

ricki 05-13-2008 09:09 PM

Hey Chris,

Yow, that was some impact to rupture a bleb. Worry about bleb ruptures, if present, causing a pneumnothorax in diving. That is some intense surfing. Do you have any photos of you riding some larger waves in Hawaii? Sounds like prime POD content.

ricki 05-15-2008 08:39 AM

Islamorada Invitational 2004 revisited, this time in B & W ...
On the beach
Kent tacks in
X-RATED is here in force
Damien and Bri

You can see past Invitational and other events usually in color at:


C. Moore 05-15-2008 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by RickI (Post 32925)
Hey Chris,

Yow, that was some impact to rupture a bleb. Worry about bleb ruptures, if present, causing a pneumnothorax in diving. That is some intense surfing. Do you have any photos of you riding some larger waves in Hawaii? Sounds like prime POD content.

The photos I have a from a far distance. Underwater cameras weren't cheap back then and then trying to convince a friend to swim out in large surf to take pics of me was hard to find. I do have an incredible pic of me body surfing at Sandy's on Oahu's east side. I will find it and post it soon.

ricki 05-15-2008 03:20 PM

Great shot, that's what I'm talking about! Please do put up the other body surfing shot when you find it. Although, I find it easier to relate to than surfing Pipeline and Waimea. Have you ever done gymnastics while body surfing? Forward flips over the falls to where you ride out on your back feet first, spins, riding on your back to somersault to feet forward, etc.. Fun stuff until you take too much water up your nose.

ricki 05-19-2008 10:29 AM

Heading over to Maui, down the shore to La Perouse
Scoping out Molokini along the way
Some nearby rocks just inshore of the break. From some markers on the
path over the volcano flow, looks like some riders came in hard over the years.

Photos by Rick Iossi

ricki 05-20-2008 08:57 AM

Racing on water
Joe Peroceschi, of Muskego, Wisc., is thrown from his boat, Smokin Joe, after losing control on a windy course at the Budweiser Drag Boat Nationals held at Wappapello Lake in Southeast Missouri. Peroceschi, who reportedly suffered a shattered pelvis, was racing against Poppa's Toy, left, driven by Rick Conklin, of Ottawa, Ill. (AP/Daily American Republic, Paul Davis / May 18, 2008)

An amazing composition, looks like the guy is outrunning the boat off to the left. It is great that he survived the accident. Wind can really flip those hydrofoils fairly easily. Wonder how many have been wacked by summer squalls.

Elvis hangs ten
An Elvis impersonator glides across an icy pond on his snowboard at the Pond Skimming Championships in Mount Bachelor, Ore., on May 18. (AP/The Bulletin,Andy Tullis)

Anyone up for kiting in snowboard boots? That is aside from foilboarding. Has anyone skiied/snowboarded Mt. Bachelor? I've heard they get a ton of snow there.

ricki 05-21-2008 08:55 AM

Surf Expo is coming up again this September. Here is a quick glimpse from years past.
Dave and Greg are always good for a photo op
The KGB Girls seem to turn out every year
One year they worked male dancers/gymnasts into the runway show. Pretty impressive moves.
Taking a moment before going on. Tons of swimware is shown and sold to retailers at the show.

Photos by Rick Iossi

ricki 05-23-2008 03:13 PM

It is kind of hot out, why not drift over to slightly cooler climes for a look, say the Antarctic?
A grounded iceberg. Note the tiny diver off in the distance near the top of the frame. CLEAR cold (-1.86 C or 28.65 F) water in the Antarctic.
It almost looks like the surf has frozen in place overhead

All photos by Norbert Wu, an amazing photographer excelling in a beautiful hostile environment at the bottom of the world. Norbert's unique work shows up all over, you can buy prints at his website at:

ricki 06-02-2008 09:06 AM

A few years back an unusual event came off. Kiting from one country into another, Ft. Lauderdale to Bimini in the Bahamas. Big thanks to Neil and all the participants and sponsors for making this one a reality.
Dawn and the gangs all here. A bit nippy with a light, failing side offshore breeze. Neil is talking with the troops and there's Stacey, the first woman to kite across the Florida Straits to the Bahamas.
Photo: Rick Iossi
What's wrong with this picture? The kites are on the water nearshore, the wind ebbed just after the start a bit more. If it was easy, everyone would being doing it right?
Photo: Laura Iossi
Once you were out about five miles the wind started to fill in. At some points guys were near overpowered. So, from light and offshore to overpowered all in just 60 miles?
Photo: Guido Flueck
Kent and Gebi drive hard to capture first. They did try some "double dutch" line tricks on the way but that didn't slow them down much.
Photo: Guido Flueck

Gone but not forgotten. Maybe there will be another race across someday.

ricki 06-03-2008 08:41 AM

Grabbed a few more images from this notable chapter in kiteboarding from December 2005.
Love that start, well, not really but it was different.
Photo provided by Chad Anschuetz
The smart money got offshore fast and early before the wind eased a bit more. There was a sailboat regatta going on at the same time.
Photo: Guido Flueck
Water's calmer, bluer, clearer? Gebi and Kent must be coming into Bimini!
Photo: Guido Flueck

Here's an interesting trailer. I would pay a premium to get a video of this race myself. Youtube is good fuzzy images and all but there is nothing like DVD quality for viewing. The project stalled but I bet with enough interest, kiteflix could wrap it up in no time.

ricki 06-04-2008 06:19 AM

If there are some some kiting, surfing, windsurfing, diving or unique water related
larger higher resolution shots that you think would look good here, please get in touch.

For instance, does anyone have some good shots from the race to the Bahamas that
they would like to put up?

PM ricki or email flkitesurfer at


ricki 06-04-2008 06:25 AM

We've enjoyed Gavin Butler's excellent images for years in kitesurfing magazines and online.
I asked if he had some snow kiting images to post in "Photo Of The Day." The weather lately
has had me thinking about snow at times, wonder why?

Here's what he sent along ...
Jake Buzianis adds new meaning to "Big Sky" out in Montana with some help from Gavin
Jim Bisson rips along
Jake goes to it again closeup
Nice slider sequence involving Jake

Thanks Gavin! You can see many more superb images at his website:
He also shoots for worldwide

ricki 06-05-2008 11:52 PM

A late season trip to the Abacos in the Bahamas with WIND at the end of May 2008! Thought it would be calm as anything but it was not.
Having a blast off Hope Town in a very late season strong cold front.
Playing in the waves off Nippers on Great Guana Cay. If you ever ride here be sure to save the nipping until AFTER the riding session. Otherwise use a gun, it's faster and cleaner. There are areas of very shallow coral and expose beach rock formations on the beach ripe for bashing into if you aren't particularly careful. They are often exposed at low tide to less than a foot deep at high tide. Great way to mess up a leg or redo your back?! A downside of the Abacos at least on the Atlantic side of the coasts is the need to prespot clear jump landing areas free of shallow coral stands. Some areas say like off the Hope Town Harbour Lodge, an outstanding hotel and place for dinner btw, has way too many tight coral stands for much jumping. Great free diving though with lots of caves to checkout.
Heading back on a lunch roundwinder to Turtle Hill, Hope Town in dying wind conditions, (after several days of great wind).
Tahiti Beach at the south end of Elbow Cay boardering Tiloo Cut. (click photo for full sized image) People go off about this launch but as near as I can tell, it might be better suited to windsurfers. Windsurfers can glide through the lulls easier than kiterboarders with stalling kites. The viable wind cone for sea breezes seems to be ESE to SE. Outside that, particularly to the north you get a LOT of wind shadow resulting in gusts and LULLS. It may be less clocking to the S and SW than from north of ESE. Went here with E winds, side offshore technical conditions near Elbow Cay. At least navigating south and around into the open ocean into some steep short wavelength swells through Tiloo Cut was technical, real fun though.

Photos by Laura and Rick Iossi

ricki 06-06-2008 11:36 PM


Unseasonably strong, non-tropical system winds are on in parts of Florida this weekend. Go out and grab some while you can. Here are some shots in 20 down south from tonight. The same is forecast for Saturday and 15 to 20 for Sunday. May need to dodge some storms tomorrow though.

Photos by Laura and Rick Iossi

N.B. - Sorry JP! I wanted to put the word out, your's are going up. Thanks!

ricki 06-07-2008 10:34 PM

JP sent in some great shots including this first tandem image from Matheson:
If anyone can identify the riders please let us know. If you have a great tandem shot, please send it in so that I can add it to this post. I think I have a nice one of Jessie and his lady, where is that ...?
JP caught Latino out of the SW Florida riding grounds popping a jump off Curry Hammock in the Keys.

Photos by JP Robinson

Hope everyone has been able to get some wind time in this weekend!

ricki 06-09-2008 08:31 AM

Looking in on Cayo Huesto from this weekend ...
Paul Menta throws one at Smathers Beach in Key West. He will toss a wide variety of tricks most of the day like this.
Photo supplied by Paul
Paul lands one, notice the "normal operation" sign
The rigging and launch area
Paul launches one of the 2009 IDS equipped Crossbows. He has been working on T & E with a quiver of four or five of the new kites for a while. You can see Greg Meintjes running out on one of his brand new Eclipse "Full Throttle" kites, lucky guy.

Photos by Rick Iossi except as noted

ricki 06-09-2008 09:31 PM

Paul Menta of The Kitehouse and Jessie headed down to Cabarete to continue testing and evaluation of Cabrinha's Crossbow IV with IDS. While they were down there they decided to try some tow-in surfing ala kite. Paul rigged up a Panasonic Optio camera in a Camrig kite mount . Some of the shots appear below.
Approaching the pickup
If you look carefully you can see the wave peaks and troughs passing by
Towing in, lots of potential. It would be great to try this in Jupiter when some big swells come in next season. Better still at a clear water venue like Hole In The Wall near Abaco. Clean swells in blue water, would be amazing.
Seagulls see this all day long, waves from a unique perspective

Photo credit to Paul Menta's Kite, a Crossbow IV? Pretty good stuff, maybe it will write a "How To" guide.

ricki 06-11-2008 08:18 AM

What sort of clouds to watch out for? Whichever ones spike the wind into dangerous gusts, change wind directions blowing you offshore or stalling your kite, kill the wind entirely leaving you offshore and more. Some from the area of Florida follow. There are other varieties of clouds of differing appearance worth watching as well. There is a lot more to know and do than to simply watch for threatening clouds in kitesurfing, see below for more ...
A summer squall skids across the Tongue of the Ocean, east of Andros in the Bahamas
Getting a closer look at one of those summer squalls or cumulonimbus clouds
Something evil this way comes?
A supercell storm cloud near dusk
(Click photo for full sized image)

I just updated a post dealing with Weather Planning and Monitoring for kitesurfing. Based upon analysis of hundreds of accidents and incidents over the last eight years, I believe ALL kiters should undertake similar steps to the following for each kiteboarding session. More at:

Photos by Rick Iossi

ricki 06-12-2008 01:52 PM

Clew In is at the U.S. National Kiteboarding Championship in San Francisco, He has graciously shared some images from the event for us folks way down southeast.
The rigging area is looking pretty busy. Wonder how the winds have been?
Lots O Sand, is that Crissy Field? Never been there but it seems like this might be the place.

More at:

Thanks for sharing, have a blast out there!

Clew In 06-12-2008 02:30 PM

Hey Rick,

Yes, that is Chrissy Field. The Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz in the background.

Yesterday the winds started off light in the morning and kicked in in the late afternoon with gusty winds. I think it was around 15-18mph early afternoon and gust hitting 26 later. Throw in a flood tide, the currents and an occasional tour boat or ship and it makes for a great challenge.

I will try to get some more pictures today.

Clew In

ricki 06-13-2008 07:19 AM

More from yesterday at the National's thanks to Clew in.
Racing TO Alcatraz? Well, could be for a new movie.
My kite is going to eat your kite?
Clarissa scopes out the field

Lots more great images at:

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