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Clew In 07-11-2011 07:20 PM

Hey Rick,

I was on a 15 meter waroo with a 159 Door. The wind was pretty light probably 10-12mph. Lake Waccamaw, N.C. shallow and no stumps and you can walk out several hundred yards in most places.


ricki 07-13-2011 10:03 AM

Kiting and yoga in Cuba.

Ho yes, what a wonderful week it was. I think we had something like 10 days on 10 of pure kite (actually I did not count the days there, it could have been 7 days or 12, I'm not sure, but one thing I know is that it felt like a long and beautiful dream)

First, like you know, I had the chance to meet an old friend, Angela Peral from North. That was a good start of the week. We went shopping and eating in town (Montreal) before leaving. Than we meet with our kiters group. It seems the week was fantastic for them to, as they all reach their goals and learned new tricks! (The camp was offer to advanced riders, witch makes it very interesting for us as well). I made sure to bring more than enough CORE kite gear and extra CARVED special edition boards so everyone had a try... having proper equipment also help to improve your skills :), so I shared part of my secrets...

In between fiesta-looking around Cuba-kiting and the lessons- we had *Fantastic Dominic* the cameramen-following us around to catch some of the good action and meaningful moments there. So over all, already missing Cuba, kiting, new friends and my sweet Angelita.

ricki 07-22-2011 07:59 AM

Damo gives a look at:

"What It Feels Like To Race

A in depth view from the kite on an actual Slalom race with Pro Rider Damien LeRoy. The North American Continentals 2011 was held in Puerto Rico.

Thanks To my Sponsors: Cabrinha Kites, Alex Aguera boards, The Black Dog, Rista Fins Npx, Lynch Associates, GoPro and Corner Five Surf Company."
Damo planning in light breeze in Miami at the Olympic kiteboarding demonstration in January this year.

ricki 07-28-2011 06:12 AM

Working on a new project from the islands. Preparing a photo illustrated writeup of a day of diving and kiting in some beautiful fairly extreme conditions. First scooter free diving the windward dropoff of Klein Curacao looking for caves and other unusual features. Next some high wind kiting around this small barren island. Started by launching (getting yarded initially offshore!) in strong winds off the leeward shore in flat calm deep blue water and tacking around the island to the windward face.

Then running down in ten foot seas to shoot some shipwrecks being disintegrated on the rocks in pounding surf against the surreal barren rock back drop of the island and stark lighthouse. Shot both sessions with GoPro cameras, with one on the kite during the wind session. This is the wreck of the Maria Bianca Guidesman, a Venezuelan tanker almost half eaten by the sea. There is a lot of history to this small island too, strange that some of the details seem to have been largely forgotten. It should be an interesting story once completed.

ricki 08-12-2011 08:44 PM

Oso Berny checks out windsurfing. It isn't as easy as it looks!

HRParkway, III 08-14-2011 08:25 AM

Great Photos, and the windsurfing
video is pretty funny. Thanks for posting


ricki 08-16-2011 05:09 AM

Impressive close terrain wingsuit video clip from Norway. You may find yourself asking where is he going to land? They found a spot, a small one shared with moving cars with tight tree cover.

ricki 08-18-2011 08:32 AM

Just saw this and don't quite know what to make of it. A tethered man-lifting concession? Seems to have some injury potential but no one got messed up in this video.

More in French at:

These guys are set up in Leucate, FR, no shortage of wind throughout the year there. They say it was invented in 1995 on their website. It sounds like they use this in their kiting school? A big hazard with tethered manlifting is uneven kite pull and stalling resulting in the guy being dropped or pulled earthward fast. The pendulum tether seems to deal with part of the problem outside of wind extremes.

Tethered manlifting conventionally approached, has killed and badly injured a number of folks in recent times around the world. Usually they tie off to a stationary object and then get locked out, the kite stalls and slams them to death against the ground. I understand a guy in South Africa did this tying off the a park bench which broke. He was flown into the side of a high rise building.

There is a lot of history to this practice going back over a 1000 years.

"The first records of man-lifting kites come from China. The (636) Book of Sui records that the tyrant Gao Yang, Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi (r. 550-559), executed prisoners by making them fly with bird-shaped kite wings (see ornithopter). For his Buddhist initiation ritual at the capital Ye, the emperor parodied the Buddhist ceremonial fangsheng 放生 "releasing caged animals (usually birds and fish)".
On one occasion the emperor visited the Tower of the Golden Phoenix to receive Buddhist ordination. He caused many prisoners condemned to death to be brought forward, had them harnessed with great bamboo mats [quchu 籧篨] as wings, and ordered them to fly down to the ground (from the top of the tower). This was called a 'liberation of living creatures'. All the prisoners died, but the emperor contemplated the spectacle with enjoyment and much laughter.[1]
The (1044) Zizhi Tongjian records that in 559, all the condemned kite test pilots died except for Eastern Wei prince Yuan Huangtou.
Gao Yang made Yuan Huangtou [Yuan Huang-Thou] and other prisoners take off from the Tower of the Phoenix attached to paper (kites in the form of) owls. Yuan Huangtou was the only one who succeeded in flying as far as the Purple Way, and there he came to earth.[2]
The Purple Way (紫陌) road was 2.5 kilometers from the approximately 33-meter Golden Phoenix Tower (金凰台). These early manned kite flights presumably "required manhandling on the ground with considerable skill, and with the intention of keeping the kites flying as long and as far as possible."[3]
In a story about the Japanese thief Ishikawa Goemon (1558–1594), he used a man-lifting kite to allow him to steal the golden scales from a pair of ornamental fish images which were mounted on the top of Nagoya Castle. His men manoeuvered him into the air on a trapeze attached to the tail of a giant kite. He flew to the rooftop where he stole the scales, and was then lowered and escaped. In the 17th century, Japanese architect Kawamura Zuiken used kites to lift his workmen during construction. George Po****, who invented a kite-drawn buggy in 1822, had previously used kites as a method of lifting men to inaccessible cliff tops, but it was not until around the 1880s that there was serious interest in developing man-lifting kites."

ricki 08-24-2011 09:07 PM

John Modica does some fine strapless riding in nice wind and waves off Maui!

ricki 08-30-2011 03:20 PM

A rare opportunity to laugh at a hurricane or more accurately the sensationalized spectacle some in the media may make of it.

ricki 09-20-2011 08:48 PM

Reo and Keahi head to Bali in this episode of Visions.

ricki 09-30-2011 03:53 AM

Images from the KSP kiting competition in Mauritius
From: Suzanne Kuiper's page on Facebook

ricki 10-12-2011 03:33 AM
Look at that sail shape, back in the day. Ken Winner excels at windsurfing, I even have an early how-to book he wrote.

ricki 10-18-2011 07:32 PM

"I'd been waiting all year for the conditions to line up to. Finally Keahi and I found ourselves in Indo looking at overhead windy barrels...
Stoked on what came out! Hope you are too!"

Shots of Reo:

Shots of Keahi:

ricki 10-21-2011 09:11 AM

Photos from the World Of Windsurf Facebook page:
Back, back in the day ...

ricki 10-28-2011 04:16 AM

A kiter riding with one of three orcas for about three hours about a week ago in New Zealand. He was using a board leash which history tells us is far more hazardous. Several kiters have been killed and many others badly injured using leashes. Haven't heard of any kiters injuries or deaths related to Orcas yet. Hope I never do. Per Wikipedia there was one attack on a surfer in 1972 off Northern California. The surfer was bitten but not killed. This seems to be the only such surfer attack on record worldwide that I could find. More at Orcas prey intensely on seals and sea lions but they are highly intelligent too. Humans may not be high on their list of preferred cuisine perhaps like with sharks. Still accidents will happen particularly in poor viz., waves and in close proximity to panicking creatures that are on the menu. Best to give them some distance I would think particularly in rookery areas. There have been a number of orca accidents in captivity but that is a different thing all together.

The rider in the above shot said he wasn't aware of the orcas as he was riding. He commented about the experience on the local kiting group's Facebook page at:

Here are some more images from three years ago also in New Zealand. It looks like this kiter saw the orca and sailed up to it until it sounded beneath him.
Images from

Interview comments from the rider about the experience appear at:


ricki 10-28-2011 05:03 AM

CLICK the above photo and "like" the Facebook page to watch this 19 minute video dealing with a massive wave kiting session. It covers Ryland Blakeney, Ben Wilson, Brodie Adlington and Lono Humphreys catching some big rides at Cloudbreak in Fiji

About the movie:

"The first news is that a very nice kitesurfing video (little under 20 minutes long) has been released by BWS in collaboration with Jeep. The video is called Giant Clouds and carries the tagline “The Biggest Waves Ever Kited Strapless”.

It stars Ben Wilson (who as we all know lives for big waves), Ryland Blakeney, Brodie Adlington, Sean Woolnough, and Lono Humpreys. The movie was shot in Fiji, on Namotu Island, a spot that all the aforementioned sailors consider to be the ultimate surfing and kiting destination. To view the Giant Clouds movie visit this Facebook page and hit the “Like” button."
Continued at:

Ben provides some wave riding tips for kiters on his website at:


ricki 11-03-2011 01:03 PM

Intense base jumping sequences. Imagine flying 120 mph into limited visibility obscured by clouds within 20 ft. of a rock surface?!
Hope the fellow's luck holds.

as long as we're up in the air, lets checkout some ski diving in Czech ...


ricki 11-09-2011 10:26 AM

A blast from the past ...

"Mistral promotion video made around 1984 to 1985. It was made when Mistral boards were at their height. They had one the best world cup wins with the help of Robby Naish and Peter Cabrinha, Natalie Le lievre and Nevin Sayer.
Other Sailors include Jill Boyer, Karl Messmer.

The boards of the time were the Mistral Bemuda and Superlight (IMCO regatta boards), Maui (Mk II), Tarifa, Taloa (High litre short board - not shown), Malibu, Diamond Head (Slalom Board Mk II) and Hookipa (Wave Board). The most radical were the Diamond Head and the Hookipa.
The Sails shown were still basic for there day but gloriously colorful.

Filmed in Kailua Hawaii by Yuri Farrant - Thanks!

Music is "The Heat is On", a song written by Harold Faltermeyer for the Film "Beverly Hills Cop"

A great looking, colourful and Fun video capturing the new Funboard generation."

ricki 11-10-2011 09:39 AM

Windsurfer takes out helicopter (almost) and a good deal of intense wave action, well filmed and edited ...


wavehucker 11-17-2011 09:28 PM

NY City Kiter
1 Attachment(s)
NY City Kiter from

ricki 11-22-2011 10:30 AM

Some choice views of Rum Cay and fun things folks get up to there.

ricki 12-06-2011 03:02 AM

Some recent session GoPro HD2 shots. Large board + waves + lighter wind + smaller kite can equal spray!

Note: Stay at least 100 yards off lifeguarded beaches and avoid complaint in general while kiting in SE Florida to help maintain our access.
Pass this on!
The GoPro caught this windsurfer in mid jump
There goes Brett

ricki 12-15-2011 03:25 PM

A few shots from the recent Rum Cay Boogie, lots more to come!
The beach off Sumner Point, Rum Cay
An airport shuttle, casual but functional!
Kristyn chases down conch on the sands off Rum
Running offshore through the reefs
Jesse sports a pair of smaller Rum lobsters. They have some monster bugs off the island!
One of several excellent sunsets off the island
Bobby Little, proprietor of the resort cons the pontoon boat on to adventure
Matt Sexton boosts over the sandbar with Jesse, Bobby, Richard and Joey made up in local mud mufti, the dogs too.
Jesse offers a closeup of his island mud job
The dogs like it
Flying over the pontoon boat on the salt pond
Looking up at the sun from the drop off along Rum Cay

That is just a quick look, more to come!


ricki 01-09-2012 04:04 PM

Kiting some massive swells in Maui at Jaws in the new year. Including Flash, Kai, Alex Aguera and more!

"Kiteboarding at Peahi, Maui otherwise known as "Jaws" on January 4th, 2012. This was the biggest swell so far of the season and the day started off with paddle in surfing, then tow surfing, then windsurfing and in the late afternoon, kitesurfing. Quite a full day at Peahi!"

ricki 01-20-2012 08:19 AM

Titled "Life begins at 60! Kitesurfing off Necker." A video clip with some impressive aerial footage of Sir Richard ripping over the flats and breaks east of Necker Island in the BVI.

Well, maybe, I think it depends when you first hook up and how you play things from then on out. Life is for living, so make a plan and work at doing just that.
A view of Necker, see that reef arch to the east enclosing the flats. The tradewinds primarily pump out of the east making this a pretty nice if not private launch.
Another view of Necker looking south toward Mosquito Island and Virgin Gorda.

Have fun out there

ricki 02-02-2012 06:59 PM

"Kitesurfing with whales"
From kiteboarding magazine, I think. Trying to find out more about the shot.

NOTE- After looking at shadows, the halo around the whale, lack of info about who shot this and where support this image being a fake unfortunately.

ricki 02-04-2012 11:27 PM

Headed down to Miami to shoot a roundwinder from Crandon Park to Stiltsville and back again. The wind started out ok but it dropped pretty seriously. Fortunately, I was able to make it back without having to walk on water.
Cape Florida Lighthouse at the southern end of Key Biscayne with the Miami skyline in the background.
One of the more famous Stiltsville houses in kiting circles. No matter what compulsion you may be under, don't jump this house!
Another shot of the lighthouse and keeper cottage.

I have tons of images to go through, process and put up. These are just a taste, more to come.



ricki 02-17-2012 09:10 AM

"My name is Hendrick Burgers I ride for Cabrinha and live on Aruba.
I wanted to share my video with all of you and was hoping if you could help me get the word spread!
Hope you like it


Hendrick Burgers"

The clip provides a good look at Fisherman Huts of Aruba. Looks pretty powered in this often gusty area with pronounced lulls. He also includes a tow-up segment, not a great idea but what can you do.

ricki 02-22-2012 03:26 PM

"Don Montague and Joe Brock Jumping waves in Maui on the kiting Trifoiler. 16 sqm kite. Helicopter footage by Darrell Wong and Roland Chen. Boat and kite cameras by Don and Joe. Helicopter Pilot: Don Shear. Video by Andrea Dunlap. Music by Yung Sir. Follow our progress at !"

ricki 04-06-2012 03:47 PM

I have often wondered about the tendency of kiters to bunch up like a load of cats in a basket. This was likely a race, so that is their execuse but what about the rest?

Photo from kiteboarding culture on facebook

genewks 04-08-2012 03:44 AM

Birds nest!!!
Holy Crap!!

ricki 04-11-2012 08:19 PM

Hot off out of editing in Maui, some nice wave scenes.

From Cabrinha: "A project to show some of our best kept secrets, our local pool of testers, and the great Maui scenics on the way to the beach."

ricki 04-20-2012 09:15 AM

"Twig Baker known best for his monster wave endevors picked up some new Drifters while in Hawaii this winter and is taking a liking to the sport. Check out Twig's video and stay tuned for more from Twig's Travels."

Grant "Twig" Baker is no stranger to big waves, check this out from Chile, sans kite.

"Details are still a bit blurry, but according to eye-witness accounts, big-wave hellions Rusty Long and Grant “Twiggy” Baker have broken the 100-foot barrier, catching and surfing a sky-scraper-size wave off the coast of Chile’s Isla Alejandra Selkirk, several hundred miles off the coast of mainland Chile."
Continued at:

You can checkout Grant's surfing bio at:

Russky 04-23-2012 06:00 AM

ricki 04-23-2012 06:42 AM

That looks like John Zabotocky, the guy who has been doing standup for about 60 years! More at:
John paddling in, in 1962

kitegearexchange 04-27-2012 06:37 AM

Sick new custom kite logos!
1 Attachment(s)
Just got out of the lab!
Hope you like.


Russky 05-01-2012 05:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Looks like these guys don't need a paddle...

ricki 05-09-2012 08:24 AM

What do you do if the ocean is far away but you have a lake, a mud lake and wind?

"On the Snake River Plain in Idaho there exists a microculture of windsport enthusiasts. Mud Lake has a less than desirable shoreline. Windsurfers have been going to Mud Lake for over 20 years from all over SE Idaho and cut a path to the water. My friends and I from Jackson, Wyoming have begun to seek out the same wind for kitesurfing. Now we are becoming a part of the Mud Lake microculture. This is a short edit that trys to show our perspective on such a unique kitesurfing location.

I've shot the entire film on a Canon 60D and edited in Premiere Pro. As I move from single frame photography to film I'm finding lots of hurdles. Focus, camera settings, tripods, and editing are all relatively mind boggling. This is one of my first attemts and Hopefully they keep getting better. Thanks!"

It looks nippy but windy, not much obvious wind shadow either. Although could be east winds are kind of uneven from the diagram below. Ride on!

Russky 05-22-2012 10:31 AM

That's a lot of mud to surf...

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