View Full Version : Video of Local Heros Back In The Day

12-07-2009, 11:42 AM

Eric just put this up, wonder if he can explain parts to us. He has a walk on in it after all. Not a lot of depower in the kites in those days. Is that a foil in overpowered conditions that treated the kiter and Eric to a sand buffet? Neil is in there playing bartender to Chris, Hamish showed up as well.

12-07-2009, 12:11 PM
This was during the winter of 2001/02. Chris and Neil were the first instructors on Fort Lauderdale kite beach.
Chris and Neil were so fanatic at kiting that they would only come in for a Pit Stop to replenish fluids ;)

The guy flying away is Bruno and me holding on. He was on a 7m F-One STK or STW foil kite. Side shore winds and way too much to launch let alone ride that kite.
As we decided to bring the kite down, pulling the brake lines (rear), made the kite go through the power zone. Hence Bruno and I went for the ride downwind, straight through a kiteboard downwind from us (as seen on the video). Had a huge cut over my leg and arm from hitting it.

We had a great laugh about it, as you can see. There was definitely something wrong as you can hear Bruno squeal, being blown away if we didn't hold on to him.

The good old times ...

12-07-2009, 02:19 PM
Too funny. Bruno, haven't heard about him in years, should have recognized the kiter. Don't see a lot of overpowered foil footage. Maybe he could have used a winch down cable like they use for helicopters on carriers to connect with his bindings? That must have been an advanced F One, had a brake line. None of mine came that way, had to make after market jury rigs. Got dragged on my face a few times by the old ATK and STW's. I would love it when the ATK would stall, wad up like a bunch of dirty clothes, fall down like rock into the powerzone, then tension the lines, reinflate and drag you on your face at light speed, consistently. Hit a directional skeg, ouch! Glad you weren't more seriously hurt.

I recall Kevin Collin's Kite TV, got a VHS of it at home. May have to dust it off. Thanks for posting.