View Full Version : 2010 Cabrinhas from tester

The Kite House
07-02-2009, 02:31 AM
For the crossbow these were asked:
1. bar pressure- depending on what setting you have the kite on the bar presure can be regulated. So what i mean is when i am going freestyle type of tricks, lighter setting and the first knot on the kite makes unhooked tricks comfortable with out alot of pull as remember with the extra struts on the cross they jump huge and have some pull so you can tune it out. I use the light setting and second knot for waves and unlike unhooked set tricks , this setting allows for fast turning and more feel of where the kite is and you can still unhook, but your not passing the bar so its all good.

2. speed and turning speed- see abouve, but with a little different profile and a guide on the briddle in the front instead of the pulley you see a speed increase along with a more smooth turning.

3. depower- still has the big top end range , but not alot more low range so i find myself riding a size down when everyone else is one size bigger and i have same jumps and tricks as them

4. relaunch- relaunch is the normal quick turn and relaunch for this kite, also when you let it sit on the water in on its side with no hands on the bar it sits very stable with no pull. I have done 4 different self launch with the cross probley 30 plus times each one and never go a briddle snag or and problems, was very clean and comfortable.

As a side note you will notice alot of other improvements on the bar and system, plus there will be some options with that. The materials on the kite are very strong and detailed sewing in the presure points......so you get "what you pay for"


i will put up nomad and all pictures next

The Kite House
07-02-2009, 10:13 AM

will provide my feed back from testing on kites and feel free to ask questions

07-02-2009, 05:44 PM

I ride with a group at Sunset Beach in Tarpon Springs (North county of Tampa). Several of us are loyal Cabrinha riders and very interested in the Nomad. Let us know how it compares to the IDS Switch and Crossbow. I currently ride Crossbows but have enjoyed riding my friends 8M Switch. I have a 13, 11 and 9 Crossbow. Thinking about selling the 11 and 9 and getting a Nomad or Switch in equivalent sizes. Thanks for the feedback.


The Kite House
07-02-2009, 10:44 PM
Tony, what kind of riding are you doing? Freestyle, race, waves, a little of each?

Let me know and i can give you some feed back. I would say for light wind you cant beat the 13 or 16 cross and the lower winds will depend on your style.


07-03-2009, 07:13 AM

I am definitely keeping my 13 Cross for the lighter wind days. I weight about 195 and can ride the 13 in about 13 knots up to 20 knots fairly easy. I am into freestyle and would like to get into riding waves when possible - no racing. I was looking at the Nomad or Switch to get better at kiteloops, etc. I would like to ride something quicker when the winds hit 17 knots or more. The other guys I ride with do a lot of unhooking - I may or may not get into that. Shoulders aren't as strong as they used to be :). Along with the performance of the kite, I would also like to hear about the bar pressure. I am hoping it is lighter than the CB. Thanks for the help.

07-03-2009, 08:17 AM

How is the Nomad for unhooked wake tricks and kite looping? You think I should wait for the new switch to come out in September or get the Nomad for the all around kite? I got a 13m Crossbow, 8m switch4, selling my 11m CB for a 10 or 11 Nomad, Switch.



The Kite House
07-03-2009, 12:16 PM
Brian, I think to replace the 11 a 10m switch would be great for you. I love the nomad 9, but i get alot of wave time in as well and it does loop like crazy. The new swb for freestyle is pretty intense and has strong pulling kite loops, for where your at i think it might be the right choice.

Tony , for you the nomad will be perfect and give you what you want....you will get the perfect mix in the higher winds.


oh....p.s. big swell in ecuador on tuesday......i am going to punish my nomads....and probley me...lol

07-03-2009, 02:28 PM
Thanks. Have fun and look forward to hearing more feedback.


Deferred Success
07-06-2009, 06:42 PM
Collection of 2010 Cabrinha Videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/FloridaKiteboarding#grid/user/E63C97AE9A5B2BEA).


The Kite House
07-08-2009, 07:25 AM
Been having some great sessions in the waves on the nomads 7/9. Unhooked is real nice as well, have a few guys that don't normall un hook and they found it very easy. Will post some pictures