View Full Version : Sand Key Park legal?

11-22-2008, 05:50 AM
Yesterday I was kiting at Sand Key Park and a park official told me it wasn't permitted to set up and kite at the park. This surprised me because none of the local riding guides mention restrictions here in the winter. He let me finish out the afternoon and even let someone else rig up and go out so this has me wondering if the policy is unambiguous. Any ideas?

11-22-2008, 09:13 AM
I was riding there a few days ago talking to a Ranger who didn't mention a thing. My understanding was that there were no restrictions during the winter months, however I'm sure someone more knowledgable than myself will clarify.



11-22-2008, 09:42 AM
Here is some info I have gathered regarding Sand Key and Sand Key Park.

The city of Clearwater has jurisdiction throughout all of Sand Key including the park. The have an ordinance that no board sports are allowed at all on the area of Sand Key including the park, except there is a surfing area near the jetty. Technically surfing is allowed, but kiting is frowned upon.

You take your chances basically kiting there. If you are in the park, you might get run off, you might not. If there are lots of surfers in the water, use good judgement.

South of the park along the residential stretch of Sand Key, you may get approached by a condo nazi that will give you a brochure stating the no board ordinance and be asked to leave, or the police will be called.

I will start my downwinders there regularly and before anyone figures out what is going on, I am gone.

Just south of Sand Key there is Bellair Beach. No regulations there, but also no parking either.

I have tried to contact the police to get an answer, but I left it alone as it may just bring more negative attention to the subject.

Across the street is the sailing center, and they don't really like you kiting there either, however, I have never been asked to leave yet.

Another day in the life of a kiter.

11-25-2008, 12:22 PM
steve-o, sand key is no longer controlled by the clearwater beach patrol, the county now has the contract, but the lifeguards are seasonal (and currently out of season). Really the only person at this point who would tell you to leave would be a park ranger, who would of course call the cops if you didn't comply. I've never heard of any kite restrictions there, people fly kites all the time at sand key park. The restrictions apply to the board and of course the activity of kiteboarding just the same as they apply to surfing there, which is that it must be performed in the designated area. Having said that, any day that there is a north/northwest wind and even the smallest hint of a wave, this designated area of sand key park will be filled with 100+++ surfers and more attitude than you'd know what to do with.

So is kiteboarding actually allowed in sand key park?? I think so, but more research should be done with the park rangers, and county ordinances. Should you kite there?? Probably not. I mean seriously, why pay for parking, lug your gear 300 yards down to the water and try to ride amongst a bunch of aggro shortboarders when you can drive 5 minutes down the beach and have the place to yourself??

As to the condo nazi wannabe police patrol, well, until i see his badge, and a law with a statute number, he can kiss my a##

11-25-2008, 06:05 PM
Hey Chad,

I'm "newly local" so when you say "5 minutes down the beach", could you explain in more detail, parking, etc? Thanks dude, I'll owe you a beer.


11-25-2008, 09:43 PM

I agree..no real reason to kite there....however....in my shortboard days at Sand Key....I did notice some really nice waves breaking on the outside....could be interesting to explore on a downwinder.

As far the Sand Key condo nazi's.....I look forward to the day having a conversation with those clowns. Maybe we will be fortunate enough to tag team them one day. Someone should get some video of that.....could be classic....let's get Doug in on the action....I know he is down for some real logical thought with some retired buzzard who feels the beach is private for Sand Key residents only.

With all these fronts plowing through...it is only a matter of time until we have some pumpin wind and waves. C'mon old man winter....we can hear you down hear!!!