View Full Version : friday june 6 french girl with pictures

06-09-2008, 09:05 PM
met you and your buddies on the beach kiteboarding in fort lauderdale, north of commercial, at the end of road.
i took tons of pictures and 3 films too/ if you read this, email me, i will forward them to you, they are EXCELLENT! Val

06-10-2008, 08:17 AM
Hello Val,

Was this near the fishing pier at the end of Commercial Blvd. or about a mile north? I could probably put you in touch with the guys that kite there. Two separate groups come to mind depending upon the location.

06-10-2008, 04:41 PM
Well, it was 1 mile NORTH of Commercial actually, like where the street ends, it looks like a little Park, there are volley ball stuff and a crummy hotel there.
those guys were in a group indeed, and the two I took lots of pictures of, their kites were all yellow for one and brown for the other.

I go there all the time, I dont know if they do. I never paid too much attention before, but I had a photograph guru with me (my French cousin!) and we took lovely little films and close up gorgeous pictures!

Anyway, thats all I guess... sigh.

I add a pic in case ...


06-10-2008, 06:38 PM
Hello Val,

The shot almost looks like Alex, an accomplished local rider. Then again, it may not be him, a younger brother? You can see a video clip of Alex in action below in high winds. He is doing a kiteloop which can slam you so hard into the water if you land badly as to really mess you up. As you can see he pulled this extreme high wind kiteloop off.

I just sent an email Graham who operates a kite school down in that area these days. He may recognize the rider and be able to forward your contact info.


06-10-2008, 08:36 PM
Hey rick the photo is Justice Bentz who is a new team rider for Eclipse and Full Throttle this guy throws some sick kite loops like Alex this is why we put him on the team
as it says on the kites GO FULL THROTTLE OR GO HOME!

06-10-2008, 09:12 PM
Solves that mystery, thanks Dave. Can you list the names of the kiters in Florida that received Full Throttle kites? Aside from Greg in Key West and Justice, I have yet to learn about others.

06-11-2008, 04:37 PM
There are about 20 riders who received kites in Florida.
We are having 5 more Full Throttle events for July 4th weekend when the locations are finalized I will let you know