View Full Version : Drift Launching

06-04-2008, 12:58 PM
Can someone give advice on drift launching? I want to be able to drift launch safely at Matthesson when the winds are onshore and the launch is crowded.

Any advice or video links would be appreciated.


06-04-2008, 01:17 PM

Nick with the kitehouse demonstrates one approach using BOW kites. At Matheson you should have similar calm water. I would urge caution in avoiding line tangles while walking the kite out and during release. This may or may not work all that well, exactly as shown anyway, with heavier waves and/or with seaweed mats to catch lines.

Anyway, BOW and flat kites behave pretty well for relaunching leading edge down in adequate wind if the lines are clear.

06-04-2008, 01:18 PM
walk way the heck out 300 yards upwind with your lines pre attached to your kite and also wrapped around the bar in a figure 8. do not change orientation of the bar with respect to the kite at any time!
when you have walked out with the kite and bar and board 300 yards upwind, release the kite LE down and unwind the bar faster than the wind takes the kite downwind. you should have the kite lines unwound just before the lines go tight and the kite starts pulling. now you are ready to do a water launch and fly the kite. don't forget the board!

if I remember correctly, matheson is like the sargasso sea, full of weeds, so this may not work well there at all