View Full Version : Flying Down The Eiger?

04-15-2008, 09:56 AM
Well worth a look, just not trying!

Here's a bit of irony, I think an ancestor, Christian Jossi, perhaps my great grandfather (still checking), was on the first team to successfully climb the Eiger in winter.* This without Gortex, high tech lines/climbing tools, communications, freeze dried rations, etc..

I wonder what he would have thought of descending the Eiger in this fashion? I bet he would have got off on giving it a try. Boggles the mind. I have no doubt the English guys that drove climbing and skiing into the Jungfrau area would have eaten it up in Victorian times.

* "On January 7, 1890, the Englishmen Mead and Woodroffe, together with the guides Ulrich Kaufmann and Christian Jossi, were the first to conquer the Eiger in winter time." http://www.stnet.ch/st/alpin150/txt/erst_eiger_en.doc


Any climbers out there who are into history of climbing in the Alps? Still trying to run down some leads on some of the family climbing guides. Thanks!

Still more clips of flying down the slopes at:

A view of the northwest face of the Eiger from Murren just before a fohn (a type of alpine windstorm)

10-31-2010, 06:17 AM
Lots of ways of traveling over the Eiger. Here are a few on video ...

Climbing, fast.

Overflying by wingsuit

Base jumping, sort of

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Back in time through cinema. The second isn't a bad movie although the tacky trailer might have you avoid the flick!

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Speed flying down the Nordwand, (watch out for that rock!)


04-30-2013, 05:36 AM
Here is a new video out of Grindelwald with perspectives from five residents of the town about the Eiger and what it means to them. It is in German with English subtitles. I wonder what insights Christian Jossi would have offered on the mountain in his time?


"Faszination Eiger der Grindelwalder Bevölkerung
Was denken die Grindelwalder über den Eiger? Kurze Statements von fünf Personen zur Eigernordewand."

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/181753_494227183198_6580491_n.jpg?oh=227de527adb76 35e0c15e16d6fdfb2f5&oe=546B24BD&__gda__=1415478567_aa3b2bab6601c764dee5301424235b2 d


02-28-2017, 09:06 AM

09-21-2018, 11:45 AM
Some a bit more recent using a GoPro Fusion 360 camera sliding along the crest of the Eiger in a wing suit.
