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View Full Version : Little knowledge about North Beach

03-29-2008, 01:38 AM
I figure this is relatively common knowledge, but I went out at North Beach earlier this week and it apparently isn't. On windy days out at North beach (you know the drill -N wind to NW- if you are a surfer or enjoy wave riding on a kite, PLEASE TACK OUT PAST THE CHOP. There is a sand bar out there past the messy surface chop that normally has relatively nice waves-for the Gulf coast anyway- and they are perfect for boosting a couple of jumps and for riding. I got a ride this last week that was at least 2 minutes on a wave. I have a F^%$ing ball out there every time I ride North Beach. When I was out this week around a few other riders, other than the familiar locals, it didn't seem like people were getting out there. I know most of you already know this, but for those of you that don't...DO IT!