View Full Version : Lost Slingshot Misfit @ EB 2 Weeks Ago

03-04-2008, 05:50 PM
So I thought that one of our club members had borrowed my board about two weeks ago but it turns out he had an older slingshot model. Its a black 138 cm Misfit with Arnette stickers and a sticker under the handle, i've got the serial # written down in case someone tries to take the stickers off, if anyone knows any word of a found board i'd appreciate it.

Sam was talking about the board, but we lost it (not found it), please find it.
-Matt Sexton

p.s. someone took our contra bag as well. Its a standard 14 m contra bag, the kite and bar are lonely

03-07-2008, 08:02 PM
any help with this would be hugely appreciated