View Full Version : Interesting Article

01-24-2008, 09:02 AM
Some may have seen this before:


I think its funny because people act like this is like a new invention or something. Last time I checked they were called sailboats!

Skyway Scott
01-24-2008, 09:09 AM
That is a pretty new concept, actually. I hear ya' on the sails, but it's a kite. :)
The wind up top is MUCH stronger than what a sailboat can get with sails down low. Plus, it takes up zero space on the deck. The kite also helps give a little lift to the hull. Pretty nifty.

Anyway, just a couple of years ago many people were skeptical that this would ever happen, so I guess it took some serious engineering.
That'd be a cool job, piloting the kite. "Ok dudes... prepare for a railey to blind!!" :)

Wow, if you save 1,600 hundred a day on fuel, that really adds up.
I wonder what the whole kite and rigging costs? It'd be easy to justify a quarter million, or more, right?
I know that's a "sales pitch" I use on people all the time about this sport (no gas bill) if they think a grand is a lot for a kite rig. Not that I sell people stuff, you know what I mean, though.

01-24-2008, 10:10 AM
Yeah its me being a smart a$$, lets recap:

Attaching a big sheet like thing, to a pole on a boat, to make it move? Not a new concept.

Though I understand the differences and with what you added about the wind higher up and deck space it makes sense.

Plus think about how little modification it takes to do that to a boat.

If you really think about it though, this is how people came to america.

In addition to your sales pitch(or should I say sails pitch), I tell people how much i spend but when you do put it into perpective the fact that you can move faster than an ocean kayak, its like wakeboarding but without the cost of the boat, fuel, insurance, and there is the on demand factor (wind permitting) that you can just go do it, no gas to put in, no need to go to a boat ramp, and you don't have to rotate to give your buddy a turn to ride!

01-24-2008, 06:57 PM
I'm with you on the sailboat thing Danny. Ha! Never thought of the deck space though.... i've definitely gotten hit in the head by a boom while coming about. Not fun!

Tom Stock
01-25-2008, 08:31 AM
When they double the kite size it should make for the world's most interesting kitemares. Looping kite capsizes cargo ship, entangles prop of coast guard rescue vessel.

I'll be watching real tv waiting for this one with beer in hand.

01-25-2008, 08:33 AM
i bet len10 could loop it :confused:

in about 10 minutes.....

Tom Stock
01-25-2008, 08:35 AM
... in a parking lot ...

01-25-2008, 08:56 AM
if i read the article right... its a one line kite, that is controlled by a computer on the kites side???? interesting.... in 10 years we might be paying 5K for a one line kite with a nintendo controller on our end :)

i can see it now....

up up down down left right left right A B B A select start => triple kiteloop handle pass transistion to blind :)

01-25-2008, 11:31 AM
Holy crap... Inferno, what game was that cheat to....?
I remember the sequence vividly but cannot think of the game...

01-25-2008, 11:39 AM
Mike Tysons Ear off, Uh I men Punch Out! Right???

01-25-2008, 12:45 PM
you guys are horrible......

thats a classic, one of the best games ever...


toby wilson
01-25-2008, 01:25 PM
Yes, that was a very good game.

Speaking of good games, I think Grand Theft Auto IV is supposed to be out at the end of the year. Check it out, it looks kick @$$!!!

;) Just kidding Danny...

Seriously tho I can't wait for Nintendo to come out with a kiteboarding game for the Wii, they really could be successful with one seeing as the way the controls work...

Tom Stock
01-25-2008, 07:50 PM
holy signature toby, is that thing paying your mortgage?


01-25-2008, 09:43 PM
what i really liked was the 'revelation' that going slower will lower fuel consumption. Duh!

01-25-2008, 09:46 PM
Seriously tho I can't wait for Nintendo to come out with a kiteboarding game for the Wii, they really could be successful with one seeing as the way the controls work...

Toby, Id buy a whole Wii system JUST TO PLAY that game.....The roomate just got Zelda for the Wii and the controls are awesome, i was surprised....graphics are lame compared to the other consoles.

toby wilson
01-25-2008, 09:52 PM
holy signature toby, is that thing paying your mortgage?


SOMETHING has to, being unemployed for the last 4 1/2 months has taken its toll my friend...

Yep Phil, I have the XBOX 360 and the Wii, I definitely use the 360 more although I barely get the time to play either of them because I would rather be outside when I can and am usually busy with finding potential race sponsors and looking for a job during the weekdays. ;)

01-27-2008, 01:01 PM
Samuel Franklin Cody who invented the Cody manlifting kite system was the first man to cross the English Channel towed by kites in 1903.

(In 1908 Samuel Franklin Cody was the first man in England to build and fly a powered aircraft, (a large box kite fitted with a small engine).

Samuel Franklin Cody was the first man in England to be killed in a powered aircraft accident - 1913.)

01-27-2008, 06:39 PM
I played Contra not too long ago, I didn't remember it being as short of a game as it was ??