View Full Version : alliance relaunch

01-20-2008, 11:11 AM
im still a kite newb but have got my water relaunch skills dialed in. i fly a wipika 11 (slightly undersized) and to relaunch it i pull the center line till it rolls on to its back and than the upwind side line and it rotates upright and than it goes airborne. but yesterday i demoed my friends naish alliance and had a lot of trouble relaunching it from the water because of its sigma shaped leading edge. does anybody have any experience with relaunching this sigma shaped kite and have any advice they can offer? i really like the way the kite flies and might want to upgrade to a bigger sigma but want some input from anybody who has one.

01-20-2008, 02:15 PM
I haven't flown any of the new Naish kites. As a truism, you can expect some variability in relaunching technique, ease of relaunching from one kite to the next. Some kites almost relaunch themselves automatically in enough wind, (like it or not), while others take some coaxing to get back in the air. I think Rush might have some time on the new Naish kites. http://www.emeraldcoastkiteboarding.com/