View Full Version : Kiting in the keys

12-09-2007, 08:51 PM
Hey everybody, I'm officially "on the forum" now!! I think i've ridden with most everybody on this forum already in the clearwater/st.pete area. Seems like there's usually some good info on here so i thought i'd ask about where to kite in the keys. It seems like lately its been blowin down there pretty consistently and im on vacation after this week so i was thinkin about a trip, but know absolutely nothing about that area. I have to be out of town for work all this week:( so i won't get to see this post until probly friday night, so thanks in advance for any info!!! And if anybody wants to join, let me know, it will be any time during the week of the 16th, depending on wind, of course. Steve-o you still up for it??

12-09-2007, 09:36 PM
Hey man, I am so down for anything on the water at this point. I did a nice stand up paddle ride down the gulf for about an hour the other day. I can't remember when I saw the gulf that glassy and flat.

Waves this week at the EC. Wind in the keys.

Wonder what next week will bring???

We'll be in touch.


toby wilson
12-10-2007, 12:19 AM
Contact Paul Menta at the Kitehouse, cool guy who has a boat taxi service to get you out to the flats...

12-10-2007, 06:45 AM
Congrats Chad, Let me be the first to welcome you to the 21st century!

I've been everywhere in the keys, I can at least tell you the best bars to drink at!

I'd be down but I think that unfortunatly I have some family commitments I must tend to.

Keep me posted, i'm pretty much desperate for some wind now....!