View Full Version : Conch Shells at the backside hurt!!

07-14-2007, 05:37 AM
I was riding Wednesday at the backside in fairly light winds about 4 PM. Was about 100 yards offshore in 15" of water when the wind lightened up more so I started walking back to beach with kite up.

After about 5 steps I put my foot directly onto a conch shell that had the long pointed end sticking up.

It went straight thru my booty and I felt it scrape against the bones up in my in my ankle.

Had to drag back 100 yards to beach, crash kite, then crawl 50 yards to truck. Lost a lot of blood then went into shock. Luckily a tourist was there and gave me some gatoraid to keep me from passing out.

Got to Bayfront ER. XRays showed a 2 1/2 inch by 1 inch piece of shell broken off and wedged in between my foot bones. Can you say Ouch!

Spent 2 days in hospital due to blood loss and infection risk. Will probably be on crutches for a week or so


07-14-2007, 06:34 AM
That really sucks Jay.....

that's also one of the reasons I never wear booties, by the time you put your foot down the things have pretty much penetrated.
W/O booties you immediately feel anything and so you can pull your foot back.

Hope you heal up soon

07-14-2007, 08:06 AM
I dunno, no booties, you split your foot wide open on just about anything from an oyster shell to a aluminum can... with booties you avoid 90% of everything, but the big one still gets you.

I think THAT thing would have gotten anyone booties or not, probably even worse. That is a a TERRIBLE thing to step on. I had something similar happen 14 years ago cave diving when I came down on a broken bottle in a sink hole. I STILL have glass in my knee and it still gets hot and hurts like hell if I bump it on something, and that wasn't even a nasty stinky slimy conch from backside.

Jay, I hope you heal quick. We heard about your injury from Bill a couple of days ago and he described it to Scott, Haas and I just how you did, except that you were so screwed up on pain killers that he didn't get the details on how to made it to the E.R. We all felt sick when we heard about how bad it was. Shell on bone and all that, lots of blood loss, deep penetration, ouch is right.

Terrible timing with the new family member and all. That is a pretty serious injury.

Hope you heal quick and avoid nasty infection.


Skyway Scott
07-14-2007, 09:38 AM

That is really bad and very sad to hear this. Hope you heal up soon.

I am confident that foot injuries among us St. Pete riders (bad injuries, not just a paper cut) is up around 20 or so and is more common than any other injury. I have seen personally at least 8 guys filet (literally) their foot wide open, or have a shell go 2 to 3 inches straight into the foot. I have heard stories of at least 12 other incidents and talked to the guys later about it. Billy alone has had 5 or 6 bad foot injuries.

I am sure your injury Jayson is as bad or worse than mine, but I had a similar thing happen about 3 years ago. The doctor told me that foot injuries like that tend to be the most painful of all injuries due to deep pressure receptor nerves in that area. (He told me this AFTER he put needles etc. in the area to remove the little pieces of shell).
I believed him, because I have never been in so much pain as that day. In comparison, my doctor told me I'd really need pain killers for my knee surgery. LOL... that was nothing in comparison. I bet an exposed tooth nerve is possibly the worst, but you get my point.
I hope it heals up and the pain goes away. Bleeding that much and going into shock sucks, but that probably lessened your odds of infection (?)

In terms of booties, I don't know. I just know I walk extremely lightly out there and at East Beach. And actually, if possible, I never touch the bottom. Obviously when walking you can't walk on water.
The worse thing you can do, imo, is land on your feet if botching a jump.
Land on your butt in my advice. I have never worn booties though either Raul, because of your reasoning. But, I also have been cut bad several times. I think either way you are kinda screwed, is my opinion.

Hope you get well and soon Jayson.

07-14-2007, 09:55 AM
I just know I walk extremely lightly out there and at East Beach. And actually, if possible, I never touch the bottom. Obviously when walking you can't walk on water.
The worse thing you can do, imo, is land on your feet if botching a jump.
Land on your butt in my advice.

Yep, to all Scott says.

he doesn't wear booties much either. Thing is I've prolly had many more minor scrapes and little cuts than anybody by not wearing booties cause I walk lightly and pull back on any sensation that doesn't feel like muck/ mud.
BUT, in all my years on the water, I have never had "The Big One" even close to once. I prefer alotta little ones to that.

Oh yeah , if you don't plane away from it always go for the butt landing as scott said. Not only can there be sharp things down there but you can also mess up or twist/ break your foot/ ankle/ knee big time by coming down in the shallows improperly.

Get Well Soon Jayson!

Skyway Scott
07-14-2007, 10:22 AM
I understand your logic Raul. If something builds up enough pressure to "burst through" the booty it is going to be traveling quickly and definitely puncture your foot with force.
Walking lightly and wearing booties is probably the wisest move.
The worse thing to do (which Jayson does not) is run around with booties on or land hard on your feet when the board falls off, thinking you are protected from that razor sharp shell with that wimpy piece of rubber on your foot.
Hey, maybe someone could make more comfy booties incorporating kevlar on the bottom for better protection? I don't think protection is necessarily a bootie's goal.
Does anyone know of a really, really tuff pair of booties on the bottom, I mean tough! If so, I might buy a pair.

07-14-2007, 10:55 AM
Jayson, I have crutches (had similar injury last year). Let me know if you need them...

07-14-2007, 11:36 AM
Thanks Russky but my mom-in-law got me some crutches. but, I am accepting any pain meds that anyone wants to offer ;0)

Without infection I am hoping to be up and walking in about a week.

I guess the good side is that I'm not missing much wind this time of year. Also,

"It's much better to get shell in foot at backside than foot in backside at backside" (excuse my medicated humor)

Stevil Kenevil
07-14-2007, 04:21 PM
Okespor booties have kevlar inserts, available at Real. 50 bux I think. "kite low" booties have the smooth bottom and better for boardoff trix. "Gorge" booties have a thicker sole with burly tread.
Get well soon Assblaster.
BTW, I need a few(3) one pump strut bladders, anyone have any for sale/trade/donation?

Skyway Scott
07-14-2007, 04:35 PM
Excellent. Considering Jay's and others' mishaps, getting any other pair of booties seems like a waste of time, imo.
I just ordered them off Evan at L2K cuz he gave Donna such a smoking deal on a kite about 4 months ago.

Thanks Steve. I did a google search for "booty kevlar protection" and came up with nothing but fireman's boots earlier. Glad you knew about these.


Stevil Kenevil
07-14-2007, 04:51 PM
I have always worn booties at the Skyway and EB, and luckily only got a few minor cuts. I have a pair of Okespor "kite lows" and love them, but they are kinda narrow. The Pro-Limit booties are thin and comfy with a smooth bottom for EZ in and out of the straps, but I am not sure where to find them.
BTW, I got to ride at TI for a few hours today, 3 flat struts and all!!!! (Anythings better than nuthin') Any1 else get some?

07-14-2007, 05:46 PM
Nope. Tried backside, it sucked... Haas rode for awhile and a few others, but they all weigh 150 or so... any heavier than that and you were out of luck unless you had a glide. I didn't bring my huge board.... sort of wish I would have but I didn't miss much.

07-14-2007, 05:49 PM
Excellent. Considering Jay's and others' mishaps, getting any other pair of booties seems like a waste of time, imo.
I just ordered them off Evan at L2K cuz he gave Donna such a smoking deal on a kite about 4 months ago.

Thanks Steve. I did a google search for "booty kevlar protection" and came up with nothing but fireman's boots earlier. Glad you knew about these.


CRAP! No size 11 :(

07-14-2007, 06:26 PM
Just found these "booties". I know they wouldnt have helped me in this instance but my booties have saved my feet dozens of times b4. I'm amazed that everyone doesnt wear them. Most say they dont like their toes confined.
Well, here ya go:

07-15-2007, 08:12 AM
Get well soon Jay. On the bright side... at least it was in the off season. The deeper the cut the longer it takes to heal. It seems like just when you start thinking a heel injury is fully healed and your walking fine, you start riding and that first landing will always unpleasantly remind you of the injury.

Last time I cut myself was a similar situation, screwing around in light wind. #@!%! The next day I couldn't ride and it was one of the best days of the season. Fotunately, that cut wasn't too serious though... Nothing like yours. OUCH!

07-15-2007, 10:45 AM
That sucks Jay, hope you heal up quick!

I have always wore booties when riding in the bay, and walked "lightly" when I was in the water. Always tried to make sure that when I crashed I didn't try to land on my feet!

Booties save me big time at Front Side Skway. It was low tide and I was walking in to take a brake. When I got close to shore I was in a foot deep of muk! I felt something sharp hit my foot and I instantly just feel on the ground to get the pressure off. After I landed my kite I looked at my booty and it was cut a little from whatever I steped on. I had a huge red spot on my foot. I know if I was not wearing booties I would have had a huge gash from whatever it was that I steped on. Scott said it best, where booties and walk lightly. That is what saved my foot that day!

07-15-2007, 11:21 AM
Sorry to hear that Jay. Hope you get on your feet soon~

Skyway Scott
07-15-2007, 11:35 AM

I had rumors that you walk lightly and carry a big stick.:eek:

So, how is P.C? We want a write up! Pictures too. We all miss having you here but hope you are loving it up there. :)

07-15-2007, 12:21 PM
Hey, Scott, it's Linda. Roy just ran off to wash his car and all that jazz. We have been doing great, and it is so nice not driving 6 hours each way to see each other. I don't know how the wind has been for you guys down there, but we have had a weir July. The weekend of July the 4th, a weird front came through. We had good seabreeze Thurs, Fri, and Sat. After the front came through last Sunday morning, it blew out of the West 16-20 with higher gusts all day. We rode the Gulf from 10 to 6. Then, just this past Wed. and Thurs. it started blowing again 15-20. NOw, it looks as though our luck has run out, until a tropical system comes through. Hope all is well with you guys down there. YOu will have to come up for a visit in the fall and ride the SE wind with us in the Gulf next to the jetties!! It's an awesome spot!!

07-15-2007, 01:59 PM
Have a pair of the Okespor's steve is talking about that are the Gorge version. Yes Kevlar reinforced, however, while in Puerto Rico last year walking on a reef, a sea urchin spine went right through it no problem. Did not even put alot of force on it. Don't think the Okespor will give as much protection as anyone is looking for. After that experience....Kevlar Schmevlar at least with Okee's anyway.

Stevil Kenevil
07-15-2007, 04:31 PM
Buy larger booties and put insoles in them would offer the best protection. Thats what I did with my Pro Limits.

Skyway Scott
07-15-2007, 04:44 PM
Sounds like they put one thread of Kevlar in there, and then claim more than reality, huh? Order canceled, thanks for the info.

I forgot about my sea urchin incident until reminded by your story, Steve. I got a bunch (about 12) of those sea urchin spines in my foot as well, also on a P.R. reef.
Couldn't get them out. You know how those things are. They are very crystalline and needle-like. So they go in easy, but when you try to take them out, they shatter. Pain in the butt basically, cuz they ain't coming out.
It was bad timing too, cuz someone had just "stolen"/borrowed our boat and I couldn't chase them! Those things were in my feet for weeks until they dissolved.
Worse was the time I got some in my head while diving and looking under a ledge.
I raised my head right into one (long spined sea urchin, Diadema, I think) and got about ten right in the skull. I felt pretty stupid coming out and explaining ten 4 inch spikes in my head to the dive master.