View Full Version : How were the winds in south florida this weekend

04-02-2007, 09:28 AM
Looks like the winds down here were a bit better than St Augustine this weekend. I went up there and got a new board from the guys at Extreme Kites. They guys in St Augustine are lucky to have that store up there; they have such a huge variety of gear and a great knowledgably staff; Who kept a smile though the hour and a half of me looking at boards and debating. After the debate I got the Crazy-Fly Pro 145 x 48. It is a big light wind board that will hopefully get me riding upwind in the later stuff we will see over the next few months. It is a bit shorter that the XXXL and Glide but has a bit more rocker which will hopefully help the wave performance.

So I get the new board and the wind was blowing 12-14 mph ESE, I was so tempted to give it a shot but with the waves coming in it look very difficult. After chilling on the beach a bit and watch 3 people try to get out there and give up after 10 minutes I designed to try an alternate kiting fix. So I never inflated the kites and I broke out the 3.6 beamer and the land board and enjoyed the compact sand they have up there. That turned out to be an absolute blast, I was able to cruise up and down the beach all day, and I had no problem running upwind, blasting though water up to a foot deep. I would power the kite, kiteloop the turn and slam into the water so hard the board would float on a plane a little and I could spin it 180 degree and power out of the turn. I was even able to lean back on the harness and run some tacks without holding the bar. I rode for about 4 hours, some with a harness some without. Here is a nice picture my buddy Matt Armstrong put together. Although I didn't get to get on the water and try out the new board, the hard sand up that makes way for a nice alternative. I really wish we had a beach we could land board down here. It really is a great way to take advantage of those marginal days.

Hopefully we will get some nice afternoon / evening winds so I can try out the new board this week.

04-02-2007, 12:49 PM
nice sequence picture.
This past weekend(Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) was really good. My face is just red, red red.
Right now it looks like its breezy and I see palm trees moving.

04-03-2007, 06:41 AM
Unfortunately, it seems like the northeastern part of Florida hasn't had as many good rideable days as the south has has so far this season. The trend has been underway for sometime. Hope their fall goes off as normal.