View Full Version : Slow down in Fort DeSoto...

11-15-2006, 09:20 PM
I made it to East Beach later today (11/15/06), got to ride a bit, and enjoyed a good session and seeing a lot of friends.

The session ended on a down note, however. While driving off after dark, I slowed down because there was a raccoon in the road. It was already too late for him, however. He was in his death throes because he had just been hit by the car ahead of me.

I am not pointing fingers at anyone--up to that moment, I was not thinking about watching for animals. It had not even occurred to me to be a concern. Obviously, I know better now, and so should the rest of us.

Given that Fort DeSoto is a park and we are often the last park users leaving, let’s all try to slow it down a bit and keep our eyes open when leaving Fort DeSoto, particularly at dusk or later, so that the other raccoons and wild animals who live there have a better chance of avoiding harm should they wander in front of our exiting vehicles. Thanks, everybody, and good luck to those who are racing tomorrow.

11-16-2006, 02:28 PM
Crap you mean that little bastard was still alive? I down shifted so I would have enough acceleration to launch him over the flag.

C. Moore
11-16-2006, 08:03 PM
Crap you mean that little bastard was still alive? I down shifted so I would have enough acceleration to launch him over the flag.

Holly Crap Tom. Thats some funny shitake!!

11-16-2006, 08:54 PM
Yeah, guys, keep laughing.

I didn't think it was funny to watch a helpless animal--crushed, hemorrhaging, writhing in torment and doomed to die--just because he had the misfortune to venture too close to kiteboarders leaving a session.

How ironic that I was thinking during the session about what a beautiful and unspoiled place Fort DeSoto is (especially while kiting beneath a Florida sunset) and how lucky we are to have such a riding spot that hasn't been ruined by development.

Maybe I am just missing the humor of a car running over an animal in a park designed to preserve a part of wild Florida. After further reflection, however, I am still baffled. I simply can't see why this would strike anyone as being humorous at all.

11-16-2006, 09:46 PM
Your a caring soul E-bone. That shit messes with my mind as well. So I got your back Brother...Slow down it isn't that hard!

toby wilson
11-17-2006, 12:43 PM
Very cool post E-Bone, this is something that we have not addressed before and is VERY important. We are in these animals' back yard playing on their turf, let's respect that and just SLOW DOWN!!! Are we really in THAT much of a hurry to leave such a beautiful park??? I know it is one of my favorite places in the world and I personally need to slow my own a$$ down and enjoy the park on my way in and out!

As for Tom and Chris' posts, I don't think they meant anything by them. There are dozens of topics that are sensitive or could offend someone in which some comedic relief is posted. I think the right message got across, lets stick together and not squabble amongst ourselves over posts that are obviously based on sarcasm, it's not worth the effort or getting upset over. Hope to see you all this weekend or next week if we get some good wind, cruising nice and slow in the park and enjoying our surroundings before and after our sessions!!! :D

Skyway Scott
11-17-2006, 01:12 PM

I am trying to figure out if I was in front of Eric now. (?)
Thing is, I eat Wendy's combos every day, and as far as I know, animals are in those things.
So either way I contribute to animal deaths. :? :(

TampaBay Noob
11-17-2006, 01:32 PM
I don't know scott. REAL animals in the value meals.... :?

Unimog Bob
11-17-2006, 03:06 PM
I abhor needless suffering and carelessly causing it is truly a heinous act. However, the population of raccoons on Ft. Desoto is at epidemic proportions because of all the human activity, and in no way reflects unspoiled, natural Florida. In order to help restore the natural balance of the ecosystem I think points should be awarded for cleanly taking out one of the over grown rodents, by any means possible. On the other hand, merely wounding one requires a deduction from your total and a possible penalty against your karma.


11-17-2006, 03:25 PM
Yo! Fry mah hide!

ah say we haf ourselves a trimenjus fire an' roast him up on a stick like mah gran'pa used t'do back in th' old days.

They say it tasts great, jest like possum! Fry mah hide! YUMMY! Fry mah hide!

Next time jest scape him up off th' road an' give us a call, we'll all brin' th' beer, yo' brin' th' possuml o' raccoon o' postum an' we'll haf a party! Fry mah hide! yee-haw! Fry mah hide!

Skyway 'Ole Jeb, ya in?

11-19-2006, 08:57 AM
It's ok E, I was kidding. We actually walk around our house before closing the windows to make sure we don't trap any lizards and sacrifice them to the sun gods. I am a seabird sanctuary regular, and the back seat of my new car smells like a 2ft diameter softshell turtle. I am the only person at work who carries bugs outside to let them go.

Besides, we now know that Scott is the real racoon murderer!

11-20-2006, 02:56 PM
i fess up it was me i killed the racoon. I swerved out of the way of his 8 little buddies but he jumped in the wrong direction, they came out of nowhere it was a tragedy, i wasn't driving too fast, shit just happened, sorry

toby wilson
11-20-2006, 05:37 PM
MURDERER!!! :evil:


11-20-2006, 07:15 PM
No worries, Triton. Like I said, I wasn't calling anyone out because I wasn't thinking about it myself until I saw the aftermath. It could have been me running down the raccoon if you hadn't got him first.

My original post wasn't about looking backwards and pointing fingers. Just figured I'd give everyone, including myself, a reminder to watch out for the furry horde.

11-20-2006, 09:07 PM
As much of a nature lover as I am , I still can't stop laughing at this thread. All time classic.