View Full Version : Can anyone help???

toby wilson
05-24-2006, 01:48 PM
I lost my job today and was wondering if anyone had any local contacts that might help me network with in my job search. I have most of my experience in retirement benefits but am more than open to something new, especially if it were kiting related!!! :D Yeah, I know...good luck with THAT Toby.

But seriously, any help would be greatly appreciated as every day that passes is costing me, especially seeing as I have a mortgage and other bills coming up real soon!

Thanks and sorry to put this on you guys, especially out on a kiteboarding forum, I'm just in a REAL tough spot right now and need to get creative quickly or I may be forced to sell my home and move out of the area (I know, tell you when so you can throw a party once I am gone :lol: )

Thanks again,


Skyway Scott
05-24-2006, 03:02 PM
That sucks that that happened Toby.
I think posting on here is a good idea. I will definitely ask around.
I will more than likely be doing the same as you within a year. Networking is a great way to find a job.

05-24-2006, 03:24 PM
that really bites

as we all know pensions are getting chopped by co.s, RB's may be shrinking

BTW, if you do find a job in the kiteboarding area then you'll really have to sell the house and move into a single wide

05-24-2006, 03:43 PM
That sucks. I'll ask around and if I hear of anything I will definately let you know. You still have a room mate to help with bills right 'cause that's a big help at a time like this. Hope you find work soon.

Big G
05-24-2006, 03:47 PM
Give me a call.


toby wilson
05-24-2006, 10:31 PM
Thanks for the nice words all, it has been a pretty tough day...

Tom, kinda tough to have rent coming in when your tenant simply has no cash to contribute, but such is life and I'll take the good days with the bad ones...this is a temporary setback that will work itself out soon enough. :)

Raul, if I could find a job in kiteboarding doing something I love, I would be willing to sell the house and live in a cardboard box with my dog!!!

Thanks for the support Scott.

Gary, I'll call you sometime tomorrow. I just checked the forum and it is 11:30 PM, a little too late to call.

Not to sound like a jackass but these responses really have renewed my confidence in the true comraderie and friendship that we all have going on here in this small kiting community. I am proud to be a part of it and really can see how many true friends I have made just by getting involved in this sport. Thanks again for the support/help.


Skyway Scott
05-25-2006, 08:12 AM

I would guess we have all been let go from a job, at least once.
I know I have been THREE times. Each time was defiinitely not my fault, so I personally see no shame in it whatsoever. I only hope you don't either.

I sincerely hope things work out.... and soon.

05-25-2006, 08:22 AM
Scott will be hosting the "how to make fat cash in Omaha poker" seminar later this month. Registration is only 50 dollars if you book your seat today!!


05-25-2006, 08:39 AM
Is that non-refundable?????

05-25-2006, 08:52 AM
Toby, Brother I've been in that situation before and I know how it feels like. Just hang in Dude you will move ahead. In the meantinme anything that I can help you with please let me know.

Erick (airborne wanna be)

Skyway Scott
05-25-2006, 09:09 AM
Unless you can watch 600 go down the toilet in 2 hours, don't bother showing up.
Without giving the real "sermon", its a game of odds. Sometimes the odds favor you and you bet alot of money. Odds don't always pan out tho.
Its a game of 3 steps forward 2 back. (Somedays the entire day feels like the poker God's are busting your balls) Others (like the last hour) they appear to be worshipping you.

I could go on forever (as you guys know) but its a real emotional rollercoaster and heart breaker. Hey, sounds alot like chasing wind and fishing to me... maybe that's why I love it. In the long run I am always up, but some days are brutal.

Its still way better than working for someone and I view it as less risky too. Pretty sad I drew that conclusion, IMO.
I just made 600 in 40 minutes and am going to the gym. That's as good as it gets. I won't bother with the bad stories.

#4357051897: WWiinndd wins $400.06 from the main pot with a flush, ace high.

This loser thought Q hi was good. (Retard)
(oh ya', while playing you have to DESPISE your opponent and call him names.. I am not convinced that is good for the soul)

C. Moore
05-25-2006, 10:29 AM
(oh ya', while playing you have to DESPISE your opponent and call him names.. I am not convinced that is good for the soul)

Scott your a Jack Ass. Wow my soul feels cleansed. :P

I couldn't resist. :)

toby wilson
05-25-2006, 12:02 PM
Thanks again all for your kind responses. As you may have guessed, I have been on the phone and internet all day looking for more work. Thanks again all, wish we had some wind right now so I could just go forget all my worries...I mean, if you're gonna fire me, at least fire me in the winter time!!! 8)

Just kidding, I'll see most of you during the first hurricane or maybe I'll have a new job keg kiter party at my house when I get one!!!


C. Moore
05-25-2006, 01:03 PM
Toby. I hope things work out. Even though I could offer anything you can at least use me as a reference. :wink:

Skyway Scott
05-25-2006, 01:15 PM
Things will work out :D

Chris, just to make sure (I know its a joke) but I said NOT convinced.
I am convinced corporate USA is heading down the tubes and getting greedy, though.
One stat, and then I stop.
1975-- Average CEO earns 9 times average employee.
2006---- 400 times.

Perfect example of the emerging corporate mindset. Losers. Sorry bout the rant, I just wish things were more idealistic and "littlle house on the prairy" and Toby still had a job with security.

toby wilson
05-30-2006, 10:53 AM
Gary, never could get through to you. I tried calling several times both your work # and cell # and left messages. My cell is all messed up right now too since Saturday. PM me if you want to chat.


toby wilson
05-30-2006, 09:20 PM
My cell phone is going wacky so if anyone can help or has some networking contacts that may help me, please either PM me or e-mail me at tobywilson@hotmail.com.
