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View Full Version : Slingshot Fuel 11 meter FOR SALE

05-20-2006, 09:21 PM
I am selling my 11 meter Fuel one-pump. It is the second batch of 2004's and has a killer color scheme. Comes with a 5th line bar and bag.
I put it on IKitesurf.com but would rather give this killer deal to a local. $300 COMPLETE.

Check here for pics and more info.


Jayson (AKA.. CaptAssBlstr)

05-29-2006, 02:50 PM
HOw is the kite for beginners? I am looking to get in the sport but would like to gain local knowledge, insights and even gear. I have experience with trainer kites and and wakeboarding but have never but the two together. If you would be able to put a good all-around package, with a lesson together i would be interested in it.

toby wilson
05-29-2006, 11:32 PM
First off, welcome diver!!!

You really need to take lessons before you launch ANYTHING. That being said, which kite is good for you will depend on many things, your size/weight, the wind speed, wind type/quality, wind direction, and location. You will learn all of what you need to know in lessons. I suggest not buying gear until you have taken lessons and have gained some product knowledge. Your instructor can also help with that. If you buy gear prior to taking lessons, DO NOT launch the kite prior to taking lessons unless you have a death wish.

05-30-2006, 12:11 AM
Toby, how many kites do you have now?

toby wilson
05-30-2006, 12:16 AM
I have 6 operational kites but my g/f is learning so that is 3 each...

...and 3 that aren't really worth fixing so I'll just dump them on my bro because he wants to learn and he can pay to fix them because I am out of a job...