View Full Version : just checkin in

09-03-2004, 05:13 AM
Great job Rick!!!! this new forum has potential for sure. good session yesterday--big waves and swells and i was the only kite on my beach. plenty of surfers, one swimmer and maybe two beach walkers. i was at my favorite spot --Mayport Naval Station. Just a short walk over the dune and a fresh water shower between the parking lot and the ocean. Secure parking! Guards along the beach in high guard towers, with binoculars and radios. And my buddy is a captain with the fire and rescue there. He gets the call if somebody calls in a downed kite (which rarely happens with ARC's) :lol: I don't know how many military read this forum but his is a primo spot with a long jetty on the north end of the beach. there's also a Navy lodge right there on the water!
what a rant!!! only meant to check in and say high 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

09-03-2004, 05:13 AM
Great job Rick!!!! this new forum has potential for sure. good session yesterday--big waves and swells and i was the only kite on my beach. plenty of surfers, one swimmer and maybe two beach walkers. i was at my favorite spot --Mayport Naval Station. Just a short walk over the dune and a fresh water shower between the parking lot and the ocean. Secure parking! Guards along the beach in high guard towers, with binoculars and radios. And my buddy is a captain with the fire and rescue there. He gets the call if somebody calls in a downed kite (which rarely happens with ARC's) :lol: I don't know how many military read this forum but his is a primo spot with a long jetty on the north end of the beach. there's also a Navy lodge right there on the water!
what a rant!!! only meant to check in and say high 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

09-11-2004, 05:56 AM
Welcome! I hope all is well up your way. Invite some of the local guys onboard. There is the new Sess. Report forum to swap stories of great sessions.

09-11-2004, 05:56 AM
Welcome! I hope all is well up your way. Invite some of the local guys onboard. There is the new Sess. Report forum to swap stories of great sessions.