View Full Version : New Video: Kite-Speedster/Sit-on-top-kite-raceboard

08-12-2016, 11:07 PM
Hi everybody,

had more than three years back posted a video of the predecessor to this latest prototype of mine, which had earned me some praise as well as some mockery, due to it looking slightly weird, this one is much better looking, faster, smaller, handier . . . . Feedback, positive or negative, highly appreciated!


08-14-2016, 07:16 AM
Congratulations, it looks quite fast. Are there other areas you are working on in the concept? I would wear some pfd and impact gear btw.

08-15-2016, 11:04 PM
Congratulations, it looks quite fast. Are there other areas you are working on in the concept? I would wear some pfd and impact gear btw.

I have already tried the same rigging system on dinghy, kayak, motorboat, all worked quite well, but kite launch/recovery seemed to effortful to be commercially viable. I believe this would be the perfect rig for a kite-yacht as well, in combination with an auto-launch-retrievable kite system, but after Skysails-companies decline my hopes are darkened, that one will be available any time soon.