View Full Version : Women´s only Kiteboarding & Yoga Camp Caye Caulker, Belize

12-02-2014, 06:38 AM
Women´s only Kiteboarding & Yoga Camp Caye Caulker, Belize
A charming and exotic small island, pristine water, uncrowded kite spot & "Go Slow" lifestyle.
http://s23.postimg.org/em2gzcrmz/belicefinal.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/bf7xfq76v/full/)
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Date: March 14th to 21st, 2015
Inside the second largest reef barrier of the planet and on the belizian territory it´s this tiny and exotic islands called Caye Caulker.
A truly paradise of sandy streets that contrast with the pristine Caribbean Sea. A relax lifestyle where “Go Slow” is the island´s spirit and a beautiful Kitesurfing spot with steady wind and flat water!

Packages include:
. Airport transfers
. Accommodation
. Daily Yoga
. Kitesurf lessons for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced
. Snorkel Day
. Kite Sisters Kit
. IKO Certification and more!

Details Packages available:
Beginners and Intermediate lessons.
Level: first contact with the sport, body drag, water start (board) and riding without including upwind (edging).
Includes: IKO Kitesurf course, 2 hours lessons per day, for 5 days. All gear included.

Advance coaching.
Level: riding upwind / edge; being able to go and return to the same point.
Includes: daily group coaching lessons of 3 hours per day, every day. Our Kitesurf Instructor and Coach will work with each assistant in all the next skills to reach, such as: transitions, toeside riding, first jumps, backrolls and front rolls, unhooked tricks. VideoCoaching.

Check the photos & videos from last year´s Camps:
2012 Camp: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.375722219140656.84683.310922108954001&type=3
2013 Camp: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.565843103461899.1073741829.310922108954001&type=3
Video introduction camp: http://vimeo.com/35125106

Contact: chelu@kite-sisters.com