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View Full Version : Damo for AWSI Kiteboarder of the Year!!!

08-15-2012, 11:58 AM

Damien Leroy has been nominated once again for the AWSI Kiteboarder of the Year. He is an excellent ambassador for our sport and a great all around guy. Lets show him our support!

Please take a minute and vote at the two links below - all you have to do is click Like!



https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/547475_10150821166773199_633803198_9705732_7445192 4_n.jpg

From AWSI ...

"Help AWSI choose their 2012 Kiteboarder of the Year by voting for your favorite rider!

The Association of Wind and Water Sports Industries (AWSI) is a registered non-profit trade association that represents the North American manufacturers, retailers, and schools in the sports of kiteboarding, windsurfing, and stand-up paddle boarding (SUP). The AWSI is holding their second annual awards party at Surf Expo, the industry’s annual trade show, Friday Sept 7th where they will announce the winner of the 2012 Kiteboarder of the year award.

For the 2012 award the winner will be determined by the outcome of public online voting on an entrant’s video submission. Contestants were chosen by AWSI along with their North American media partners based on the following criteria:

Relevance to North American kiteboarding market.
Existing media exposure (print, digital, social) in the North American market.
Contribution to the growth of the sport.
Contribution to the success of their sponsors’ brand and its success in the North American market."

(RI - Damo strikes me as very strong in these areas.
Why not vote based on merit in addition to popularity alone?)

"This contest ends Thursday, August 23, 2012. Vote for your favorite rider by clicking the like buttons below or on the individual pages for each rider’s submission video. We are expecting more video submissions so keep your eyes peeled for more entries soon!""
