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View Full Version : Damien LeRoy Sets Speed Record In Hawaii!!!

05-25-2012, 02:38 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/547475_10150821166773199_633803198_9705732_7445192 4_n.jpg

Great job Damo!

05-29-2012, 03:08 PM

Checkout Damo's video of the setting and the new record run!

"Damien Leroy has broken the Hawaiian Speed Sailing Record. The US kiteboarder got the best out of the 30-knot winds on offer at Shipwreck Beach, Maui.

Leroy decided it was time to get his name in the book of records and hit the 44.33 knots to set a new speed level in the famous Pacific islands.

The kiteboarder from Vail, Colorado, joined Alex Aguera and Family and took the ferry to Lana to see if they could break the Hawaiian Speed Record. The result:

Alex Aguera, Damien LeRoy and Kalia Aguera all break the Hawaiian speed records for Men and Women.

"Just another day in Paradise. I love this adventure I live", said Damien Leroy on his Facebook page. The new record was set while the summer trades are in full force.

Damien Leroy started kiteboarding in 1999 and has been collecting titles, ever since. In 2012, Leroy was crowned Slalom world champion among being voted Kitesurfer of the year."

The shipwreck off Lanai near Maui in Hawaii.
From: http://traveltoparadise.com

I understand this unnamed liberty ship, a tanker, grounded here during WWII. There have been more wrecks than this one to hit the reefs off this beach, hence the name. It is accessible by four wheel drive vehicle or a two mile walk in. Local knowledge is a very good thing to catch some remarkable sights and rides along the way.


05-29-2012, 03:34 PM
Amazing picture!
Our sport is heading for the olympics, thats for sure.
(The French say: the champion is gone, long live the champion) congrats