View Full Version : CRANDON KITE RULES TOO STRICT last weekend ?

11-16-2011, 03:37 PM
Not really, just a reminder from the park manager who get irritaded this past weekend for 2 rules that he expects us to respect from now on :

1- they dont want us AT ALL riding less than 100m of the shoreline and especially by the preserve area on the north flats :( ( yes the glassy flat area just by the shore lines )

2- the park closing at Sunset, they want us OUT OF THE WATER = HALF-HOUR BEFORE !

Let;s get that straight: Members have been respecting the rules quite fairly. and we thank you all for that . Overall everyone ride responsibly, by staying OUTSIDE the corridor and not throwing a Mob or a transition or even worst Tacking RIGHT by the shore line .

It's only a few individuals who keep repeating the tacks to close to land and bad luck, the manager was "camping " out the beach the whole weekend, driving back and forth.

As he put pressure on us and were getting very peaky/maniac on the buffer distance, we had to start taking actions since the verbal notices, Blow Horn , and written signs all over the place, were not getting any success on some riders .
Now, sorry if you get caught by the patrol, but it did had it's impact for the rest of the day.

Just dont take anything personally , we are applying the rules to everyone, especially when the rangers are right in our back wacthing us all .

So to Sum up : the manager wanted to make his point as the season starts. Now we know, they 'll be watching, and they are peaky about it .
No surprise though, the riding area has always been set OUTSIDE OF THE 100m buffer zone marked by the RED BUOYS , ESPECIALLY ON THE NORTH AREA by the Nature Preserve . By now everyone should know it and if one is missing it, let him know .

See you all Friday night...we'll certainly be on a better mood to talk about it...in front of a beer :)