View Full Version : This is your Ocean: Sharks Premier Thursday

10-18-2011, 03:47 PM
Nova University is having a premier this Thursday.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/303724_294834457194105_167892623221623_1256016_160 2585925_n.jpg

More info and RSVP at www.nova.edu/changingtheworld/specialevents/index.html

A new film on shark preservation including extensive closeups from "Tiger Beach" in the Bahamas. It was just premiered at the Ft. Pierce Harbor Branch campus of FAU.


"Three of the world's top artists shatter your perception of sharks. Emmy-award winning producer George C. Schellenger takes you into the world of sharks through the eyes of Wyland, Dr. Guy Harvey and Jim Abernethy. These amazing artists take you into the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas, one of the last shark sanctuaries on Earth. You'll learn why it's critical to protect the ocean's remaining sharks-and what will happen if we don't. You'll also meet Emma, a 14-foot tiger shark. With breathtaking footage shot on location around the world, and breakthrough discoveries, it's an adventure that will have you seeing sharks very differently"

The official trailer:


More at:
