View Full Version : Sessions in Photos

09-07-2011, 10:38 AM
Here are a collection of still shots and videos from the odd kiting session, here goes with the first one ...

We had a nice bout of good wind for a change on Monday. It was clear and sunny except for some small squalls on radar, big in person
however. They were easy to dodge and the wind came back after the first one. The following images were shot with a helmet mounted
GoPro camera.

Rigging up, there is something bat-like about this.

Heading out under nice wind power, felt good for a change.

A small transition can throw up a bit of spray. The GoPro stills make you think you just kited under Niagara Falls or something.


A shelf cloud moves in from the west to the south of me. It could spill over into my area, (it eventually did), time to head in and secure the kite.

The storm has passed followed by a low pressure calm but fortunately the wind came back.

More spray!

Another squall! Things looked pretty clear on the radar before coming out. Then again, storms will sometimes pop up.

I noticed some kiters still flying as the squall came really close. This is a real poor practice, lots of guys have been injured,
broken their necks, etc. in our area in similar squalls. I looked up some images from the livecam. These folks are blowing downwind
into the out of bounds life guarded area. This will get us banned here unless we stop the practice. If it is blowing south go somewhere
else where there is a good downwind buffer to the north to drift into.

It is late, there seem to be more squalls moving in behind this one. Time to call it a day.
